Well well well the Dad if the 8 year old

[Brownstein said, "They found 60 votes in the Senate in 2006 and 2013" for immigration legislation, and "each time the House Republican majority refused to take it up." Senators did pass immigration bills in 2006 and 2013 with 62 and 68 votes, respectively. Both times, House Republicans did not address the proposals on the House floor.

That doesn't corroborate your claim, does it?

Conservatives opposed everything Obama did because he is black.
That would be 'primarily' sweet cheeks. Luv ya anyway!

I have no issue with you labeling American liberals, but don't make the mistake of thinking you know what real liberals are.

I miss Canada. Even all the hotels had recycling, and things were friendly. Just talking to the people who run a gas station in Canmore was pleasant.
And once Boner retired in shame, Eddie Munster refused to bring it to a vote. Pelosi should dig it up, and bring it to a vote immediately after she opens the govt. again.

No way.

Deal's off the table now.

Now is the time for Pelosi to put her stiletto on the throat of the GOP.

She is negotiating from the position of strength.

She is the captain now.

And she'll probably be the President by the time 2020 rolls around...
I miss Canada. Even all the hotels had recycling, and things were friendly. Just talking to the people who run a gas station in Canmore was pleasant.

Thank you for noting that you appreciated some things about Canada. Maybe come to B.C. when you get a chance for an even better experience. Our climate around the coast where I live is somewhat similar to coastal Norther California and Qualicum beach is considered to be perhaps the most desirable place in the world to live!

And I think you may like our political atmosphere in B.C. too!