Well well well the Dad if the 8 year old

Sorry, but that's the report...but tell us, dear, what you think happened....

What happened was that you all have no plan for immigration, and think substituting cruelty is a viable alternative to nothing.

I believe that they knew the kid was sick, and denied the kid care because Conservatives want to cause harm to people, particularly brown people, and particularly brown children.

Prove me wrong.
What happened was that you all have no plan for immigration, and think substituting cruelty is a viable alternative to nothing.

I believe that they knew the kid was sick, and denied the kid care because Conservatives want to cause harm to people, particularly brown people, and particularly brown children.

Prove me wrong.
but you know that's not true...feel free to prove it, though...
I'll understand when you can't....
Of course he was sick when he got here, most of them are!

The left thinks they are all a health and fitness nuts with high IQs

And the right thinks they are all women 9 months pregnant and about to drop an anchor baby any second, but that is not here nor there. I am not clear why they put him on antibiotics if they thought he had a common cold. I feel like there is something missing regarding the reporting or the diagnosis.
It doesn’t appear so

I scoured JPP archives and could not find one single post or thread by a leftist complaining

To be fair to them, it wasn’t reported on Maddow or Jon Stewart and since that is where all JPP leftists get their news I guess they can be forgiven for being uninformed.

Good point.
I don't think any respectable person cares about, what a cranky racist has to report. Prove me wrong. Your sources never seem to offer much, and your choice of pic ruins any validation, of stuff you try to complain about.

So you really don't care that medical care was declined. Maybe more fathers of those wanting to invade here will do the same. It will solve the problem of a fence and do as good of a job.
What happened was that you all have no plan for immigration, and think substituting cruelty is a viable alternative to nothing.

I believe that they knew the kid was sick, and denied the kid care because Conservatives want to cause harm to people, particularly brown people, and particularly brown children.

Prove me wrong.

It's not cruel to treat those that don't belong here like those that don't belong here.

Prove what you claim to believe. There you go again wanting people to do for you because you're too fucking lazy and stupid to do it yourself.
What happened was that you all have no plan for immigration, and think substituting cruelty is a viable alternative to nothing.

I believe that they knew the kid was sick, and denied the kid care because Conservatives want to cause harm to people, particularly brown people, and particularly brown children.

Prove me wrong.

that's really what it boils down to ..you people see skin color in every goddamn thing

So the conservatives because he was Brown forced the father to refuse treatment..got it..idiot
that's really what it boils down to ..you people see skin color in every goddamn thing
So the conservatives because he was Brown forced the father to refuse treatment..got it..idiot

If you don't acknowledge race, you're just cowering from society.
It is funny that JPP lefties pretend to care about this kid.

They should just pretend it is an aborted fetus

When the father refused medical treatment for his son and if they removed the son from his father's care, to treat him, liberals would scream about them interfering with the father and show pictures of him being "ripped from his father's arms". :palm:

When the father refused medical treatment for his son and if they removed the son from his father's care, to treat him, liberals would scream about them interfering with the father and show pictures of him being "ripped from his father's arms".

Remember when liberals approved of this?

What happened was that you all have no plan for immigration, and think substituting cruelty is a viable alternative to nothing.

I believe that they knew the kid was sick, and denied the kid care because Conservatives want to cause harm to people, particularly brown people, and particularly brown children.

Prove me wrong.

What you believe and $1.12 will probably get you a cup of coffee at McDonalds and outside of that, what you believe is irrelevant.

Who's they?

We need names and proof, not some anonymous poster, otherwise it didn't happen. :D
What you believe and $1.12 will probably get you a cup of coffee at McDonalds and outside of that, what you believe is irrelevant.

Who's they?

We need names and proof, not some anonymous poster, otherwise it didn't happen.

You think he has $1.12?