Well well well the Dad if the 8 year old

Cut out the quote from your own link son?

Violation of international law. I know you don't care, but you're a phony cocksucker to turn around and leverage violations of international law as an excuse to bomb the fuck out of the planet.

I think it was pretty well summed up with "phony cocksucker", I really have nothing more to at at this juncture.


Other than repetitive and senseless drivel, when do you ever have anything to add?
The child was sick already when he was taken into custody. The intake officer had him seen by the doctors then. He apparently went south on Christmas eve, the facility he was at had no medical staff on duty, and he lost consciousness enroute to the hospital and later died. The Border Patrol is now reviewing and modifying its procedures related to medical care, especially for children under 10.
I don't think any respectable person cares about, what a cranky racist has to report. Prove me wrong. Your sources never seem to offer much, and your choice of pic ruins any validation, of stuff you try to complain about.

While I agree, it tends to diminish the impact of some topics, in this case, it's just what is being reported by the news. Do you care that is what is being reported? Or do you just want it to be Trump's personal fault? [RHETORICAL/]
The child was sick already when he was taken into custody. The intake officer had him seen by the doctors then. He apparently went south on Christmas eve, the facility he was at had no medical staff on duty, and he lost consciousness enroute to the hospital and later died. The Border Patrol is now reviewing and modifying its procedures related to medical care, especially for children under 10.

And the US taxpayer is paying for it all. Can an American sneak into another country and get medical care?
Why are so many JPP posters, from other countries, continually trying to get the US to adhere to the failures of those countries.

Because their own puny, pathetic, parasitic, provincial principalities are so unfailingly uninteresting and intrinsically inferior they have to post on an American political forum?

I don't know any Americans who post on foreign political forums.

Do you? :dunno:
They didn't care about any of the illegals who died in custody while Obama infested the Oval Office, did they?

It doesn’t appear so

I scoured JPP archives and could not find one single post or thread by a leftist complaining

To be fair to them, it wasn’t reported on Maddow or Jon Stewart and since that is where all JPP leftists get their news I guess they can be forgiven for being uninformed.
First sentence of the second paragraph:

It was at this point the father declined further medical treatment for his son and told officials he “had been feeling better,” an official said.

What official? Who said that? Where's the proof? Why should we trust what the Daily Caller says?
First sentence of the second paragraph:

It was at this point the father declined further medical treatment for his son and told officials he “had been feeling better,” an official said.

What official? Who said that? Where's the proof? Why should we trust what the Daily Caller says?

ABC also reported it
It's all in the‘ report from abc ....just look it up... abcnews.go.com There's a timeline....

There's no source in the ABC article for that.

In fact, it appears that ABC is just repeating propaganda from Trumpists.

Where's the proof? Why should we take this administration's word for anything?
What official said that?

Who is the official?

Let's get a name instead of an anonymous quote.

Let's get a name instead of an anonymous quote,,,LOL

trump did this trump did that etc etc for the last 2 years...mostly via an anonymous source etc...that does not stop the left from believing it to be true
There's no source in the ABC article for that.

In fact, it appears that ABC is just repeating propaganda from Trumpists.

Where's the proof? Why should we take this administration's word for anything?
Sorry, but that's the report...but tell us, dear, what you think happened....
Where do you get your "info"?
Let's get a name instead of an anonymous quote,,,LOL

trump did this trump did that etc etc for the last 2 years...mostly via an anonymous source etc...that does not stop the left from believing it to be true

No name, no quote.

That's how it works.