Were Confederate soldiers terrorists?

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Bottom line: the fact based information I provided shows that the Federal gov't had a system that affected the status of the public school system IN EVERY STATE BEFORE YOU WERE BORN. You attended a public school from FIRST grade on, the standard of education at the school in that state was subsidized and regulated by the Federal gov't. Period. You can't BS around that FACT.

The information regarding immunization was addressing previous assertions by you on this thread. There too, you try to pretend the Fed had nothing to do with your life in that regard...there too, you are proven wrong by simple historical fact.
Bottom line Libbie is that or every Act that you named I showed that it didn't benefit my education. The one possible exception may be the Morrill Act but as I stated earlier the feds didn't need an Education Dept to do that.

Bottom line is that I've had you on IA because of your insipid stubborness. I'm only responding now because of your demonstrated earnestness to pick up the gauntlet for Southern Man. Like him, you just deny reality and want to rehash your disproven claims repeatedly until you think you can find a flaw to exploit. Otherwise you just refuse to acknowledge how reality disproves your beliefs.

Southern man bailed when faced with reality in the chronology of my posts....my assessment of you stands. Back into the IA bin with you.
No, they were not terrorist. They were traitors.
No, that's actually where all of the fag troops hang out, because that is what constitutes the old Confederacy. Try and keep up Southern Fag.
We should have hanged everyone above the rank of Private.
Meh.....they thought of that but new that wouldn't work, then they thought about hanging everyone in the high command. One of the reasons Robert E. Lee dressed up in his best dress uniform before surrendering was that he expected to be taken prisoner and that he would probably be hanged. He was literally dumbfounded when Grant let him go. It wasn't what he was expecting.
Meh.....they thought of that but new that wouldn't work, then they thought about hanging everyone in the high command. One of the reasons Robert E. Lee dressed up in his best dress uniform before surrendering was that he expected to be taken prisoner and that he would probably be hanged. He was literally dumbfounded when Grant let him go. It wasn't what he was expecting.

Yes, but justice wasn't served. Lee is to the South what Lenin and Che are to leftist college students and hippies.
Yes, but justice wasn't served. Lee is to the South what Lenin and Che are to leftist college students and hippies.
Bull shit. Lee could have just as easily turned to guerrilla warfare and extended the conflict indefinitely. But he was a gentleman soldier.

I also note that many Southerners of the Democrat persuasion did not take the Republican victory as gentlemanly, instead forming an underground, terrorist wing that took 100 years to defeat.
I wish Lee had gone underground. We could have killed another 100,000 traitors at least. He was no gentleman, he was a traitor to the greatest republic on Earth, derelict in his duty, and an oath-breaker.