WEREWOLF SIGNUP (The REBOOT) Goal: Next Thursday start

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I'll give it another shot despite being an amateur at this. Keep in mind I won't be in after 4:30 PM EST. Much to do around the house and groundhog season in full swing now.

You may want to reconsider. To be honest most of the important actions in the game happen in the last hour or two. This is really a team game and if you can’t play during the last hour or two you will hurt whichever team you’re on as players tend to lynch those who lay low in that time frame first. Also if the game has a special role and you’re selected for it and can’t play at the end of Day period it could have devestating consequences for your team.
You may want to reconsider. To be honest most of the important actions in the game happen in the last hour or two. This is really a team game and if you can’t play during the last hour or two you will hurt whichever team you’re on as players tend to lynch those who lay low in that time frame first. Also if the game has a special role and you’re selected for it and can’t play at the end of Day period it could have devestating consequences for your team.

Doesn’t matter you are getting lynched first anyway
Not with Yurt in the game.

Besides I haven’t agreed to play. Grind just added my name to pressure me. Unless SF signs up I’m out.

Always a fucking excuse you pussy

You said you were sitting one out because of the meltdown.

Well you sat one out

Typical fucking liberal. Always moving the goalposts
At least you finally see the real yurt.

I have. But as I said for the most part I can ignore him on the board. In the game I can’t.

Let me put it this way. If It were to lead to a Yayayurt permaban, I would get on virtual knee and beg Darla forgiveness and promise to never ever say another cross word about her.

That is how much I dislike that insufferable prick. He is like a splinter in your thumb you can’t get out.
I have. But as I said for the most part I can ignore him on the board. In the game I can’t.

Let me put it this way. If It were to lead to a Yayayurt permaban, I would get on virtual knee and beg Darla forgiveness and promise to never ever say another cross word about her.

That is how much I dislike that insufferable prick. He is like a splinter in your thumb you can’t get out.

See, in the end, I always wind-up reverting back to defending Yurt! :cof1:
I have. But as I said for the most part I can ignore him on the board. In the game I can’t.

Let me put it this way. If It were to lead to a Yayayurt permaban, I would get on virtual knee and beg Darla forgiveness and promise to never ever say another cross word about her.

That is how much I dislike that insufferable prick. He is like a splinter in your thumb you can’t get out.

I don't think about you. I don't care what you say or to whom. A lot of people here don't realize just what irrelevant specks they are. Surprise, they're all men.
I don't think about you. I don't care what you say or to whom. A lot of people here don't realize just what irrelevant specks they are. Surprise, they're all men.

Hey, if it weren't for all of these men giving you so much attention, you'd be just an irrelevant speck, yourself. So, show some appreciation, because I can't go a day on this site without encountering your name from some fanboy that craves your indulgences.
Hey, if it weren't for all of these men giving you so much attention, you'd be just an irrelevant speck, yourself. So, show some appreciation, because I can't go a day on this site without encountering your name from some fanboy that craves your indulgences.

It's like the good ole days.
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