WEREWOLF SIGNUP (The REBOOT) Goal: Next Thursday start

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Holy shit, 55k posts. It's a wonder she doesn't have carpal syndrome by now. Member of grind's inner circle. I know now not to fuck with, Her/him? Which is it. sex is important when flinging shit.

Funny as it gets.

Surely a guy. Many believe he has an anime girl body pillow he sleeps with. Mayocide says it was just a faux he played out though.
You may want to reconsider. To be honest most of the important actions in the game happen in the last hour or two. This is really a team game and if you can’t play during the last hour or two you will hurt whichever team you’re on as players tend to lynch those who lay low in that time frame first. Also if the game has a special role and you’re selected for it and can’t play at the end of Day period it could have devestating consequences for your team.

Wouldn't that depend on where he lives; because we're going off of EST.
a lot of people shit on you mott, and it's not fair. You haven't played any bad games. You have just let people ego wreck you. You need to fucking come in and show people that you are some type of advanced biologist and way smarter than most of these dickheads and it's time to set the record straight and you are going to FUCKING CURBSTOMP THESE MOTHERFUCKERS for doubting you and giving you shit. They are putting their teeth on the curb and you are going to jam your boot down on their skull. NOW GET THE FUCK IN THE GAME AND SHOW THEM WHOS BOSS

If Mott doesn't play, then he hasn't a hair on his ass or anywhere else for that matter. :D
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