What a difference a few weeks make

What a difference a few weeks makes

"I am definitely one of the women in this piece. And the Clinton campaign's claim that it's the "obama media barrage" is total bullshit, because I don't see Obama commericials, or Hillary ones for that matter, here. This is how it happened for me too. And it was a terrible disappointment for a long time. It was made much worse for white women like me, by the unrelenting, blatant misogyny coming from the punditry. And from here. It's hard to turn your back on that fight when you know it's your fight too. It's like having divided loyalties.

But she went too far, and then once she did, she was so revealed that there can never be any going back for women like me. Women who can't embrace racism because they want to fight sexism. So you just walk away, and say that you'll fight that fight another day, with another woman. This isn't the one.

White women begin to turn away from Hillary Clinton
David Lightman * McClatchy Newspapers
last updated: April 13, 2008 08:14:00 PM

LEVITTOWN, Pa. — Like many women over 50, Paula Houwen was eager to vote for Hillary Clinton for president.

"I was impressed when she was first lady. She wasn't the country's trophy wife," the 56-year-old suburban Philadelphia pharmacist recalled.

Today, though, Houwen's no longer a Clinton fan.

"I do not like the way Hillary Clinton has run her campaign," she said.

Clinton's strongest core of support — white women — is beginning to erode in Pennsylvania, the site of the critical April 22 Democratic presidential primary, and a loss here could effectively end her White House run.

A Quinnipiac University survey taken April 3-6 in Pennsylvania found that Clinton's support fell 6 percentage points in a week among white women. Nationally, a Lifetime Networks poll of women found that 26 percent said they liked Clinton less now than in January, while only 15 percent said they liked her more.

"These are Democratic women who waited all their lives for a woman president, but Hillary is not turning them on," said polling analyst Clay Richards.

The Clinton campaign is aware of the danger, and last week it began dispatching friends of Clinton from New York, Washington and elsewhere to key Pennsylvania communities to have "living room chats" with women.

"We thought this might happen," senior Clinton adviser Ann Lewis said of the erosion. A key reason, she said, is rival Barack Obama's ad barrage, notably his gentle but persistent reminders to TV viewers that he's well-equipped to heal the ailing economy.

"I can't overcome the media barrage, so we need to go back to talking to people about their personal concerns," said Lewis, "and emphasizing her experience."

Economic concerns are at the top of most women's lists, and "Obama is coming across to more and more people as qualified on that issue," Richards said.

Interviews in suburban Philadelphia, an area full of swing voters who are likely to determine the outcome of the primary, found other reasons for Clinton's shaky support.

A lot of white women, and for that matter white men, want the race to end and increasingly consider Obama an acceptable nominee.

"There may be a general, reluctant acceptance that things just don't look that good for Clinton," said Susan Carroll, a professor of political science and women's and gender studies at Rutgers University.

The most familiar echo among many Pennsylvania women when they discuss Clinton, however, is disappointment. Ask them when they became disillusioned with the woman who would be president, and they can cite almost the exact moment.

For Clare Howard, a meditation teacher from Southhampton, it was the night in January when Bill Clinton suggested that Obama did well in the South Carolina primary because of his race.

That went too far, said Howard, 60. "It was like they would do anything to win," she said.

Joan Schmidt, 60, a school psychologist in Levittown, grew tired of hearing Clinton tout — and exaggerate — her experience


04-14-2008, 07:35 AM

"As one of the commentators just pointed out, Hillary Clinton just did something that two men before her refused to do. Those men are Ronald Reagan (against Ford) and Ted Kennedy (against Carter). And though both Ford and Carter would go on to lose the elections in question, neither Kennedy nor Reagan would be demonized for refusing, even at the conventions, to endorse, or to even show grace. One in fact, would go on to become a two-term President.

Hillary Clinton today gave a moving speech, an inspiring speech, and a speech which left no question that she was endorsing Barack Obama and that she believed it was imperative for women to look ahead, not behind, because there is too much at stake.

My prediction; she will still be the Evil Queen Bitch.

and that my friends, is what we call sexism.

Still and all, let us not forget Republicans who unlike many Democratic partisans, will reconize what that speech means for them, and who are right now, crying into their 500 hundred dollar scotch.

Yesterday, 02:07 PM
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I have no idea what you believe to be contradictory about those two posts. In both threads I made clear that I did not support HIllary, but that I was alarmed and in some cases, stunned by the sexism apparent in the mostly male punditry.

You truly are dumber than dogshit I would clean from the bottom of my shoes. If it weren't for meme, you would be the dumbest person posting here, and if you aren't paying her, you should be. I have my doubts that you have enough brain wave activity to even show up on a scan, which would mean that it is technically debatable that you are even alive.
I have no idea what you believe to be contradictory about those two posts. In both threads I made clear that I did not support HIllary, but that I was alarmed and in some cases, stunned by the sexism apparent in the mostly male punditry.

You truly are dumber than dogshit I would clean from the bottom of my shoes. If it weren't for meme, you would be the dumbest person posting here, and if you aren't paying her, you should be. I have my doubts that you have enough brain wave activity to even show up on a scan, which would mean that it is technically debatable that you are even alive.

you are the mother of all the turds in your little hive. So I wouldn't be bringing up dogshit.
Will you be accompanying Susan Sarandon to Italy if McCain wins the election?

I'm sorry, what did you say? hahahhahahahahahahahaahahahhaahhahaah

If McCain wins the election? hahahahahahhahahhaahhaha

Well, thanks for that laugh, puke. I'll leave you with meme now. Don't you two go reproducing together!
I'm sorry, what did you say? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

If McCain wins the election? hahahahahahahahahahahaha

Well, thanks for that laugh, puke. I'll leave you with meme now. Don't you two go reproducing together!

what a childish idiot.
what a childish idiot.

what exactly have you added to this thread?

what I've added? I'm sick and tired of hateful liberals on this board, constantly picking my name out every other day, and using it to make fun of someone..I refuse to sit here while you jerks use me for your stinking put downs of others, to try and make believe you all are so superior over people.
So, I'm going to come back and be just as nasty as you all are.
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what I've added? I'm sick and tired of hateful liberals on this board, constantly picking my name out every other day, and using it to make fun of someone..I refuse to sit here while you jerks use me for your stinking put downs of others, to try and make believe you all are so superior over people.
So, I'm going to come back and be just as nasty as you all are.

LOL. Look everyone! The village idiot managed to string together three whole sentences! :rolleyes:

Frosted Flakes...
oh and for the record:

Indisputable is a lot smarter. Yes, this person has filled the boards with nonsensical tirades of conservative bullshit, but at least he's on record as having the ability to manufacture an entire paragraph, a feat meme has only been able to accomplish today.
what I've added? I'm sick and tired of hateful liberals on this board, constantly picking my name out every other day, and using it to make fun of someone..

I for one, find incoherent wingnut war-supporting, Bush-supporting trolls such as yourself eminently worthy of mocking.

I refuse to sit here while you jerks use me for your stinking put downs of others,

When specifically asked, you said your sole purpose on this board was to rile up liberals, usually with stupid one liners tossed in from the peanut gallery; i.e. you're a troll. What reaction did you expect? Do you want a cookie, and a hankerchief to dry those tears?

...to try and make believe you all are so superior over people.
So, I'm going to come back and be just as nasty as you all are.

You're dumb as a rock, and you have no actual human personality that I've been able to discern. Yes, you are pretty much inferior to the many well educated and well spoken posters here.
oh and for the record:

Indisputable is a lot smarter. Yes, this person has filled the boards with nonsensical tirades of conservative bullshit, but at least he's on record as having the ability to manufacture an entire paragraph, a feat meme has only been able to accomplish today.

Oh look, another one of the baby turds has chimed in. :rolleyes:

I for one, find incoherent wingnut war-supporting such as yourself, Bush-supporting trolls eminently worthy of mocking.

When specifically asked, you said your sole purpose on this board was to rile up liberals, usually with stupid one liners tossed in from the peanut gallery; i.e. you're a troll. What reaction did you expect? Do you want a cookie, and a hankerchief to dry those tears?

You're dumb as a rock, and you have no actual human personality that I've been able to discern. Yes, you are pretty much inferior to the many well educated and well spoken posters here.

Oh the biggest baby turd is here.. I would rather be inferior than a neurotic snob, that most of you turds in the hive.
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