What about freedom FROM religion?

God needs to catch up with the times?.....conform to what unbelievers believe?......

The Catholic Church, the Episcopalian Church, the Presbyterian church have enacted literally thousands of changes in the last six centuries. Religions evolve like every other institution. As far as I can tell the only universal binding religious requirement in world Christianity is to have faith in Christ and to try to emulate Jesus' example in this life.
Interesting op ed piece about freedom FROM religion in the Washington Post this morning. I recommend it, although it may be behind a paywall.

It is by Kate Cohen and is titled, “Why are we so tolerant of churchy bigotry?”

Yes, we have freedom from religion. At least from government jamming it down our throats as many of the Republican-backed Evangelistas have done, are doing and plan on doing some more.
The Catholic Church, the Episcopalian Church, the Presbyterian church have enacted literally thousands of changes in the last six centuries. Religions evolve like every other institution. As far as I can tell the only universal binding religious requirement in world Christianity is to have faith in Christ and to try to emulate Jesus' example in this life.

Agreed 100% but I'd still like to read the opinions of JPP's self-avowed "Christians" who think violence and domination is the path of their god.
Pretty easy to spot the phonies. Matthew wrote you will know them by their fruit.

Agreed. If a person says one thing, like "I'm a Christian" but then does the opposite of what being Christian means, then that's a non sequitur. Something is wrong. Are they lying? Stupid? Mentally unbalanced? There's always a causal factor in such irrational behavior.
The Catholic Church, the Episcopalian Church, the Presbyterian church have enacted literally thousands of changes in the last six centuries. Religions evolve like every other institution. As far as I can tell the only universal binding religious requirement in world Christianity is to have faith in Christ and to try to emulate Jesus' example in this life.

I suppose you think the church needs enlightenment from atheists as to doctrine......
Go ahead and demand freedom from the WOKE Religion and then watch how you are destroyed for your lack of obedience.

One day, maybe, the Catholic Church and the Church of England will treat its LGBTQ congregants as equals. Maybe even Pensacola Christian College will evolve. In the meantime, let’s not be fooled by the “religious belief” talk: It’s just old-fashioned bigotry.

the author is apparently not up to date on CofE.
I wonder how many Christians would be appalled by the number of LGBTQ people in the pagan community?
I wonder how many LGBTQIARSPLEDTVDS+ people would be appalled that you really think you know how many there are.

Jesus would not have rejected them.
What makes you think Christians reject them? You ability to read people's minds? Your omniscience?

You certainly enjoy demonizing large classes of people based solely on your obedience in believing what you are told to believe by the people who do your thinking for you. They order to HATE and you HATE. They order you to be a shitty person and you gladly comply.
What makes you think Christians reject them?
Not all Christians. Jus the lip-service Christians in the Republican Party; the Evangelistas who favor "Prosperity Christianity".

What denomination of Christian are you, Sybil? Or do you just play one on the Internet like most Trumpers?
Are we just so accustomed to the anti-LGBTQ stances of conservative religious institutions that they don’t even register?

You're going to have to support your assertion that conservative religious institutions have anti-LGBTQ stances. First you are going to have to enumerate or otherwise delimit "conservative religious institutions". Then you'll have to define an "anti-LGBTQ" stance that means something more than merely that they're not LGBTQ.

I realize that leftists, such as ThatOwlCoward, will HATE and demonize large classes of people for no other reason than they are told to do so. I am not a leftist; I will never let anyone do my thinking for me.

Show me that all of your unbelievable assumptions, working definitions and demonizing overgeneralizations are actually valid. I think what we're going to find is that we really are just looking at petty bigotry on the KKK level.

Leftists and bigoted hatred go hand-in-hand.
You're going to have to support your assertion that conservative religious institutions have anti-LGBTQ stances. First you are going to have to enumerate or otherwise delimit "conservative religious institutions". Then you'll have to define an "anti-LGBTQ" stance that means something more than merely that they're not LGBTQ.

I realize that leftists, such as ThatOwlCoward, will HATE and demonize large classes of people for no other reason than they are told to do so. I am not a leftist; I will never let anyone do my thinking for me.

Show me that all of your unbelievable assumptions, working definitions and demonizing overgeneralizations are actually valid. I think what we're going to find is that we really are just looking at petty bigotry on the KKK level.

Leftists and bigoted hatred go hand-in-hand.

I didn't realize the party that wants to eliminate non-binary bathrooms, has an obsession with what kind of genitalia every athlete is packing and who fought tooth and nail against gay marriage were so kind to LGBTQ individuals! It's an inspiration that the same people that go on homophobic rants like Marjorie Taylor Greene or the son of the most recent Republican president and his homophobic rant are not against the LGBTQ community!

Thanks for setting everyone straight! (Pun intended)
If you have a religious belief and there is an established church for that belief, you have the OPTION to join that church ... but if the rules and regulations of that church is not to your liking, you don't have to join. And if you can get enough people who agree with you....you can go through the process of being recognized by the state & fed gov't to start your own church.

All that being said, a preacher/reverend/priest/rabbi/imam/holy man, etc. can direct their parishioners to vote any way they choose. It's when a POLITICIAN tries to make a particular religion's dogma the law of the land that is the problem...and THAT is what our Constitution protects us from.
I didn't realize the party
I realize that you are a standard undereducated leftist who has no reading comprehension so you get a pass.

We're discussing religious groups, not political parties. I'm sure you haven't the vaguest clue what the difference is but you should be able to ask someone.
If you have a religious belief and there is an established church for that belief, you have the OPTION to join that church ... but if the rules and regulations of that church is not to your liking, you don't have to join. And if you can get enough people who agree with you....you can go through the process of being recognized by the state & fed gov't to start your own church.

All that being said, a preacher/reverend/priest/rabbi/imam/holy man, etc. can direct their parishioners to vote any way they choose. It's when a POLITICIAN tries to make a particular religion's dogma the law of the land that is the problem...and THAT is what our Constitution protects us from.
This post appears to be very level-headed and on the money.

Credit where it's due. Good job.