What are Harris' political positions

So far, Harris hasn't tried to define what she would do in office very well or very often. I think that's because she knows it won't go down well with the public. So, what are her political positions on the various issues of the day? Come on all you Harris supporters, tell us. Oh, don't use "She's not Trump," or the like. That isn't telling us her political positions.
Her "political position" is getting down on both knees.
As her 'flip flops' get more visible, i'm sure her base will try to tell us that her positions 'evolved'
Heels Up Harris is a radical San Francisco liberal who was the most liberal Senator... to the left of Crazy Bernie Sanders.

In other words, she is a loon.
So far, Harris hasn't tried to define what she would do in office very well or very often. I think that's because she knows it won't go down well with the public. So, what are her political positions on the various issues of the day? Come on all you Harris supporters, tell us. Oh, don't use "She's not Trump," or the like. That isn't telling us her political positions.
You tell us what you think Donald Trump's policies are- and I will tell you what is really behind the policy!

This will be fun!

But anyway, 1 2 3 Go!
You tell us what you think Donald Trump's policies are- and I will tell you what is really behind the policy!

This will be fun!

But anyway, 1 2 3 Go!

Says he wants "Campaign finance reform" but hasn't given many specifics other than eliminating super PACs.

Wants to make it easier to fire federal civil service employees.

Opposes federal intervention in education and is for school choice. For parental choice.

Wants to eliminate many of the about quarter million federal regulations.

Trade protectionist. Wants tariffs on foreign imports specifically targeting China.

Opposes the Greentard agenda and would open up oil and gas production on federal land

Supports increasing police and action against criminals

Wants border wall, increased ICE manpower and enforcement with aggressive deportation policy

In foreign policy would put "America first," and end support for Ukraine calling for a "cease fire," while upping action against Iran, Russia, and China.

Healthcare. Opposes Obamacare but has no specific plan as to what he'd do.

On abortion, he is pro-state's rights but has no specific plan on the issue.

Pro Second Amendment.

In favor of Right to Work laws.
So far, Harris hasn't tried to define what she would do in office very well or very often. I think that's because she knows it won't go down well with the public. So, what are her political positions on the various issues of the day? Come on all you Harris supporters, tell us. Oh, don't use "She's not Trump," or the like. That isn't telling us her political positions.
1. Felons should not be President.

Says he wants "Campaign finance reform" but hasn't given many specifics other than eliminating super PACs.

Wants to make it easier to fire federal civil service employees.

Opposes federal intervention in education and is for school choice. For parental choice.

Wants to eliminate many of the about quarter million federal regulations.

Trade protectionist. Wants tariffs on foreign imports specifically targeting China.

Opposes the Greentard agenda and would open up oil and gas production on federal land

Supports increasing police and action against criminals

Wants border wall, increased ICE manpower and enforcement with aggressive deportation policy

In foreign policy would put "America first," and end support for Ukraine calling for a "cease fire," while upping action against Iran, Russia, and China.

Healthcare. Opposes Obamacare but has no specific plan as to what he'd do.

On abortion, he is pro-state's rights but has no specific plan on the issue.

Pro Second Amendment.

In favor of Right to Work laws.
Wow OK, Thanks for the prompt response!

I see it as you do, Donald wants a lot of things, but doesn't say how he is going to accomplish his goals.

This is the scary part for most of us!

Donald has already said he wants to give the Billionaires, including himself of course, another big tax break! You know, like the one he did last time, that left us 8 trillion more dollars in debt. How much next time?

He said he is going to throw everyone who is not a legalized citizen in internment camps and deport them all. You know the 20 million people that make up about 10% of our economy. GDP, and GNP!

Her said he is going to induce tariffs- tariffs that every American will end up paying for them!

He will induce the 2025 manifesto that the People do not want.

He said he wants to be a dictator on day one.

He said no one will ever need to vote again- if they will just vote for him this one last time.

He intends to pardon himself, and a bunch of other criminals, and put his political adversaries in prison!

He intends to pull us out of NATO and allow Putin to do whatever he wants to.

He intends to sign a bill that Federally bans abortions, invitro fertilization, and Birth Control across 50 states,

He wants to end Social Security, Medicare, and the NHS according to his 2025 Manifesto!
So far, Harris hasn't tried to define what she would do in office very well or very often. I think that's because she knows it won't go down well with the public. So, what are her political positions on the various issues of the day? Come on all you Harris supporters, tell us. Oh, don't use "She's not Trump," or the like. That isn't telling us her political positions.
2. People who tried to overturn a free and fair election should not be trusted to be in power ever again.
Obama has yet to approve of Harris so there is still a power struggle at the top of the DNC between the Clintons and Obamas. It appears as if Hillary is calling the shots and Barack is butthurt.
This post aged well, didn't it?
Wow OK, Thanks for the prompt response!

See, it isn't hard to do. But the Leftists here won't post up an honest list of what Harris wants because they damn well know people would vote against her if they did.
I see it as you do, Donald wants a lot of things, but doesn't say how he is going to accomplish his goals.

Neither does Harris et al. The Democrats cannot be open and honest about how they'll accomplish things they want or they'd never get elected.
This is the scary part for most of us!

Donald has already said he wants to give the Billionaires, including himself of course, another big tax break! You know, like the one he did last time, that left us 8 trillion more dollars in debt. How much next time?

Actually, he's stated that tax cuts would be for everyone equally. That sounds fair and equal to me. You pay more taxes you get a bigger dividend from the tax cut that is the same size for lower income people who get a smaller dividend because they pay less in taxes to begin with.
He said he is going to throw everyone who is not a legalized citizen in internment camps and deport them all. You know the 20 million people that make up about 10% of our economy. GDP, and GNP!

Works for me. Tossing criminals in a prison camp to await trial and if convicted, deportation, seems just and fair. What? Do you think we should just absolve those millions of the crime(s) they've committed. And yes, every illegal immigrant is a criminal by definition.
Her said he is going to induce tariffs- tariffs that every American will end up paying for them!

So the Democrats claim. We shall see. When foreign auto manufacturers were suddenly required to use mostly US made content in their cars sold in the US, they all built plants in the US to avoid the tariffs on foreign parts. That is very likely what would happen. Move production to the US and avoid the tariff and still make just as much money as before.
He will induce the 2025 manifesto that the People do not want.

No, he won't. He's already repeatedly said he's not onboard with that agenda and it is his opposition on the Left that is pushing that narrative. They are lying.
He said he wants to be a dictator on day one.

Another false narrative from the Left.
He said no one will ever need to vote again- if they will just vote for him this one last time.

Misconstrued and taken out of context.
He intends to pardon himself, and a bunch of other criminals, and put his political adversaries in prison!

Prove that.
He intends to pull us out of NATO and allow Putin to do whatever he wants to.

He has threatened to pull out of NATO if other nations won't pay their fair share for defense. The rest of that statement is another lie from the Left.
He intends to sign a bill that Federally bans abortions, invitro fertilization, and Birth Control across 50 states,

No, he has stated it's a state rights issue not something the feds should be involved in. What you state is a twisted lie from the Left.
He wants to end Social Security, Medicare, and the NHS according to his 2025 Manifesto!

Another lie coming from the Left. He has said he wants to make these programs more cost effective, isn't against privatizing some of the funding for better returns on taxpayer money, but he never said "end."
2. People who tried to overturn a free and fair election should not be trusted to be in power ever again.
3. People who want to rig the system and elections so they can stay in power should never be trusted or put in power to begin with.

(see the For the Voter's Act, and John Lewis Voting Act for beginners)