What are Harris' political positions

3. People who want to rig the system and elections so they can stay in power should never be trusted or put in power to begin with.

(see the For the Voter's Act, and John Lewis Voting Act for beginners)
I agree, another reason Trump needs to be kept away from the White House.
Silly, you are deflecting from what you guys keep trying to do. I know its embarrassing what you agreed to, but you have to live with it.
Gardner thinks Jan. 6 was a peaceful protest. Impossible to take him seriously on anything.
Silly, you are deflecting from what you guys keep trying to do. I know its embarrassing what you agreed to, but you have to live with it.
Wrong. I'm pointing out that the Left and Democrats are far, far, more likely to be the ones to undermine democracy and fair elections. I'm not excusing Republicans for anything, but they aren't the most likely to subvert elections.

Huey Long
The Dailey machine Chicago
Tammany Hall
Boss Tweed
Jim Crow laws (all done by Democrats)

Sure, the Republicans did their share of fraud, but they look like rank amateurs compared to the Democrats throughout US history.
Wrong. I'm pointing out that the Left and Democrats are far, far, more likely to be the ones to undermine democracy and fair elections. I'm not excusing Republicans for anything, but they aren't the most likely to subvert elections.

Huey Long
The Dailey machine Chicago
Tammany Hall
Boss Tweed
Jim Crow laws (all done by Democrats)

Sure, the Republicans did their share of fraud, but they look like rank amateurs compared to the Democrats throughout US history.
Oh, you are talking about before I was born. Maybe true...
shut up asshole
Nope dont think I will. Its funny that a miserbable piece of shit like you, who wishes that another poster be violently murdered, would even dare to question the morals of others. This is why I will shit on you every fucking chance I get. You arent entitled to any respect or decent treatment at all. You are a filthy fucking animal.
Nope dont think I will. Its funny that a miserbable piece of shit like you, who wishes another poster be violently murdered, would even dare to question the morals of others. This is why I will shit on you every fucking chance I get. You arent entitled to any respect or decent treatment at all. You are a filthy fucking animal.
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If republicans are smart they will have ads with Kamala debating with herself and then ending in her cackling laughter... "this ad was paid for by Freedom For Americans PAC" or something like that.

Just sayin'... If you are going to say the opposite of what you said when you were running for President less than 4 years ago, you can expect things like that to happen.