What If the Dollar Falls?

The Chinese are not allowing free trade in the Yuan, so other countries cannot force the Chinese to allow it. Brazil can buy stuff from South Africa with the Dollar, but not with the Yuan.

China will allow it with the Bric countries
I'm going to ask all of you to consider one thing and just keep it tucked away in the back of your mind. There's a reason that the "doomsday scenario" is not likely to happen, or if it does, the US comes out the winner with all the toys. Please consider JesusAI's statement above. The US is spending like a drunken sailor on a scale that is orders of magnitude beyond sustainable, and is trying to hoard the world. Incidental to this is the massive debt incurred, of all sorts. If you haven't glanced at the US debt clock lately, please do so.

If all of the economies and currencies fail, the US declares failure as well and all US debt goes away ... but the US still retains everything that it has ... and then starts printing a new currency to keep the economy going. The US could temporarily return to the gold standard if that is either necessary or if it would merely help; the US has lots of gold. Yes, every American would be poorer and it would not be the optimal situation, but the US would bounce back; not necessarily so for the rest of the world.

There's a whole lot more to the rest of that scenario, but the bottom line is that there aren't any countries that are willing to let it come to that because the US looks to be the only one that would gain overall (emerge as the only functioning economy that actually recovers, and in relatively short order) to everybody else's disadvantage.

You're full of shit and this thing is bad and Biden is the worst ever, bitch!
Oh? My books are balanced. :dunno:

How much debt are you carrying?

Are we talking about the "business" you claimed to run a few months ago until you got busted not knowing a fucking thing about how an S-Corp works? Or not knowing a fucking thing about how Social Security works?

I can explain why I believe what I believe...you can't. You have failed more than once.

I'm here right now, you want real time argument with me? Let's dance.
Are we talking about the "business" you claimed to run a few months ago until you got busted not knowing a fucking thing about how an S-Corp works? Or not knowing a fucking thing about how Social Security works?

I can explain why I believe what I believe...you can't. You have failed more than once.

I'm here right now, you want real time argument with me? Let's dance.

Sure thing, pussy! Your father was a hamster and your mother smelt of elderberries!

Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time. I may make it hurt next time.
Sure thing, pussy! Your father was a hamster and your mother smelt of elderberries!

Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time. I may make it hurt next time.

So you got nothing. I already knew you wouldn't but you're still disappointing. I'm not going to waste my time anymore. Since you're a total pussy I'm going to log out so you can run your mouth without me being here. You really are a gutless cunt.