What If the Dollar Falls?

Anyone purchasing Chinese goods must use Yuan. Russia uses Rubles, not dollars.

You are allowed to use Hong Kong Dollars to buy anything in China, including paying taxes. Hong Kong Dollars are redeemable in US Dollars. All Russian banks are legally required to accept US Dollars. And the Russian Government will accept those US Dollars as payment for taxes. In fact, they are eager/desperate to accept those US Dollars.
Many countries are starting to

The Chinese are not allowing free trade in the Yuan, so other countries cannot force the Chinese to allow it. Brazil can buy stuff from South Africa with the Dollar, but not with the Yuan.
yes, they were shocked. And why was that? Might Great Britain and the Pound Sterling have had something to do with that? Like I said, good luck getting China to stop manipulating their currency.

I am not sure how the Pound would create the Euro, when Britain was never part of the Euro.

Actually, China manipulating their currency would be a good step in the direction of synchronizing their currency with the other BRICS. The problem is none of the BRICS want to give up control of their own currencies, and no sane person would trust the other BRICS with their currency.
Keynesian economics is not 'demand destruction'. Buzzword fallacy.

Keynesian economics is not austerity. Redefinition fallacy.

Keynesian economics is not genocide. Redefinition fallacy.

I never said Keynesian economics worked.


i never said it was.

i said keynesian propose a solution to the recent troubles that denies it's cause.
It is real money, regardless of what I think. People use it every day as money.

What totalitarianism? What corruption? Are you talking about the inflation that fiat money encourages? You are still locked in paradox there. You must clear your paradox. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox.

Buzzword fallacies. I don't think you know what Keynesian economics is. It has nothing to do with whether money is fiat or not.
You don't know what a fascist is either.
I do not need to apologize for anything.

its value decreases rapidly because it backed by no real thing of value, only the nebulous faith and credit of the u.s.

you're still doing it.

the scam is over, banker huckster agit prop agent.
its value decreases rapidly because it backed by no real thing of value, only the nebulous faith and credit of the u.s.

you're still doing it.

the scam is over, banker huckster agit prop agent.

The world is rapidly turning against us....the Dollar is over.
but the quality of the people has rotted out.

Buckle Up.

but that's their problem.

you can choose love or you can choose fear.

The Road Not Taken
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
It is an acronym invented by Jim O'Neill to describe huge, but poor economies with high barriers to entry.
Nope. It's just an acronym. B.razil, R.ussia, I.ndia, C.hina, S.outh Africa. It is nothing more than a list of nations.
They exist in their own set of rules.
Each nation exists in their own set of rules. That is true of all nations.
They are not a trading block, and in fact, trade more with others than with each other. To get their own currency, they would have to surrender control of their currencies, which is extremely against their current policies.
There is no 'BRICS currency'.
Both Russia and China have extreme currency controls.
No different than the Yen, the Dollar, or any other fiat currency.
There is no way they will let their citizens walk off with all the gold reserves. It would destroy their economies in a stroke of a pen.
Holding gold does not destroy an economy. My gold does not belong to anyone else but me.
The Dollar is needed to pay taxes, and is freely tradable.
The dollar is only good in the United States (other than the Canadian dollar begin good only in Canada).
Russian and Chinese currencies can also pay taxes,
Russian rubles must be used to pay taxes in Russia.
Chinese yuan must be used to pay taxes in China.
but the Dollar is always accepted alongside their currencies.
You cannot pay taxes in Russia or China with dollars.
More importantly, their currencies are not freely tradable.
They are both freely tradable.
Currently, $1 will buy 78.5 rubles; $1 will buy 6.9187 yuan. If you have 78.5 rubles, you can buy one dollar. I you have 6.9187 yuan, you can buy one dollar.
I can use the Dollar to buy things that do not involve the USA at all.
You can use any currency to buy things that do not involve the currency of any given nation at all.
Russia and China needs to not just be involved with anything bought with their currencies, but give express permission to make the transaction.
The government sets the value of gold,
They cannot.
so it could payoff the national debt with one ounce, or even one millionth of an ounce of gold, if it wanted to.
The federal government does not have enough gold.
Not quite sure why the government would want to payoff the national debt,
Debt has a cost. I suppose you are unfamiliar with interest.
or do it with gold.
They do not have enough gold.

It is not a gold payable debt.
It was not bought under the understanding that it would be paid in gold.
It is a gold payable debt. Using all the gold held by the federal government, they could pay off at most 5% of the national debt.
Nope. It's just an acronym. B.razil, R.ussia, I.ndia, C.hina, S.outh Africa. It is nothing more than a list of nations.

Each nation exists in their own set of rules. That is true of all nations.

There is no 'BRICS currency'.

No different than the Yen, the Dollar, or any other fiat currency.

Holding gold does not destroy an economy. My gold does not belong to anyone else but me.

The dollar is only good in the United States (other than the Canadian dollar begin good only in Canada).

Russian rubles must be used to pay taxes in Russia.
Chinese yuan must be used to pay taxes in China.

You cannot pay taxes in Russia or China with dollars.

They are both freely tradable.
Currently, $1 will buy 78.5 rubles; $1 will buy 6.9187 yuan. If you have 78.5 rubles, you can buy one dollar. I you have 6.9187 yuan, you can buy one dollar.

You can use any currency to buy things that do not involve the currency of any given nation at all.


They cannot.

The federal government does not have enough gold.

Debt has a cost. I suppose you are unfamiliar with interest.

They do not have enough gold.

It is a gold payable debt. Using all the gold held by the federal government, they could pay off at most 5% of the national debt.

why cant you fucking understand a trade alliance?

you're turning into a retard.

what the fuck is wrong with you?
The world is rapidly turning against us....the Dollar is over.
It's basically the G7 vs BRICS. The G7 have too big to fail Wall Street and London, while BRICS has natural resources and cheap labor. Which side will capitalists choose?
It's basically the G7 vs BRICS. The G7 have too big to fail Wall Street and London, while BRICS has natural resources and cheap labor. Which side will capitalists choose?

China and Russia also have more competent leaders who have not betrayed the people as badly as Western leaders have. Brazil, India and South Africa dont have good leadership.
China and Russia also have more competent leaders who have not betrayed the people as badly as Western leaders have. Brazil, India and South Africa dont have good leadership.
You can never count out Wall Street and London. The dollar will be used there for a long time. Competition could do the dollar some good.