What If the Dollar Falls?

actually, destroying our currency with massive inflationary spending makes it less attractive to others.


I know it's your dark nature to want to suck the world into your negative vortex black hole with your fake wars founded on lies, but please don't.

Spending is not inflationary.
Printing money to do it is.
Buying real assets is not treason. Buying real assets is not Keynesian economics. Buying real assets is not limited to China.

fake money is keynesian policy, and it's a sucker scam, you idiot.

focus on the whole picture, not one part, not just the last part.

connect the dots, dolt.
He just did.

You just did.

....such as?

Redefinition fallacy (capitalist<->totalitarian).

He agrees with you here. So do I.

He is not making such a demand. Neither am I. Neither are you. Apparently you have a real bad problem keeping track of what you are talking about.

Another unrelated statement.

While Bill Gates is buying farmland, he does not have anywhere near enough to buy it all.

stfu with your dumb idiocy. keynesian apologist.
bankers didn't do shit.
What 'bankers'?
they just made a bunch of fake money and funnelled it back to themselves through crooked politicians.
Banks cannot print fiat money. Only the federal government can print money. It is quite different when gold was used as money in the United States. Then, there was no central 'bank' like the Federal Reserve. No one could just print gold on demand. Individual banks would issue gold certificates representing the gold you had on deposit there. Those gold certificates could be used as money as well, since they were bearer demand certificates. Silver deposits were handled the same way.

No central bank. Each bank printed it's own notes.

next is to buy up real assets then collapse the economy
Buying assets does not collapse the economy.
and leave.
Leave for where?
tyre, carthage, rome, venice, amsterdam, portugal, spain, london, the us, now china.
So you like naming random places. Meh.
"demand destruction" is how keynesians are proposing to deal with things.

this means austerity and genocide for poor people, and it still won't work.

guille was denying inflation and got blown out.

ibdadamned was denying inflation and got blown out.

now you.

fish in a barrell.
ibdadamned was denying inflation and got blown out.
You are now attacking me for not adhering to your redefintion of "deny inflation."

I do not deny inflation nor do I claim to be omniscient and to know what portion of a currency's decrease in spending power comes from the overprinting of money. You, however, do make this claim and I do not believe it. So you redefine the words "deny inflation" to mean "to not recognize my omniscience" and then attack me for "denying inflation."

How is this working out for you?
you think fiat money is real money,
It is real money, regardless of what I think. People use it every day as money.
and deny the insane totalitarianism and light of day robbery and corruption of this system.
What totalitarianism? What corruption? Are you talking about the inflation that fiat money encourages? You are still locked in paradox there. You must clear your paradox. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox.
that makes you a keynesian fascist apologist.
Buzzword fallacies. I don't think you know what Keynesian economics is. It has nothing to do with whether money is fiat or not.
You don't know what a fascist is either.
I do not need to apologize for anything.
"demand destruction" is how keynesians are proposing to deal with things.
Keynesian economics is not 'demand destruction'. Buzzword fallacy.
this means austerity
Keynesian economics is not austerity. Redefinition fallacy.
and genocide for poor people,
Keynesian economics is not genocide. Redefinition fallacy.
and it still won't work.
I never said Keynesian economics worked.
BRICS is an acryonym. it is not a type of economy. It is not a trading bloc. It doesn't have a currency.

It is an acronym invented by Jim O'Neill to describe huge, but poor economies with high barriers to entry. They exist in their own set of rules. They are not a trading block, and in fact, trade more with others than with each other. To get their own currency, they would have to surrender control of their currencies, which is extremely against their current policies.

That said, Russia and China are in the process of issuing a gold backed currency. This is a block chain currency that is redeemable in gold, and is limited by the amount of 'gold on hand'.

Both Russia and China have extreme currency controls. There is no way they will let their citizens walk off with all the gold reserves. It would destroy their economies in a stroke of a pen.

The dollar has no backing at all. It is not redeemable for gold or any other commodity. It has no inherent value at all.

The Dollar is needed to pay taxes, and is freely tradable. Russian and Chinese currencies can also pay taxes, but the Dollar is always accepted alongside their currencies. More importantly, their currencies are not freely tradable. I can use the Dollar to buy things that do not involve the USA at all. Russia and China needs to not just be involved with anything bought with their currencies, but give express permission to make the transaction.

If the federal government were to use all of it's gold to pay off the national debt, it could pay off only about 5% of it. In other words, the federal government is broke.

The government sets the value of gold, so it could payoff the national debt with one ounce, or even one millionth of an ounce of gold, if it wanted to. Not quite sure why the government would want to payoff the national debt, or do it with gold. It is not a gold payable debt. It was not bought under the understanding that it would be paid in gold.