What If the Dollar Falls?

The problem is the dollar will lose close to half of its value. The economist I like says the dollar is a long way from over, even at half the value.

I'm not an economist like you claim to be. Please 'splain to me what you are saying, Lucy.
It means no such thing. I swear to God you people talking about the dollar failing seriously need to look into taking Econ 101, Hillsdale offers Econ 101 online for free, I urge you to take advantage of that.

You made a statement about the dollar failing. How exactly is that going to happen? In your own words.

You fuckin' moron! Rising interest rates and the world moving off of the petrodollar! It's already happening.
I'm not an economist like you claim to be. Please 'splain to me what you are saying, Lucy.

Everyone in America is about to become a certain percentage poorer. The number is uncertain as of yet, but a reasonable conservative estimate is 9%-15% minimum.

What Hillary assassinated Khadaffi to prevent? Biden has made happen anyway, and then some.
Everyone in America is about to become a certain percentage poorer. The number is uncertain as of yet, but a reasonable conservative estimate is 9%-15% minimum.

What Hillary assassinated Khadaffi to prevent? Biden has made happen anyway, and then some.

That's been the trend since Voodoo economics became a congressional platform.

I have no idea WTF that means.
I didn't change shit.
Yes, that's what redefining words is called.

you're trying to redefine inflation as any time prices rise.
Nope. I'm teaching you that inflation is properly defined as the decrease in purchasing power of a currency. I would never have imagined that I would be the first person to explain this to you, but that must be the case if, as you insist, you are not redefining the word.

you're a keynesian fiat currency fascist trying to destroy words, legion.
You are babbling, and of course you know this because if you actually had some notion of what you were trying to express you would have at least ventured an explanation. I already know that you have no clue what fascism is, but don't worry, many don't. However, I have to ask you what you mean by "fiat currency fascist"? That can't possibly have anything to do with your misconception of fascism. I notice you tossing in the word "Keynesian" which would be redundant with the correct version of fascism, except that you bitched at Into the Night for his correct characterization of fascism, so what could you possibly mean, except that you owe Into the Night an apology for your misspeak?
You made a statement about the dollar failing. How exactly is that going to happen? In your own words.
You fuckin' moron! Rising interest rates and the world moving off of the petrodollar! It's already happening.
Matt, Guille is right in asking. All the signs point to other currencies and other economies failing. You are speaking entirely out of fear (emotion) which is always the wrong answer, especially when the fear is based on misinformation.

* If a currency is on the cusp of failing, nobody will want that currency and nobody will buy debt in that currency. Everybody will rush to get rid of whatever they have of that currency, even at a discount.
* Those who hold a failing currency will rush to exchange all of it for as much of a strong currency as possible.

Do you understand the above?

China is rushing to buy up US debt and is the #1 foreign holder of US debt (over $1 Trillion). Look to China's economy (and currency) to fail, and to the US dollar to not.

BRICS collectively has exchanged their own currencies for over $2 Trillion in US debt, just to add a semblance of stability.

It would appear that you have a certain amount of emotional equity invested in your position, but if you'll take a moment to step back and analyze the situation dispassionately, this is good news. You do not need to panic on that front.

The cause for alarm is in the area of US fiscal policy, of overprinting dollars as a way to overspend and, of course, the overspending itself. We would all benefit from Into the Night giving us a rundown in that area because he stays abreast of it, being rather concerned about it as he is. Frankly, we should all be more concerned about it. So, if you are looking for where you should be focusing your attention, it's with our Congress, not with other countries or trading blocs that are going to fizzle.
Neither is the dollar but it will lose close to half its value.
I will grant you that the dollar is suffering from some higher-than-normal inflation without the benefit of accompanying growth. This is bad ... but not doomsday. Your doom-and-gloom outlook ... I'm not buying it.

However, rather than quibble over disagreement of unspecified measures, I would rather join you in emphasizing your main point that we Americans should at least be concerned about the situation and be willing to take action if necessary. This is a time of economic concern and I would rather back your point than disagree with it.
Biden has voted with republicans his entire 50-year political career. Biden has continued most of Trump's policies. Funny how Xi is making peace with Zelensky while Biden is trying to start another proxy war in Taiwan. The war machine loves you democrats.

Blatant lie.
I will grant you that the dollar is suffering from some higher-than-normal inflation without the benefit of accompanying growth. This is bad ... but not doomsday. Your doom-and-gloom outlook ... I'm not buying it.

However, rather than quibble over disagreement of unspecified measures, I would rather join you in emphasizing your main point that we Americans should at least be concerned about the situation and be willing to take action if necessary. This is a time of economic concern and I would rather back your point than disagree with it.

While you correctly point out that China and the BRICS are buying up federal debt, and that this will tank their own economies, there is something you are not considering here.

As the dollar inflates...yes, we export that inflation. That's will will hurt these nations. However, it hurts us too. Higher prices for everything is making it harder for people. A lot harder. A devaluing dollar means people here in the States will not want to hang onto dollars either. Any sensible person will not hoard devaluing cash. They will convert it into something of lasting value...property, diamonds, fine art, gold, silver, etc. Others will play the stock market casino hoping to win there, but those companies are also facing the same problems the people that are investing in them are.

Already, people are looking around for another currency. Bitcoin, gold, silver, etc. Some have even looked at SDRs (which I don't think people will accept since that is another fiat currency). For now, holding wealth in property or other types of value seem to be working reasonably well. Daily transactions in dollars so far are working. If a large number of major banks fail though, that will end. The government is out of options. They can't print their way out of that! It would mean hyperinflation, and the utter rejection of the dollar as a viable currency.

Yeah, China and the BRICS get whacked first, but so what? It's a race to the bottom among fiat currencies. The only question is who will get there first.

The world has never been in this situation before.
Matt, Guille is right in asking. All the signs point to other currencies and other economies failing. You are speaking entirely out of fear (emotion) which is always the wrong answer, especially when the fear is based on misinformation.

* If a currency is on the cusp of failing, nobody will want that currency and nobody will buy debt in that currency. Everybody will rush to get rid of whatever they have of that currency, even at a discount.
* Those who hold a failing currency will rush to exchange all of it for as much of a strong currency as possible.

Do you understand the above?

China is rushing to buy up US debt and is the #1 foreign holder of US debt (over $1 Trillion). Look to China's economy (and currency) to fail, and to the US dollar to not.

BRICS collectively has exchanged their own currencies for over $2 Trillion in US debt, just to add a semblance of stability.

It would appear that you have a certain amount of emotional equity invested in your position, but if you'll take a moment to step back and analyze the situation dispassionately, this is good news. You do not need to panic on that front.

The cause for alarm is in the area of US fiscal policy, of overprinting dollars as a way to overspend and, of course, the overspending itself. We would all benefit from Into the Night giving us a rundown in that area because he stays abreast of it, being rather concerned about it as he is. Frankly, we should all be more concerned about it. So, if you are looking for where you should be focusing your attention, it's with our Congress, not with other countries or trading blocs that are going to fizzle.

When all the world currencies fail, eveyone will be poorer. (in general)
Yes, that's what redefining words is called.

Nope. I'm teaching you that inflation is properly defined as the decrease in purchasing power of a currency. I would never have imagined that I would be the first person to explain this to you, but that must be the case if, as you insist, you are not redefining the word.

You are babbling, and of course you know this because if you actually had some notion of what you were trying to express you would have at least ventured an explanation. I already know that you have no clue what fascism is, but don't worry, many don't. However, I have to ask you what you mean by "fiat currency fascist"? That can't possibly have anything to do with your misconception of fascism. I notice you tossing in the word "Keynesian" which would be redundant with the correct version of fascism, except that you bitched at Into the Night for his correct characterization of fascism, so what could you possibly mean, except that you owe Into the Night an apology for your misspeak?


inflation is not any rise in prices for any reason.

keynesians deny inflation because they believe in the totalitarian power of fiat currency , therefore they deny inflation.

there it is all wrapped up with a pretty bow, legion sock fucktard.

intothenight can go suck a crones virussy wart.
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Matt, Guille is right in asking. All the signs point to other currencies and other economies failing. You are speaking entirely out of fear (emotion) which is always the wrong answer, especially when the fear is based on misinformation.

* If a currency is on the cusp of failing, nobody will want that currency and nobody will buy debt in that currency. Everybody will rush to get rid of whatever they have of that currency, even at a discount.
* Those who hold a failing currency will rush to exchange all of it for as much of a strong currency as possible.

Do you understand the above?

China is rushing to buy up US debt and is the #1 foreign holder of US debt (over $1 Trillion). Look to China's economy (and currency) to fail, and to the US dollar to not.

BRICS collectively has exchanged their own currencies for over $2 Trillion in US debt, just to add a semblance of stability.

It would appear that you have a certain amount of emotional equity invested in your position, but if you'll take a moment to step back and analyze the situation dispassionately, this is good news. You do not need to panic on that front.

The cause for alarm is in the area of US fiscal policy, of overprinting dollars as a way to overspend and, of course, the overspending itself. We would all benefit from Into the Night giving us a rundown in that area because he stays abreast of it, being rather concerned about it as he is. Frankly, we should all be more concerned about it. So, if you are looking for where you should be focusing your attention, it's with our Congress, not with other countries or trading blocs that are going to fizzle.


guille is an idiot and so are you.
Oooh, irony.


Actually Mr. Tiny Penis, I seldom post, I was told,
