What If the Dollar Falls?

what if a president used martial law to reverse citizens united and the kelo decision?

Can't do it.

What if the Vogons decided to destroy the Earth to make a hyperspace bypass. Would you kill yourself, murder others or just get drunk on a mountaintop and watch the Earth be destroyed?
no. inflation is STRICTLY price changes due to money supply.
Incorrect. When your dollar buys less, there is no way for you or anyone to break out how much of the decrease in spending power comes from fiscal policy, how much comes from adjustment of price realization from the supply-demand curve, how much comes from fluctuations in the currency itself, etc...

We refer to the entire decrease in spending power as "inflation." You can try to redefine this word as well, and we'll see how that works out for you.
Incorrect. When your dollar buys less, there is no way for you or anyone to break out how much of the decrease in spending power comes from fiscal policy, how much comes from adjustment of price realization from the supply-demand curve, how much comes from fluctuations in the currency itself, etc...

We refer to the entire decrease in spending power as "inflation." You can try to redefine this word as well, and we'll see how that works out for you.

we don't change definitions because things are hard.

your keynesian inflation denying ways are showing, fascist.

Get help, dumbass.
Like "woke", you can't define it. You only do what your handlers tell you to do. Sad.


woke: a set of absurd bastardizations of civil rights concepts into a ridiculous code of idiocy, designed mostly to test group allegiance and willingness to lie and refusal to think critically. it's a test of cult compliance, the totalitarian cult of conformity you fascists adhere to.
woke: a set of absurd bastardizations of civil rights concepts into a ridiculous code of idiocy, designed mostly to test group allegiance and willingness to lie and refusal to think critically. it's a test of cult compliance, the totalitarian cult of conformity you fascists adhere to.
Nice rant. Still smells like it was freshly pulled out of your ass too.

What's your plan to get rid of the "woke"? Just sit and spin? Bitch and whine like a pussified Bud Light drinker?
Nice rant. Still smells like it was freshly pulled out of your ass too.

What's your plan to get rid of the "woke"? Just sit and spin? Bitch and whine like a pussified Bud Light drinker?

the truth always wins in the end, ya deep state lying organgutan.