What is an alternative to welfare?

It is what you said.

It's already been explained, Rana. It was what began this odd exchange between you and I.

As I said in the preceding post, in your pride you want to condescend, especially to those you prejudged to "disagree", but also to those you are helping. Their "pride" is misguided, not your form of "help". You tell me they are "too proud" to take, but won't accept an idea that actually takes that kind of "pride" into account.

I'm good with that, but nothing in life runs on your sense of self-importance, and compassion given without thought for the human nature of the recipients, and which is therefore justly refused, helps nobody at all. It may help make you think you are "better" than others who take that into consideration and come up with different ideas, such as those espoused by me in this thread, but it doesn't change that those people are still "too proud" and you have no solution other than to tell me that I am "bad" for coming up with an idea that doesn't follow your agenda.[/
They have already contributed, what would you have them contribute Damo? They are elderly and children?

You avoid this and give me a lot of word salad on empathy and compassion like all libertarians, but what is the solution?

How would you have them contribute?

they feel shame because people like you call them takers and moochers, when they aren't.

Typical RW thinking. Breitbart or WorldNut posts a doctored video of evil welfare moochers and these people generalize it to everyone who's fallen on hard times. I don't know anyone on welfare... wait, maybe I do know some but they don't make a public display of it because they're embarrassed. For sure I don't know anyone who's bragged about gaming they system.
oh sorry.....I thought the premise of your posts had something to do with continuing unemployment compensation........

Actually I was broke. The premise of my post for a guy who was one welfare was to not ask my family for money or anything and that I struggled on my own.
Can you be more specific ? What about these jobs didn't suit you ? Did they not provide a catered lunch (3)? No chauffeur? Did they not give you your own private secretary that would give you afternoon blow jobs (4)? What exactly did not "suit you"?

Regarding (1)

I was a discharge planner. I made $30k a year. I needed something that would at least pay my rent $650 for a studio plus/gas and electric.

Regarding (2)

Jobs that can't pay meager living situations. I paid $650 for a studio. I wasn't living in great conditions but my place was clean. In California you pay $500 for a freggin room. Most places nowadays cater to Hispanics. I have no chance.

Regarding (3)

I provided my own lunch even when I was broke.

Regarding (4)

You provide that

Regarding the last stupid sentence. What didn't suit me was the fact that I couldn't pay my bills because welfare caters to single parents with 10 kids as opposed to a single person with no kids. Man you guys are dumb.
Because running a government should be done with logic and reason, not emotions.

Emotions, in spite of what all you logical type people believe are used in all decisions, you are not artificial intelligence and you aren't Spock.
This only means you haven't been there recently. The reality is we've worked very hard to ensure that this isn't the case any longer. We give out cards rather than checks, work hard to take away any point of shame one might feel from being on the public dole, and the current President really did remove much of the push to work.

Give them a couple hours of moving books around in a library to receive the check, or trash pickup, or cleaning up after dogs at the local shelter. We shouldn't pretend that there is nothing that we can require from people we give money to, that it must be "free" to all takers simply because of circumstance. If you are healthy and capable then we should require something more from you than we do now in order to receive the benefits we all believe and understand are necessary.

I have a permanent job. I was jobless for 6 months. Temp jobs paid me little. I did try. You guys are saying I didn't because you guys are spectators on an internet forum, judging my life because I gave you the authority to do so.
So in other words; you decided to enter a field that was reliant on tax payer dollars and when those funds ceased to exist, could not find work. Or you chose NOT to find a job in the private sector unrelated to your field. I am guessing there is a LOT of HR positions that would hire based on your masters education.

Rather ironic for an Obama supporter eh?

So in other words you're a fucking moron...Why am I replying to non-college graduates in the first place?

"I'm guessing"

Yes a lot of conservatives tend to do that. So did Megyan Kelly when she said Jesus was white...

This is where some of the cons go wrong on everything from abortion to welfare to war.

"People who believe they can build a case for their side using reason are doomed to be poor negotiators, because they don’t understand the real factors that are driving the other party to come to a decision. Those who base their negotiation strategy on logic end up relying on assumptions, guesses, and opinions. If my side of the argument is logical, they figure, then the other side can’t argue with it and is bound to come around to my way of thinking. The problem is, you can’t assume that the other party will see things your way."