What is an alternative to welfare?

Oh yes I love attention. Why should I try when you're giving it to me with your every response. It makes no sense. You complain about my so-called "attention seeking" yet by you participating in this thread you are giving me attention automatically....Curious.


No, laughing. Mocking. Enjoying your meltdown.

Before I clock in a go to work (not to mention respond to you) let me ask you two questions (actually 3):

1) Did you go to a University? If so, where?
Wayne State at first, and now Michigan State.

2) If you went to a university what was YOUR major?
Manufacturing Engineering (completed) and Material Science Engineering (2 more semesters). Also have a associates in Applied Science for Welding Technologies, but since it's an associates and not a bachelors I don't bring it up much.

3) What was YOUR major?
Uhhh, see above?

Now if you say no for 1) then it nullifies 2) and 3) but I was curious.....

First let me start with the red comment.....Apparently the fact that I have two bachlors of arts and not a science seems to be the crux of your post.
The fact that I am a graduate of the arts means that my skills or education is less valuable than someone who holds a bachlors of science.
That's the job market for you. If you wanted to weight it's importance beyond that, then you would get a lot more support from me. But for getting PAID and being HIRED, a science major is more valuable 90% of time.
True in some majors even on the undergraduate level there are those who graduate with an undergraduate degree in engirneering and come out starting at $60k yes this is true.
Engineering, Computers, Accounting are all good fields and yes there is high demand for those fields.
Again, yup.
But simply evaluating someone's educational worth based on whether they have attained a bachelors of science or a bachelors of arts means nothing because intelligence is not defined on whether you studied the arts or the sciences.
I'm evaluating your employability, not your worth. If you chose your majors because of a deep love and passion for the subject matters, that's great. But don't complain later than it's not putting food on your plate. That's why they're called starving artists, not fat and happy artists.
Nowadays jobs aren't based on what you know it's who you know.
You bet. How I've gotten every job I've ever had that wasn't being a Marine. I network my ass off every day. That's what college is for, ESPECIALLY for Arts majors.

I've known plenty of people who get in certain jobs based on the school they went to. I am a graduate of the University of Southern California so our alumni base is big and most Trojans operate on the idea that we Trojans take care of our own. My boss is a graduate of USC. I'm a graduate of USC. Although my skills speak for itself we live in a society where it's about knowing the right people not what is on a piece of paper.
Oh god, a USC grad. The jokes just write themselves!

Kidding. Mostly. But yeah, who you know is obviously important. And why wouldn't it be? Who do you trust more, the mechanic you've been to for years and hasn't screwed you over, or the guy with a bunch of ASE papers hanging on the wall? Being employed isn't just technical competency.

You said:

Then why the sob story? So, not readily available work for an undergrad? Huh, didn't I just say that? I'm pretty sure I did.

I was not sharing a sob story.
Yes you were. You were trying to get people to sympathize with your individual situation and extrapolate it to problems of welfare recipients elsewhere.
In actuality I incorporated my schooling with the subject and somehow the current of discussion turned into a story about me.
Yeah, funny how that works out.
My ultimate goal is to attain a doctorate degree. I am a man that likes challenges and so since I shifted my career path to social work I may just end up attaining a doctorate degree in both Neuropsychology and Social Work....we'll see...
Good luck with that, sincerely.
BTW I wasn't looking for pity when I said that there is a limit to the current job market in my field. This is how people read into it, as if I'm looking for pity. I was merely informing people on how things work because obviously just by the responses that I'm seeing here, I don't think too many people here went to college and if they did it was a long time ago.
And in doing so you're removing the fact that a large percentage of your situation goes back to your choice in majors. You chose something that you (hopefully) are passionate about and want to do. Great, again, sincerely. But when you make a choice like that, you have to understand that it comes with very long term consequences, including a good chance that you won't succeed. It's a gamble (so is every other major), and when you gamble you can lose.
If people here don't know the difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist I think its my duty as a graduate to at least educate people on the differences between the two, not to mention specifying how specializations and the current job market work.
Yeah, people are often ignorant. It's one reason I hate everyone.
My previous posts short of the original post, was more to explain the situation, not cry abaout it.
I didn't say you were crying (maybe others did, I have 75% of the board on ignore)
Again it is how people read into it and I think people here in this thread want to be confrontational, make stupid remarks as oppose to really discuss the actual issue which isn't about me per say, but about the climate of the welfare system. As I said previously I used myself as an outlier because I want people who hold the view that welfare recipients being considered lazy, to also consider those who were laid off, people like me who need a temporary anchor.
But again, you need said anchor because, in large part, of a choice you made. You weren't forced into it. So part of what your asking for is to be absolved of the negative consequences that stem from said choice. That's what a lot of people have a problem with.
Christiekins didn't grow up poor and isn't speaking from experience. So her opinion and $1 will buy a cup of coffee at McDonald's.
Ok let's debate....

highlight and prove where I've made excuses?

Prove it now. I'm going to love annihilating your reasoning.

I didn't say you made excuses in this thread. But you have made tons of them,specifically about not having a family to mooch off of.

You are weak.
Would you debate me and demonstrate where in this entire thread I've made an excuse for myself?

You claimed you couldn't go to medical school because you do t have a family to mooch off of. That is an excuse.

You are a shitty psychologist.

Stick with flipping burgers. Loser
Wayne State at first, and now Michigan State.

Manufacturing Engineering (completed) and Material Science Engineering (2 more semesters). Also have a associates in Applied Science for Welding Technologies, but since it's an associates and not a bachelors I don't bring it up much.

Uhhh, see above?

Basically. That's the job market for you. If you wanted to weight it's importance beyond that, then you would get a lot more support from me. But for getting PAID and being HIRED, a science major is more valuable 90% of time. Yup. Again, yup. I'm evaluating your employability, not your worth. If you chose your majors because of a deep love and passion for the subject matters, that's great. But don't complain later than it's not putting food on your plate. That's why they're called starving artists, not fat and happy artists. You bet. How I've gotten every job I've ever had that wasn't being a Marine. I network my ass off every day. That's what college is for, ESPECIALLY for Arts majors.

Oh god, a USC grad. The jokes just write themselves!

Kidding. Mostly. But yeah, who you know is obviously important. And why wouldn't it be? Who do you trust more, the mechanic you've been to for years and hasn't screwed you over, or the guy with a bunch of ASE papers hanging on the wall? Being employed isn't just technical competency.

Yes you were. You were trying to get people to sympathize with your individual situation and extrapolate it to problems of welfare recipients elsewhere. Yeah, funny how that works out.
Good luck with that, sincerely.
And in doing so you're removing the fact that a large percentage of your situation goes back to your choice in majors. You chose something that you (hopefully) are passionate about and want to do. Great, again, sincerely. But when you make a choice like that, you have to understand that it comes with very long term consequences, including a good chance that you won't succeed. It's a gamble (so is every other major), and when you gamble you can lose. Yeah, people are often ignorant. It's one reason I hate everyone. I didn't say you were crying (maybe others did, I have 75% of the board on ignore) But again, you need said anchor because, in large part, of a choice you made. You weren't forced into it. So part of what your asking for is to be absolved of the negative consequences that stem from said choice. That's what a lot of people have a problem with.

Ok Frenchie you made several excellent points. I didn't realize I was giving that impresion off. Ok. Well said...
You claimed you couldn't go to medical school because you do t have a family to mooch off of. That is an excuse.

You are a shitty psychologist.

Stick with flipping burgers. Loser

I actually didn't say it. Actually for someone that is talking about mooching the fact that I would want to work and sacrifice medical school which is time consuming, and expensive, would be honored but then again, you have a duck dynasty avatar so backwards thinking is to be expected from you. Next time you want to insult someone, make sure you use the edit function and correct your simple spelling errors. As far as me being a "shitty psychologist" I'm not practicing, that is what I have my degree in. Most practicing "psychologists" have their doctorate, not masters. Judging by the way you write obviously you have not acheived the level beyond G.E.D
In 2011 I was on welfare after being laid off from my job in which I was an employee for over 9 years. I went on welfare and signed up for EDD (Employment development Department) which is different than the government assistance so many are accustomed to. I was so honest when I filled out the form for the welfare forms:

-No mental disorder (e.g schizophrenia, bipolar disorder)
-Not homeless
-Has a vehicle

I received an EBT card with only 200 measly dollars for two months, and no depending on how you fill out the form the whole concept of "1st of the month" is untrue. I didn't qualify for general relief because the office saw my vehicle as something of value that I could sell. I told the case worker if I sold my vehicle how could I look for jobs via transportation? She told me "we have bus tokens." Honest Americans like myself who pay into the state and federal assistance tend to get shafted while people who have not worked, have ten kids get great benefits. I understand the side where many people hate welfare due to recipients becoming complacent, however if we discontinue the system all-together that leaves honest workers like myself who didn't have family help, who looked for jobs and couldn't find anything in the cold. So tell me conservatives what is an alternative to welfare? What do you propose?

I was a college graduate with two degrees who had a job based on an undergraduate education. I barely found jobs that suited me. I worked temp jobs and even worked a pizza hut delivery gig at one point. So tell me, how do we get rid of welfare altogether if citizens like me are shafted due to the economy?

This ought to be good....

By Title alone I'm responding to your question. Christianity is the Alternative to Welfare. The Left hates it, the Right acts like it follows it.

The difference between Government Welfare and Christian Welfare is Sloth.

Meanwhile we have the mindset of "no one exploits the system" vs "everyone exploits the system" and the small brains forget who the system was originally intended for.
By Title alone I'm responding to your question. Christianity is the Alternative to Welfare. The Left hates it, the Right acts like it follows it.

The difference between Government Welfare and Christian Welfare is Sloth.

Meanwhile we have the mindset of "no one exploits the system" vs "everyone exploits the system" and the small brains forget who the system was originally intended for.

That is an interesting response.

I'm curious, like Muslims regarding a faith being the "cure all" to a disease world, how would Christianity be the cure for welfare?
In 2011 I was on welfare after being laid off from my job in which I was an employee for over 9 years. I went on welfare and signed up for EDD (Employment development Department) which is different than the government assistance so many are accustomed to. I was so honest when I filled out the form for the welfare forms:

-No mental disorder (e.g schizophrenia, bipolar disorder)
-Not homeless
-Has a vehicle

I received an EBT card with only 200 measly dollars for two months, and no depending on how you fill out the form the whole concept of "1st of the month" is untrue. I didn't qualify for general relief because the office saw my vehicle as something of value that I could sell. I told the case worker if I sold my vehicle how could I look for jobs via transportation? She told me "we have bus tokens." Honest Americans like myself who pay into the state and federal assistance tend to get shafted while people who have not worked, have ten kids get great benefits. I understand the side where many people hate welfare due to recipients becoming complacent, however if we discontinue the system all-together that leaves honest workers like myself who didn't have family help, who looked for jobs and couldn't find anything in the cold. So tell me conservatives what is an alternative to welfare? What do you propose?

I was a college graduate with two degrees who had a job based on an undergraduate education. I barely found jobs that suited me. I worked temp jobs and even worked a pizza hut delivery gig at one point. So tell me, how do we get rid of welfare altogether if citizens like me are shafted due to the economy?

This ought to be good....

Can you be more specific? What about these jobs didn't suit you? Did they not provide a catered lunch? No chauffeur? Did they not give you your own private secretary that would give you afternoon blow jobs? What exactly did not "suit you"?