What is not commonly known about Obama...


Mission Statement:
CODEPINK is a women-initiated grassroots peace and social justice movement working to end the war in Iraq, stop new wars, and redirect our resources into healthcare, education and other life-affirming activities. We reject the Bush administration's fear-based politics that justify violence, and instead calls for policies based on compassion, kindness and a commitment to international law. With an emphasis on joy and humor, CODEPINK women and men seek to activate, amplify and inspire a community of peacemakers through creative campaigns and a commitment to non-violence.
Are you a member...?


Mission Statement:
CODEPINK is a women-initiated grassroots peace and social justice movement working to end the war in Iraq, stop new wars, and redirect our resources into healthcare, education and other life-affirming activities. We reject the Bush administration's fear-based politics that justify violence, and instead calls for policies based on compassion, kindness and a commitment to international law. With an emphasis on joy and humor, CODEPINK women and men seek to activate, amplify and inspire a community of peacemakers through creative campaigns and a commitment to non-violence.

So how much are the dues for a Socialist/Communist party member nowdays desh? Maybe you should donate one of your houses as party headquarters in N/LasVegas!
I am not saying that anyone has to explain anything. What I am saying is that Obama is supported by groups that only support people with their agenda. That is factual.

If you think that Obama or Hillary is going to remove troops from Iraq, you are sadly mistaken. They have no intention of removing troops from Iraq. If you have listened to their disclaimers on the subject or troop removal, you can clearly see this.

This is CodePINK. www.targetofopportunity.com/codepink.htm. Is this what you really want to stand for.

With this kind of support, it is easy to see how the Democrat Party is quickly moving toward Communism. Just look at their supporters.


They are a peace group guys.

When will the right stop hating anyone who promotes peace?

That is the problem. CodePINK is not supporting peace. They never have. They are advancing an anti-American, Communist agenda. They give money to "the other side" referring to the very terrorists that are killing Americans and Iraqis alike. All they are doing is empowering al-Qaeda and other Islamic terrorists. And they appreciate CodePINK's support.
Just in case anyone is actually interested in the truth, and not right wing lunatic slander. I doubt it, but...just in case.

Military Family Members who've lost their sons in Iraq deliver humanitarian aid to Fallujah refugees

San Francisco, CA – A delegation of military family members whose sons died while fighting in the Iraq war will travel to Jordan from December 27, 2004 to January 4, 2005 to deliver $600,000 worth of humanitarian supplies for refugees from the U.S. attack on Falluja. The November attack, which virtually leveled the city and left some 2,000 Iraqis and 71 U.S. soldiers dead, also created thousands of refugees, who are living without adequate food, water, electricity and healthcare. Most of these refugees are children.

“This delegation is a way for me to express my sympathy and support for the Iraqi people. The Iraq war took away my son’s life, and it’s taken away the lives of so many innocent Iraqis. It’s time to stop the killing and to help the children of Iraq,” said Rosa Suarez of Escondido, CA, whose son Jesus was a marine who died in Iraq on March 27, 2003.

In an Internet appeal, the military family members, in collaboration with U.S. peace groups, physicians’ organizations, and September 11 families, quickly raised $100,000 in donations from Americans who are concerned about the impact of our government’s policies on innocent Iraqi civilians. And humanitarian groups such as the Middle East Children’s Alliance and Operation USA contributed $500,000 worth of medical supplies.


Don't try and ignore this. These are military families who have lost children in Iraq who raised and delivered these funds. You are calling them terrorists. Coward. Yellow belly.
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That is the problem. CodePINK is not supporting peace. They never have. They are advancing an anti-American, Communist agenda. They give money to "the other side" referring to the very terrorists that are killing Americans and Iraqis alike. All they are doing is empowering al-Qaeda and other Islamic terrorists. And they appreciate CodePINK's support.

How'd you hear about this board?

You looking for somebody?
You can call it whatever you like, but we notice that you did not dispute single fact stated about CodePINK.

There are no facts on that site. And SHE'S not calling it a hit list, they are. And, thanks for that tip because i will be on the phone tomorrow morning about that.

There are still career agents you know.

So, how'd you hear about this site? Ten posts, every one of em about codepink. You looking for somebody?
Do you think the invasion of Iraq has empowered Al Qaeda?

Killing and preventing al-Qaeda from moving freely does not empower them. Remember, it is the al-Qaeda terrorists that are making the carbombs and killing Iraqis. It was these very same terrorists that tried to stop the free elections in Iraq. Remember the purple fingers that the Iraqi voters were proudly displaying. They went to the polls in record numbers and elected new government officials despite the terrorists that tried to stop them. You know, the same people that CodePINK and the other "Peace Activists" give their support. If you want pictures, here they are. "Left-Wing Protesters - A Photographic Record". So I guess that I would say that "No, I do not think that the invasion has empowered al-Qaeda.":pke:

Do you think that having allies in the United States has empowered al-Qaeda? The protests of the Marine Recruiting Office in Berkeley. Does that empower al-Qaeda? Of course it does. Does calling American soldiers "terrorists" empower al-Qaeda? Of course it does. That is the reason they do it. Does the "bring the troops home now" agenda also known as the "cut-and-run" policy empower al-Qaeda? What do you think? Of course it does.:pke:

Spy Agencies Say Iraq War Hurting U.S. Terror Fight

By Karen DeYoung
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, September 24, 2006; Page A01

The war in Iraq has become a primary recruitment vehicle for violent Islamic extremists, motivating a new generation of potential terrorists around the world whose numbers may be increasing faster than the United States and its allies can reduce the threat, U.S. intelligence analysts have concluded.

A 30-page National Intelligence Estimate completed in April cites the "centrality" of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, and the insurgency that has followed, as the leading inspiration for new Islamic extremist networks and cells that are united by little more than an anti-Western agenda. It concludes that, rather than contributing to eventual victory in the global counterterrorism struggle, the situation in Iraq has worsened the U.S. position, according to officials familiar with the classified document.

"It's a very candid assessment," one intelligence official said yesterday of the estimate, the first formal examination of global terrorist trends written by the National Intelligence Council since the March 2003 invasion. "It's stating the obvious."
Just in case anyone is actually interested in the truth, and not right wing lunatic slander. I doubt it, but...just in case.

Military Family Members who've lost their sons in Iraq deliver humanitarian aid to Fallujah refugees

San Francisco, CA – A delegation of military family members whose sons died while fighting in the Iraq war will travel to Jordan from December 27, 2004 to January 4, 2005 to deliver $600,000 worth of humanitarian supplies for refugees from the U.S. attack on Falluja. The November attack, which virtually leveled the city and left some 2,000 Iraqis and 71 U.S. soldiers dead, also created thousands of refugees, who are living without adequate food, water, electricity and healthcare. Most of these refugees are children.

“This delegation is a way for me to express my sympathy and support for the Iraqi people. The Iraq war took away my son’s life, and it’s taken away the lives of so many innocent Iraqis. It’s time to stop the killing and to help the children of Iraq,” said Rosa Suarez of Escondido, CA, whose son Jesus was a marine who died in Iraq on March 27, 2003.

In an Internet appeal, the military family members, in collaboration with U.S. peace groups, physicians’ organizations, and September 11 families, quickly raised $100,000 in donations from Americans who are concerned about the impact of our government’s policies on innocent Iraqi civilians. And humanitarian groups such as the Middle East Children’s Alliance and Operation USA contributed $500,000 worth of medical supplies.


Don't try and ignore this. These are military families who have lost children in Iraq who raised and delivered these funds. You are calling them terrorists. Coward. Yellow belly.

Heres the true story that the yellow belly won't want you to see. He/she didn't lose anyone in Iraq. A yellow belly like that comes from a family of yellow bellies. No one with that blood line would go to Iraq.

You are calling people whose shoes you aren't fit to lick clean, terrorists and you're telling lies about them.

They lost kids there. You lost nothing.
Killing and preventing al-Qaeda from moving freely does not empower them. Remember, it is the al-Qaeda terrorists that are making the carbombs and killing Iraqis. It was these very same terrorists that tried to stop the free elections in Iraq. Remember the purple fingers that the Iraqi voters were proudly displaying. They went to the polls in record numbers and elected new government officials despite the terrorists that tried to stop them. You know, the same people that CodePINK and the other "Peace Activists" give their support. If you want pictures, here they are. "Left-Wing Protesters - A Photographic Record". So I guess that I would say that "No, I do not think that the invasion has empowered al-Qaeda.":pke:

Do you think that having allies in the United States has empowered al-Qaeda? The protests of the Marine Recruiting Office in Berkeley. Does that empower al-Qaeda? Of course it does. Does calling American soldiers "terrorists" empower al-Qaeda? Of course it does. That is the reason they do it. Does the "bring the troops home now" agenda also known as the "cut-and-run" policy empower al-Qaeda? What do you think? Of course it does.:pke:

You need to read through the NIE's that have been published since 2004.
There are no facts on that site. And SHE'S not calling it a hit list, they are. And, thanks for that tip because i will be on the phone tomorrow morning about that.

There are still career agents you know.

So, how'd you hear about this site? Ten posts, every one of em about codepink. You looking for somebody?


All this CodePINK is just for you Darling. The information on the CodePINK page come directly from the CodePINK website.
Just in case anyone is actually interested in the truth, and not right wing lunatic slander. I doubt it, but...just in case.

Military Family Members who've lost their sons in Iraq deliver humanitarian aid to Fallujah refugees

San Francisco, CA – A delegation of military family members whose sons died while fighting in the Iraq war will travel to Jordan from December 27, 2004 to January 4, 2005 to deliver $600,000 worth of humanitarian supplies for refugees from the U.S. attack on Falluja. The November attack, which virtually leveled the city and left some 2,000 Iraqis and 71 U.S. soldiers dead, also created thousands of refugees, who are living without adequate food, water, electricity and healthcare. Most of these refugees are children.

“This delegation is a way for me to express my sympathy and support for the Iraqi people. The Iraq war took away my son’s life, and it’s taken away the lives of so many innocent Iraqis. It’s time to stop the killing and to help the children of Iraq,” said Rosa Suarez of Escondido, CA, whose son Jesus was a marine who died in Iraq on March 27, 2003.

In an Internet appeal, the military family members, in collaboration with U.S. peace groups, physicians’ organizations, and September 11 families, quickly raised $100,000 in donations from Americans who are concerned about the impact of our government’s policies on innocent Iraqi civilians. And humanitarian groups such as the Middle East Children’s Alliance and Operation USA contributed $500,000 worth of medical supplies.


Don't try and ignore this. These are military families who have lost children in Iraq who raised and delivered these funds. You are calling them terrorists. Coward. Yellow belly.

Here is what is actually on the codepink website, whore, contrary to your claim.

So, you have lied and those lies have been about military families who lost children in Iraq.

Are we done here, or did you want to keep following me around whore?

Spy Agencies Say Iraq War Hurting U.S. Terror Fight

By Karen DeYoung
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, September 24, 2006; Page A01

The war in Iraq has become a primary recruitment vehicle for violent Islamic extremists, motivating a new generation of potential terrorists around the world whose numbers may be increasing faster than the United States and its allies can reduce the threat, U.S. intelligence analysts have concluded.

A 30-page National Intelligence Estimate completed in April cites the "centrality" of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, and the insurgency that has followed, as the leading inspiration for new Islamic extremist networks and cells that are united by little more than an anti-Western agenda. It concludes that, rather than contributing to eventual victory in the global counterterrorism struggle, the situation in Iraq has worsened the U.S. position, according to officials familiar with the classified document.

"It's a very candid assessment," one intelligence official said yesterday of the estimate, the first formal examination of global terrorist trends written by the National Intelligence Council since the March 2003 invasion. "It's stating the obvious."

I guess our own spy agencies are a bucnh of Democrats who hate America and are just spreading lies huh?
Here is what is actually on the codepink website, whore, contrary to your claim.

So, you have lied and those lies have been about military families who lost children in Iraq.

Are we done here, or did you want to keep following me around whore?

And during that period of time, Dec 2004-Jan 2005, who had a significant presence in Fallujah? Al-Qaeda and the terrorists they support. Who did that aid really go to? Why did the Red Cross not deliver that aid? What happened to that aid after it left CodePINK and their associates? The presence of as-Qaeda was pretty strong in Fallujah at that time. That is how CodePINK got aid to the "other side" as was stated in press releases of the donation.

There have been no lies about military families that have lost children in Iraq. That $600,000 was not to the military families... well not to the American military families. To say that CodePINK and the rest of the Peace movement is anti-military is wrong. They are not anti-military... they are anti-American Military. They completely support the Iraqi insurgents i.e. al-Qaeda.

How much aid has CodePINK given the families of Americans injured or killed in any single donation? Is it more or less than $600,000?

Why is it that Liberals will go on and on about tolerance only to include personal attacks in every answer to defend their position.

What about the rest of the CodePINK page?