What is not commonly known about Obama...

CodePINK is all about confrontation. You only have to look as far as the nearest protest to see this. Look at the Marine Recruiting Office in Berkeley, Washington DC at any hearing and their disrupting antics. They celebrate every American death. They could not wait until 4000. Now they cannot wait until 4500 and then 5000 deaths. Every Soldier or Marine's death is a reason for celebration because it justifies their existence and reason for being. Without Islamic terrorists killing Americans and Iraqis, their life is meaningless.
Oh could you prove they are commies for us now?

Take a look at the writings of Medea Benjamin. "Cuba: Thoughts about Revolution", "NO FREE LUNCH: Food Revolution Cuba", and "Bridging the Global Gap: A Handbook to Linking Citizens of the First and Third Worlds".




Take a look at the emoticon on the CodePINK website. It is the Red Star.

She lived in Cuba with her first husband, who was the coach of Cuba's national basketball team while she wrote for a Cuban newspaper. You do not get these jobs in Cuba without being and supporting the Communist lifestyle. According to Medea Benjamin, the Cuban communist social and economic structure fit well with her political views.

You can close your eyes and say that she is not a Communist if you want to, but that is nothing but refusing to see the truth when it is all around you. There is none so blind as those that refuse to see.
I'm in Codepink. We work side by side with the VFP and the IVAW. My bf is on the board of the IVAW. Some of those pics you are trying to pass of as CP, the one about the troops for instance, are actualy being held by the VFP and the IVAW. But then, you know that.

We raise money for organizations like this one:


That's what happens to the kids that survive. That's what you support, making you nothing more than a baby-murdering liar

Now, go fuck yourself sideways. I know you came here to get me off this board, but that's not happening whore. And this is the last little piece of desperate satisfaction you'll even get by way of a response from me.
Now, go fuck yourself sideways. I know you came here to get me off this board, but that's not happening whore. And this is the last little piece of desperate satisfaction you'll even get by way of a response from me.

"Go fuck yourself" That last quote certainly shows you are out of ideas or intelligent thought. And I doubt that this was the last response from you on this subject.
Yea....and didn't Boob Jones University endorse McCain? I believe Liberty College did too. Aren't they two of the biggest institutions of bigotry and intolerance in the nation?

This gets back to what is not commonly known about Obama and that is the people that back him. CodePINK and there is nothing tolerant about this group. Hanoi Jane Fonda, Louis Farrakhan, James Wright...
" It is obvious that Obama shares the same values and agendas as people like Jane Fonda and CodePINK."

This is an inherently dishonest statement. It's absurd. It undermines any credibility you could hope to have.
" It is obvious that Obama shares the same values and agendas as people like Jane Fonda and CodePINK."

This is an inherently dishonest statement. It's absurd. It undermines any credibility you could hope to have.

Codepink hasn’t endorsed Obama Onceler. As a non-profit, they cannot.

It is exactly as you said earlier in the thread. It came down to Obama vs McCain and most members of any peace group, as individuals, and that includes leadership, will end up voting for Obama. Just as most support him over Hillary.

Their real candidate was of course, Kucinich. Some of the IVAW guys, wanted Ron Paul. Some of those guys are Libertarians, not all are on the left.

They are all settling for Obama. Even the Libertarians. Because the main issue of peace groups, is, surprise, peace! And they think Obama the least likely of the three remaining candidates to START another war. I agree.
And that is as far as it goes.
This gets back to what is not commonly known about Obama and that is the people that back him. CodePINK and there is nothing tolerant about this group. Hanoi Jane Fonda, Louis Farrakhan, James Wright...

Hey Good morning Porter.

Good morning to all.

Glad to see you back today dude.

Now code pink is a peace group and yeah they have some nut bags in them but so do the right wing religious groups who praise God and want to pass the bullets.

I have no problem with a group that fights for peace and fights to keep people from dying in unessesary wars even if some of them say stupid things.

I do have problems with a group that says they love Jesus and then fight to keep teh killing going.

Your side if just wrong Porter. Its not good for this country to throw our treasure and the lives of our bravest on the sacraficial fire of george W Bush's reputation.

I have many more problems with doing that.
Codepink hasn’t endorsed Obama Onceler. As a non-profit, they cannot.

It is exactly as you said earlier in the thread. It came down to Obama vs McCain and most members of any peace group, as individuals, and that includes leadership, will end up voting for Obama. Just as most support him over Hillary.

Their real candidate was of course, Kucinich. Some of the IVAW guys, wanted Ron Paul. Some of those guys are Libertarians, not all are on the left.

They are all settling for Obama. Even the Libertarians. Because the main issue of peace groups, is, surprise, peace! And they think Obama the least likely of the three remaining candidates to START another war. I agree.
And that is as far as it goes.

Jodie Evans, co-founder of the radical anti-war group Code Pink has “bundled” more than $50,000 for Sen. Barack Obama’s presidential campaign, and pro-troops groups are demanding that he return the money. Evans and her son, a student who lives at her Southern California address, each also gave the maximum individual allowable donation of $2,300 to Obama’s campaign.

OK, you are right, it is just the leadership of CodePINK, not the rank and file members, that is endorsing Obama. I guess there is no connection between the leadership and the actual organization.
" It is obvious that Obama shares the same values and agendas as people like Jane Fonda and CodePINK."

This is an inherently dishonest statement. It's absurd. It undermines any credibility you could hope to have.

Well, let's take a look at this. They are not supporting McCain, are they. Why is that? Well, it could be that McCain does not have the same values or the same agenda as CodePINK, Jane Fonda, James Wright, and Louis Farrakhan. These people have given their support because Obama best supports the agendas that these people support or they would not be giving Obama their support.

I mean, if I support Obama, then is it not accurate to believe that he represents and supports the same values that I deem important? Of course it is, that is why I would support him in the first place.

So explain how my statement is dishonest.
They are not supporting McCain because they know he will just scontinue the Bush policies of war and death.

Come on now Porter do you think anyone really wants more of what this current admin gave us?

Terroists Breeding grounds
A world that hates us
Shitty economy
Job loss
Belly up Lenders
Signing statements
Politicalized DOJ
Katrina Mess
Voting Machines that dont work
Massive Debt
Tax breaks for the rich

This country is sick to death of your party and its failures.
Hey Good morning Porter.

Good morning to all.

Glad to see you back today dude.

Now code pink is a peace group and yeah they have some nut bags in them but so do the right wing religious groups who praise God and want to pass the bullets.

I have no problem with a group that fights for peace and fights to keep people from dying in unessesary wars even if some of them say stupid things.

I do have problems with a group that says they love Jesus and then fight to keep teh killing going.

Your side if just wrong Porter. Its not good for this country to throw our treasure and the lives of our bravest on the sacraficial fire of george W Bush's reputation.

I have many more problems with doing that.

The war is not unnecessary. The war on terrroism is a war that is going to be fought. There is no way around it. It has been thrown at us since November 4, 1979. My side is not wrong. We are not the ones that are empowering and giving aid and comfort to an enemy that has no problem killing anyone it wants to.

Islamic Terrorists in Action

Beheading of Japanese Hostage Kouda Shouse by Islamic Terrorists

This is what CodePINK is supporting and people like me are trying to stop. What has the "Peace Movement" done to stop terrorism around the world? Absolutely nothing.

We are in Iraq to fight for our country and support our allies and to give everyone the opportunity and freedom to travel anywhere in the world without fear of being killed by terrorists. Sorry if you believe that stopping this is unnecessary. That is why you have people like me and my brethren in the Marines to do the job necessary.

We the willing, lead by the knowing, doing the necessary, for the ungrateful. And no one is asking you to a damn thing. You do not have to lift a finger to help. It would just be nice if you would not show support for the terrorists that are killing Americans and give them the satisfaction of knowing that you oppose and protest the military.
Dude the Iraq war had nothing to do with the WOT. It was a WFO(war for oil).

No WMDs and NO AQ Ties fella remember?
Dude the Iraq war had nothing to do with the WOT. It was a WFO(war for oil).

No WMDs and NO AQ Ties fella remember?

The war in Iraq is a War For Oil. The war in Iraq is a War For Oil. The war in Iraq is a War For Oil.

I guess if you say it loud and often enough, you will begin to believe what you say. Lets go over the facts.

Gulf War I was a war to liberate Kuwait from Iraq. If you remember, Iraq invaded Kuwait in August 1989 to claim the oilfields so as to become more powerful and control a very large, perhaps a majority, of the worlds known oil reserves. Saddam wanted to be in a position to be able to control the free flow of oil. Like it or not, the world runs on oil. American along with the coalition forces, stopped Saddam's plan to corner the world's oil market.

After three days of ground forces entering the war, Saddam agreed to a ceasefire to stop coalition forces from entering Baghdad. There were specific terms that Saddam agreed to abide.

Some of these terms were to dismantle the ability to develop and manufacture WMDs. Sarin gas is a nerve agent and he did have them. In fact, he used them against his own people. Remember the Kurds. They died by the thousands. Men, women, and children. He ordered the death of them all.

We had weapons inspectors touring the country to insure that the ability to build these weapons was destroyed. They were there to find nothing. The entire time they were there, they were blocked from going where then needed to go. Then, for some reason, Saddam order the weapons inspectors out of the country.

There were blatant violations of the 1990 United Nations ceasefire. For 14 months in Congress, debate went on about Iraq's violations of 17 United Nations resolutions. Members of Congress reviewed all of the intelligence information that President Bush had and finally they voted to give the President permission to return. Thus began the current war in Iraq.

If you assume that President Bush was lying, then you would have to believe that President Bush knew that he was lying. If that was the case, why would he not make sure that WMDs were found somewhere. You can argue that they might have been moved or that they did not ever exist. It does not really matter at this point. If Saddam had followed the UN resolutions and allowed the weapons inspectors the access agreed to in the ceasefire, he would still be in power today and he and his sons would be free to torture and kill as many of their people as they please. The rape rooms, the torture chambers... all of the glitter of the Hussein regime.

If the situation in Iraq was a war for oil, why have we not taken control of the oil fields? Why did we not take control of the oil fields in Kuwait in 1990? Instead of fighting terrorists in Fallujah, why not have those same Marines holding the oil fields? It is not like the Iraqis could do anything about it. But instead, what are we doing? We are trying to engage terrorists and stop them from killing Iraqi civilians. We are providing security in a very dangerous part of the world. Because of our presence, for the first time in the last 10,000 years, the people of Iraq have held free elections. The so-called "Peace Movement" did nothing to bring this about. In fact, they actively tried to stop this process. They would have rather had Saddam and his rape rooms. There are people like me that do not approve of this.

What do you think happens if America leaves Iraq? Iran and the radical element of Islam comes in and rules by terror. Do you want this to happen? I don't and the only way is to help the people of Iraq and their new government become self-sustaining.

There is a reason that Iran does not have people they do not approve of living in their country. Lets take a look at what Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the President of Iran has to say.

"We do not have homosexuals in Iran like you do [in America]."
-- Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iranian President, speaking at Columbia University on 24 September 2007, responding to the question why Iran executes homosexuals

Do you know why there are not any homosexuals in Iran? They hang them in the public square as soon as they are discovered.

"There is no doubt that the new wave [of attacks] in Palestine will wipe off this stigma [Israel] from the face of the Islamic world."
-- Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iranian President elected June 2005

So, he does not like Homosexuals and Jews. You can rest assure that he does not like anyone that disagrees with his views. Gee, I wonder what happens to those people?

Getting back to Saddam Hussein, Iraq, and WMDs, what did the previous Clinton adminstration have to say on the subject.

"Because we're acting today, it is less likely that we will face these dangers in the future..."
-- Bill Clinton, President of the United States, December 16, 1998

"The community of nations may see more and more of the very kind of threat Iraq poses now: a rogue state with weapons of mass destruction, ready to use them or provide them to terrorists. If we fail to respond today, Saddam and all those who would follow in his footsteps will be emboldened tomorrow."
-- Bill Clinton, President of the United States, 1998

"If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure."
-- Bill Clinton, President of the United States

"The hard fact is that so long as Saddam remains in power, he threatens the well-being of his people, the peace of his region, and the security of the world."
-- Bill Clinton, President of the United States

"The best way to end that threat once and for all is with a new Iraqi government - a government ready to live in peace with its neighbors, a government that respects the rights of its people. Bringing change in Baghdad will take time and effort. We will strengthen our engagement with the full range of Iraqi opposition forces and work with them effectively and prudently..."
-- Bill Clinton, President of the United States

"Heavy as they are, the costs of action must be weighed against the price of inaction. If Saddam defies the world and we fail to respond, we will face a far greater threat in the future. Saddam will strike again at his neighbors. He will make war on his own people."
-- Bill Clinton, President of the United States

"And mark my words, he will develop weapons of mass destruction. He will deploy them, and he will use them."
-- Bill Clinton, President of the United States speaking about Saddam Hussein

And for the granddaddy of them all...

"Earlier today, I ordered America's armed forces to strike military and security targets in Iraq. They are joined by British forces. Their mission is to attack Iraq's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs and its military capacity to threaten its neighbors..."
-- Bill Clinton, President of the United States, December 16, 1998
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So Desh, how would you respond to 9/11 without war and death (I assume this means you opposed the invasion of Afghanistan)? And how do you create an environment where there is not a state of fear, as you accuse Bush of fostering (PS when people die, there tends to be considerable fear)?

And of course, I usually question why its necessary for the Old Country and the rest of the world to like us. They didn't create a great republic that is still great despite the eroding nature of Jacksonian Democracy...

Everything else looks like crap, but I find these points of yours to be adequate. BTW - the voting machines became popularized in the aftermath of Florida...

Porter I suppose this about sums it up...had the invasion of Iraq been under a (D) president it would be compassion for the Iraqi people...since the invasion of Iraq is by a (R)president it is baby killers run amuck! Not to forget it is a 'Oil War' according to desheepoo! And had it been a (D) president under the Clintons, Code Pink would be nowhere on the horizon..............

Hillary would make sure if they bitched...they would disappear!;)
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Ask the Serbian People how they felt about us crashing into their civil war with the Renegade province of Kosovo. I'm sure they loved how we bombed them back a few decades and gave Albanian Islamic Militants contol of Kosovo. Sure, they disbanded under our occupation. But wait until we and Nato leave.

Who sent us to Bosnia and Kosovo? That's right, it was President Clinton. WMD? No... Terrorist? Yes, but we called them freedom fighters and assisted them. Some remote threat to our National Security? No... Oil? No (too bad)...

During this same time, we had already identified Osama Bin Laden as a serious threat. Hey, but what was the rush. Wage war and occupy the Balkans and let the next President worry about this Osama guy.
They are not supporting McCain because they know he will just scontinue the Bush policies of war and death.

Come on now Porter do you think anyone really wants more of what this current admin gave us?

Terroists Breeding grounds
A world that hates us
Shitty economy
Job loss
Belly up Lenders
Signing statements
Politicalized DOJ
Katrina Mess
Voting Machines that dont work
Massive Debt
Tax breaks for the rich

This country is sick to death of your party and its failures.

At least you Liberals are consistant. Lets address these issues


Lets see, WWI - President Woodrow Wilson (dem)

WWII - President Franklin D. Roosevelt (dem)
President Harry Truman (dem)

Korean War - President Harry Truman (dem)

Vietnam War - President John F. Kennedy (dem)
President Lyndon B. Johnson (dem)

Gulf War I - President George Bush (41) (rep) It really was not a war compared to other wars. It lasted approx. 45 days.

There have been plenty of wars, most under Democrat administrations.


I guess you do not remember anything about the Cold War and the Nuclear threat. Remember the Cuban Missile Crisis? Many Americans have no idea about fear these days. If you want to reference 9-11, that fear began during the Clinton administration. If you remember, the September 11 attack on the WTC was not the first attack. On February 26, 1993 at 12:17 PM, a Ryder truck filled with 1,500 pounds (680 kg) of explosives was planted by Ramzi Yousef and detonated in the underground garage of the North Tower. Who was the President then? Bill Clinton and he did nothing about it.

Terrorist Breeding Grounds

What are you talking about? When do you think terrorists started breeding? You probably do not remember all of the terrorist training camps in Libya in the 1970s and 1980s. It is so clear that you do not have any real historical reference on this subject. Islamic terrorists have been training since the formation of Israel in 1948.

In the 1980s, who did something about them. President Ronald Reagan. Remember the bombing of Libya. Many of the terrorist training camps were destroyed. It stopped much of the terrorism from that country.

Bill Clinton did the same thing around the time of the Monica scandal. He authorized the cruise missile attack on an aspirin factory in the Sudan killing the night janitor.

A world that hates us

When have Liberals ever thought that the world loved us? During the Reagan administration? The Carter administration? Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy? The world hates us, but everyone keeps wanting to move here. Go figure...

Shitty economy

Guess you do not remember the Carter Administration. 21% interest rates. Runaway inflation. Unemployment figures 9-12 percent.

Today, unemployment is less than 4%.

Employment figures are according to the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics

Perhaps the economy would not be so bad if the government would get out of it. You have both Obama and Hillary wanting to implement X hundred billion dollar tax plans. Where do you think that money comes from. It is taken from people that earn it and who knows what happens to it. Unless you are on welfare, it will not be getting to you. All it does is to remove investment capital from the economy.


What part of Bill Clinton's life should we start? Lies under oath. Monica. Scandal after scandal.


I guess you are talking about bank foreclosures. It was the Democrats in Congress that allowed/forced lending institutions to loan money to people that really could not afford to purchase the house they purchased.

Job loss

Perhaps if investment capital was not removed from the economy by the spending habits of the Democrat controlled Congress, more people would have jobs. Again, look at the Department of Labor unemployment statistics.


Belly up Lenders

When you loan money to people that cannot pay it back, what do you expect?

Politicalized DOJ

I guess you never heard of Janet Reno. We will just leave it at that.

Katrina Mess

For that, you need to discuss the finer points of why New Orleans and the State of Louisiana and their failure to take Federal money offered and improve the levies. Perhaps if Mayor Nagin had a better evacuation plan for "Chocolate City" than Run Motherf*cker, Run!!!, much of New Orleans would not have had the damage it did. At some point, you have to take responsibility on the local level rather than placing the blame on George Bush.

Voting Machines that dont work

That might be a question you might want to address the local board of elections, which is usually controlled by an elected official represented by a Democrat.

Massive Debt

Do you know what branch of government controls spending. It is Congress, specifically, the House of Representatives that holds the power to originate appropriation bills, or bills authorizing the expenditure of federal funds. And who has been in the majority for the better part of the last 5 decades? You guessed it. Liberals from the Democrat Party. If you are worried about massive debt, perhaps it is your Congressman you should complain to rather than the President, regardless of party affiliation.

Tax breaks for the rich

I guess you do not like successful, rich people. How much does one have to earn to be considered as "rich"?

Lets take a look at the facts.

In 2003, the latest year for which complete data is available, the top one percent of taxpayers paid just over 34 percent of all income taxes, compared to over 37 percent in 2000 and 33 percent in 1997

The top 10 percent of taxpayers paid almost 66 percent of income taxes in 2003, compared to 67 percent in 2000 and 63 percent in 1997

Middle 50 percent of taxpayers paid a roughly even share of the taxes in 2003, 2000 and 1997: 12.6 percent, 12 percent and 14 percent, respectively

The bottom 50 percent of taxpayers bore less of the burden in 2003 compared to 2000, paying almost 3.5 percent of taxes compared to over 4 percent three years earlier. The bottom half of taxpayers has paid a decreasing share of taxes since 1980.

Most of those who benefited from the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts are actually small business owners, who are assuming more of the tax burden every year. Since they are not corporations, small businesses do not pay taxes—but their owners do.

Small businesses, with fewer than 100 employees, represent 98 percent of all businesses and create a third of all jobs. So raising taxes on the top one percent really raises taxes on small businesses. They are the engines of new job creation, and taxing them out of business only eliminates jobs.

In 2000, small business owners earned 21 percent of the gross national income and paid 37 percent of all individual income taxes. Businesses also bear nearly all the cost of the 15.3 percent payroll tax, including the half that is removed from their employees’ paychecks.

Do you know what would fix all of that "tax breaks for the rich" problem. An annual tax based on personal wealth, property, and assets. That would certainly make everyone more equal. It would be horribly unethical, but it would achieve the financial equality that is sought by Socialist/Liberals everywhere.