What is White Privilege?


In Yo Face!
Having the Time to Construct your own Gallows, Hang a Noose ... and Dance and Sing around it, and be home in time to feed the kids and get them ready for school.
Having the Time to Construct your own Gallows, Hang a Noose ... and Dance and Sing around it, and be home in time to feed the kids and get them ready for school.

I've experienced white privilege for decades without knowing the modern word for that.
It's bullshit. That's what it is. Everyone on both sides wants to be a victim, whether it's the Christians on the right or the blacks on the left. We live in an era where everyone relishes in oppression, and where those who suffer the least cry the loudest, drowning out those who truly suffer, like the poor and illegal immigrants.
What is White Privilege?
A fabricated term like "assault weapon". It means majority rule.

Better to enforce the Constitutional rights of every American rather than to create special rules for people based on skin-tone, religion or anything else. All must be equal before the law.
Tomorrow when I go to the bank for my home remodel and addition project the only question they will ask me is ...HOW MUCH WOULD YOU LIKE SIR ?, at our lowest interest rate of coarse ;) You know... the one we only reserve for white folks wink wink ;) ;) ! Gotta admit,....this white privilege stuff is AWESOME!

Tomorrow when I go to the bank for my home remodel and addition project the only question they will ask me is ...HOW MUCH WOULD YOU LIKE SIR ?, at our lowest interest rate of coarse ;) You know... the one we only reserve for white folks wink wink ;) ;) ! Gotta admit,....this white privilege stuff is AWESOME!

Racists are so boring. We pay for our remodels with cash, too bad you have to borrow money.
Tomorrow when I go to the bank for my home remodel and addition project the only question they will ask me is ...HOW MUCH WOULD YOU LIKE SIR ?, at our lowest interest rate of coarse ;) You know... the one we only reserve for white folks wink wink ;) ;) ! Gotta admit,....this white privilege stuff is AWESOME!


I kinda like not having any Debt ... but for those who can't, there's always a Bank :cool:

Hell ... you maybe owing me money ... it's not like you know who's funding you :laugh:
I bet you do. Dummy. If you had half a brain you would know why you dont START out that way. :laugh: But you dont
We’ve always paid for them with cash. We saved and did the labor ourselves. My hubby is very talented. We did hire guys to put in granite countertops and do the electrical work.