What is White Privilege?

Look deeper, son. Every human being is an asset, something to be maximized for the greater good of themselves and, consequently, our nation, the world, whatever.

From a management perspective, wasting any assets, human or otherwise, is costly and highly inefficient.

From a leadership perspective, it's a loss of opportunities, a failure to maximize one's options.

From a Constitutional government's perspective, it's a failure of government which should be fixed for the betterment of the nation as a whole.

IMHO, giving shit away is stupid. Necessities are necessities and should be provided for the good of the nation. Aside from just staying alive, people also have a very strong desire to have value to others. If they don't do something that satisfies their desire to have value to others, then it's very human to feel frustrated.

Our culture is inundated with various people telling them they are losers and far too many feel they are losers, that their children will end up as losers and that, if they don't do something now, then they will die losers. That's a very discomforting belief to have.

A good maxim is to understand that the most dangerous people in the world are those with nothing to lose. Human beings will fight to survive. It's in our nature. If they feel their life has no value then most will fight to give it value. Not just for themselves, but for their children and grandchildren. This is a very common, human thing. Why do so many people not seem to understand it?

so, idiot, are you for affirmative action quotas?
ROFL.. try getting a job because you are white..see how far that gets you (not)
If i'm in the ruling class why have I no more power then my Hispanic neighbors?

Because you're fucking retarded. Even white people won't get ahead if they're dumb as a rock.