What is White Privilege?

Military do. The rest? No so much.

USPS workers, countless clerical and administrative workers, IT folk, attorneys, engineers, scientists, auditors/accountants (my late brother was a VN war era vet and accountant with Army Audit Agency). NASA, CDC EPA, USDA. We the People are lucky to employ very bright minds, hard workers, and innovative thinkers. That's the beauty of America -- and of our government which can afford to hire them.

Sorry, but just 'cause you worked in the military doesn't make you special, the best, or any more worthy than these fine people who make the lives of us citizens better, every single day.
USPS workers, countless clerical and administrative workers, IT folk, attorneys, engineers, scientists, auditors/accountants (my late brother was a VN war era vet and accountant with Army Audit Agency). NASA, CDC EPA, USDA. We the People are lucky to employ very bright minds, hard workers, and innovative thinkers. That's the beauty of America -- and of our government which can afford to hire them.

Sorry, but just 'cause you worked in the military doesn't make you special, the best, or any more worthy than these fine people who make the lives of us citizens better, every single day.

Au contraire mon ami. Military are very special. Even so, government workers are a necessity. This drive for years to privatize everything only ends up making some people very rich at a higher cost to taxpayers and worse results.

Regardless, state and federal workers are an essential part of a state or federal government. Bureaucracy sucks but it sucks worse without it. Despite all the D's and R's running for office making promises, like Trump has proved, all they do is spend more money, drive up debt and walk away scott-free from any messes they make. We should keep our eye on our government, but we should be smart enough to know we need it for our own prosperity and security.
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

From the movie Patton:

George S. Patton Jr.: I know I'm a prima donna. I admit it. What I can't stand about Monty is, he won't admit it.

Republicans admit they are and expect to be privileged by their wealth and status, Democrats refuse to admit it. Besides their political polarity, that's the main difference I see between them.

What planet are you from?

PLEASE point out where ANY GOPer has "admitted" to white privilege helping them along in life.
What planet are you from?

PLEASE point out where ANY GOPer has "admitted" to white privilege helping them along in life.

Scroll up, numbnuts. "White Privilege" is a fabricated term like "Assault Weapon". If Democrats would stop lying, maybe people like me would trust them more.
Scroll up, numbnuts. "White Privilege" is a fabricated term like "Assault Weapon". If Democrats would stop lying, maybe people like me would trust them more.

No, it's not. "White privilege" means your race has afforded you the de facto position of being in the ruling class of society. It means your race puts you in prime position to succeed.

Don't believe me? Prior to 1980, how many people of color served in Congress, on the Supreme Court, as President, as governor, as head of a Fortune 500 business, etc.?

Democrats are not lying about this issue, and we're not going to stop using terms that hurt your fragile little feelers.
No, it's not. "White privilege" means your race has afforded you the de facto position of being in the ruling class of society. It means your race puts you in prime position to succeed.

Don't believe me? Prior to 1980, how many people of color served in Congress, on the Supreme Court, as President, as governor, as head of a Fortune 500 business, etc.?

Democrats are not lying about this issue, and we're not going to stop using terms that hurt your fragile little feelers.

QED. Liberal racists are no better than RW racists. Both seek to deprive Americans of their rights.
USPS workers, countless clerical and administrative workers, IT folk, attorneys, engineers, scientists, auditors/accountants (my late brother was a VN war era vet and accountant with Army Audit Agency). NASA, CDC EPA, USDA. We the People are lucky to employ very bright minds, hard workers, and innovative thinkers. That's the beauty of America -- and of our government which can afford to hire them.

Sorry, but just 'cause you worked in the military doesn't make you special, the best, or any more worthy than these fine people who make the lives of us citizens better, every single day.

Have you ever worked with Govt employees? Apparently not. They are not bright, they are not hard workers and they are far from innovative. That is the reason our Government subs out work to real companies that can actually do it.
Have you ever worked with Govt employees? Apparently not. They are not bright, they are not hard workers and they are far from innovative. That is the reason our Government subs out work to real companies that can actually do it.

Sure thing there, Popeye. lol
No, it's not. "White privilege" means your race has afforded you the de facto position of being in the ruling class of society. It means your race puts you in prime position to succeed.

Don't believe me? Prior to 1980, how many people of color served in Congress, on the Supreme Court, as President, as governor, as head of a Fortune 500 business, etc.?

Democrats are not lying about this issue, and we're not going to stop using terms that hurt your fragile little feelers.

When has my Irish Catholic or Polish Catholic side been awarded this White privilege!?
Like I said, you obviously never worked with them. And once again the reason the government subs out the real work to real companies.

That's because Republicans want to move taxpayer money into campaign donor pockets.

While some things can be subcontracted out, I fail to see any improvement in results, just higher costs.

There's a reason why the US doesn't subcontract the US military to mercenaries.

Any problems in government workers is a failure of leadership. A long term failure of leadership.
No, it's not. "White privilege" means your race has afforded you the de facto position of being in the ruling class of society. It means your race puts you in prime position to succeed.
ROFL.. try getting a job because you are white..see how far that gets you (not)
If i'm in the ruling class why have I no more power then my Hispanic neighbors?
A fabricated term like "assault weapon". It means majority rule.

Better to enforce the Constitutional rights of every American rather than to create special rules for people based on skin-tone, religion or anything else. All must be equal before the law.

so you're definitely against affirmative action quotas?
That's because Republicans want to move taxpayer money into campaign donor pockets.

While some things can be subcontracted out, I fail to see any improvement in results, just higher costs.

There's a reason why the US doesn't subcontract the US military to mercenaries.

Any problems in government workers is a failure of leadership. A long term failure of leadership.

Umm...Democrats use private companies also. And the U.S. does subcontract to Mercenaries now Dutch. They just call them PMC's (Private Military Companies). There was something like 100,000 in Iraq. The United States is not signatory to the 1989 United Nations Mercenary Convention banning the use of mercenaries.
Umm...Democrats use private companies also. And the U.S. does subcontract to Mercenaries now Dutch. They just call them PMC's (Private Military Companies). There was something like 100,000 in Iraq. The United States is not signatory to the 1989 United Nations Mercenary Convention banning the use of mercenaries.

Agreed. All the rich guys have deals with the companies. It's not a secret. God Bless America and capitalism. That can be taken sarcastically, but it shouldn't.

Capitalism fueled the world's greatest democracy. Why are the Lefties giving it a bad rap? OTOH, when capitalism encroaches on the Preambles of the Constitution, then We, the People need to stand up or give up the freedom envisioned by those who died for it.

The idealism of the one citizen, one vote should stand strongest among all of our beliefs. E Pluribus Unum is, and always has been, our greatest strength.
so you're definitely against affirmative action quotas?

Look deeper, son. Every human being is an asset, something to be maximized for the greater good of themselves and, consequently, our nation, the world, whatever.

From a management perspective, wasting any assets, human or otherwise, is costly and highly inefficient.

From a leadership perspective, it's a loss of opportunities, a failure to maximize one's options.

From a Constitutional government's perspective, it's a failure of government which should be fixed for the betterment of the nation as a whole.

IMHO, giving shit away is stupid. Necessities are necessities and should be provided for the good of the nation. Aside from just staying alive, people also have a very strong desire to have value to others. If they don't do something that satisfies their desire to have value to others, then it's very human to feel frustrated.

Our culture is inundated with various people telling them they are losers and far too many feel they are losers, that their children will end up as losers and that, if they don't do something now, then they will die losers. That's a very discomforting belief to have.

A good maxim is to understand that the most dangerous people in the world are those with nothing to lose. Human beings will fight to survive. It's in our nature. If they feel their life has no value then most will fight to give it value. Not just for themselves, but for their children and grandchildren. This is a very common, human thing. Why do so many people not seem to understand it?