What is White Privilege?

Already started.

Just saw where a freshman House republican is going to file articles against the Big Guy for abuse of power. It’s going to the the new normal going forward.

Strong work, Democrats.

If "the new normal" is a fucking Q-anon nutbag speaking for Republicans, go right ahead with the new normal, dipshit.
Ever been to downtown Boise, ID? Compare that to Portland's downtown.
Now I realize you consider weirdos openly jacking off on street corners to be a desirable trait of "diversity" and a nice clean crime free downtown to be a Nazi stronghold, but just compare the two and you'll see a big difference.

I think you're just cherry-picking conservative cities (though Boise voted blue) and claiming they're better than Portland, using zero evidence or even the smallest amount of observation.

the racial justice protests this summer occupied about 2 square blocks. Portland metro is about 2 million people. You quite literally don't know what you're talking about.
Having the Time to Construct your own Gallows, Hang a Noose ... and Dance and Sing around it, and be home in time to feed the kids and get them ready for school.

I dont know what it is and Im white, I recall when I was young having to work on the farm which is very hard work, to make money I dug graves and worked in town on the road crew and shoveled cinders and salt out of the big trucks on the roads of the winter , that must of been my white privilege
I dont know what it is and Im white, I recall when I was young having to work on the farm which is very hard work, to make money I dug graves and worked in town on the road crew and shoveled cinders and salt out of the big trucks on the roads of the winter , that must of been my white privilege
Not King. He at least held a real job at some point. Not sucking off the government tit his whole life like the others.

People who work for the government actually DO work, despite what you may have heard. Even those with (R)s after their names do some work. OTOH, if they had done their jobs last January and removed the Bloated Blight from our White House, you all would be looking forward to the Inauguration of President Pence next week. Oh, and the Senate? You'd still have a majority there, too.
People who work for the government actually DO work, despite what you may have heard. Even those with (R)s after their names do some work. OTOH, if they had done their jobs last January and removed the Bloated Blight from our White House, you all would be looking forward to the Inauguration of President Pence next week. Oh, and the Senate? You'd still have a majority there, too.

Military do. The rest? No so much.
People who work for the government actually DO work, despite what you may have heard. Even those with (R)s after their names do some work. OTOH, if they had done their jobs last January and removed the Bloated Blight from our White House, you all would be looking forward to the Inauguration of President Pence next week. Oh, and the Senate? You'd still have a majority there, too.
Probably Vice President Haley, too! I tried to advise them, no one listened. ;)
"White privilege" is an African American coined expression which presents yet another obstacle to racial harmony.

African Americans have the most legitimate gripes imaginable. I wouldn't ever deny that. It's obviously true.
Painting all Euro-Americans with the same brush chases away prospective political allies.
Perhaps the satisfying sound of the expression is worth it to them.
As a melanin-deprived Euro, I'm in no position to know.
Not King. He at least held a real job at some point. Not sucking off the government tit his whole life like the others.

Do you say this shit out loud in mixed company, and if so, does the cacophony of laughter completely overwhelm the last part of that sentence?

The guy was born with a silver spoon rammed up his ass and urethra, used up daddy's trust funds right before dad died and he inherited the company, and then he was completely bankrupt and out of money when he lucked into The Apprentice.

His entire life has been nothing but abject failure (albeit somehow upward).

Fuck, YOU probably paid more income taxes throughout your life than Trump did.
I dont know what it is and Im white, I recall when I was young having to work on the farm which is very hard work, to make money I dug graves and worked in town on the road crew and shoveled cinders and salt out of the big trucks on the roads of the winter , that must of been my white privilege

I'm not shocked in the least that you don't get it.

Ever been denied a job, housing, govt benefits, voting rights, marriage, or a bank loan because of your skin color?