What is White Privilege?

What is "White Privilege?" An artificial construct of the radical Left thought up by a combination of quack academics and charlatans like Peggy McIntosh, a women’s studies scholar at Wellesley College, or Tim Wise a "lecturer" on it with no other credentials.

It uses, like the 1619 project, a fabricated series of lies and historical half truths combined with poorly researched statistics, often by incompetent academics who rely on their credentials rather than their work and results, to make it seem true. But it isn't when critically looked at (critically means in the traditional sense, not the way the Left uses the term). Instead the whole topic and endeavor collapses like a house of cards in a hurricane. There's nothing left of it, not one shred of credibility.

That's what White Privilege is, a massive lie by the Left to spread racism, hatred, social division, the politics of envy, and in the end one more tool to destroy society as it exists.

Oh for heaven's sake, you can do better than that.

You know very well what White Privilege is- it's a Mentality or better yet, a persona that only White people can possible have- meaning: I am a privileged character just by the mere fact I am a White Person.

It may even come naturally, but one grows socially to develop and adapt a 2nd nature that realizes that everyone has the very same rights as human beings and regardless to color of skin.

Some White people do not grow from the human social experience, and they struggle throughout their lives to develop this 2nd nature- And those people are referred to as racists- because they can't grow socially and are stuck in WHITE PRIVILEGE mode.

Sad! But True!
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Have you ever even bothered to read anything academics and posers have written on White Privilege? Have you listened to any of its leading proponents speak? I have. It has nothing, zero to do with "MAGATs threats" whatever that is, and everything to do with radical Leftism spreading racism, hatred, and envy.

This is Tim Wise. He has a high school diploma to his credit. But he's a darling of the Left on White Privilege and regularly lectures students at universities who pay him to show up. He's a charlatan. I've read several of his books. They are easy to tear apart because he has no understanding of logic, math, or statistics. His knowledge of history is trivial and shallow so he says stuff that is easily proved wrong.

But he's on the Left so it all gets a pass because he says the correct things the Left wants to hear.

Another might be a supposedly "scholarly" book by two academics named Feagin and Picca. They're sociologists and their book is crap. Their statistical analysis is freshman-like drivel rather than anything actually relevant or scholarly. Yet, they get wide play on the Left for what they claim because it's what the Left wants to hear.

That's what White Privilege is, nonsense. It's a lie.

This is 100% true,....but it is something actually far more sinister than that. It is the old Helter Skelter plan. They play black people for fools and its actually pretty sick.
Something all white people will pay dearly for over the next four years because it's what liberals want.

Disagreed although I can see why some people think so. The two political polarities are like a teeter totter; as one moves to extreme the other moves further to balance it. Eventually, as we see now, we have the Right which has become far, far too racist and the Left which, too, has become racist by institutionalizing racism with Affirmative Action, special rules for special people, etc.

If both would move back toward the center by focusing on strengthening the Constitutional and the rights of all Americans, racism would be inconsequential. There will always be bigoted assholes because there will always be cowardly, low IQ people. Somebody has to balance out the high IQ people, eh? LOL

Oh for heaven's sake, you can do better than that.

You know very well what White Privilege is- it's a Mentality or better yet, a persona that only White people can possible have- meaning: I am a privileged character just by the mere fact I am a White Person.

Bullshit. It's a made-up term used by racists, haters, and other scum of the radical Left to vilify Whites without factual basis. It's just a form of racism, and little else.
This is 100% true,....but it is something actually far more sinister than that. It is the old Helter Skelter plan. They play black people for fools and its actually pretty sick.

Disagreed. It's more basic than that; like Trump and his idiots, it's pure populism. Bread and Circuses for the masses. There is nothing different in what the Liberals have been doing than what Trump has done except for the polarity of who is being given tickets to Circus Maximus.

Yes, the Democrats focus upon racial minorities and the Republicans focus upon the uneducated Euro-Americans. Same show, different audience.
Says the racist.

From the guy that hasn't offered one shred of evidence, debate, or fact in this discussion. I'm more than willing to debate on the subject of White Privilege. I will use the words, writings, and videos of the leading proponents of this trash as evidence against them. It's all too easy because it's so easy to disprove their nonsense.

Of course, I don't expect the Left to actually want to do that because it becomes one more giant fail for Leftist rhetoric and ideas if they do. Instead I expect more insults, vitriol, and ad hominem as the only response.
From the guy that hasn't offered one shred of evidence, debate, or fact in this discussion. I'm more than willing to debate on the subject of White Privilege. I will use the words, writings, and videos of the leading proponents of this trash as evidence against them. It's all too easy because it's so easy to disprove their nonsense.

Of course, I don't expect the Left to actually want to do that because it becomes one more giant fail for Leftist rhetoric and ideas if they do. Instead I expect more insults, vitriol, and ad hominem as the only response.
I don’t need your racist videos, writings blah, blah. I see examples of it in our society constantly. So your read your crap, it doesn’t change anything but try to appease your guilt for being a racist.
One thing Im VERY thankful for......This message board taught me that almost all Trump voters either live in shacks, single wide trailers, or in a van down by the river. Hell.... they dont even have any TEETH. Ohhhhhhhh those poor poor people. Im going to try and donate as much as I can to organizations that will help them and only them,...FUCK EVERYBODY ELSE because they need it the most!

From the guy that hasn't offered one shred of evidence, debate, or fact in this discussion. I'm more than willing to debate on the subject of White Privilege. I will use the words, writings, and videos of the leading proponents of this trash as evidence against them. It's all too easy because it's so easy to disprove their nonsense.

Of course, I don't expect the Left to actually want to do that because it becomes one more giant fail for Leftist rhetoric and ideas if they do. Instead I expect more insults, vitriol, and ad hominem as the only response.

Pssssttt......She isnt a guy. She's a drunk old woman. Thats why she doesnt make any sense. You would have more luck talking to a dog,.....least the dog isnt drunk!....:laugh:
I don’t need your racist videos, writings blah, blah. I see examples of it in our society constantly. So your read your crap, it doesn’t change anything but try to appease your guilt for being a racist.


My "crap" is the writings, lectures, and videos of those that made White Privilege a thing to begin with. Without them, it wouldn't exist as an idea. Thus, what they write and say has great impact on the validity of the idea and if disproven, then the idea is dead and finished.

My "crap" is the writings, lectures, and videos of those that made White Privilege a thing to begin with. Without them, it wouldn't exist as an idea. Thus, what they write and say has great impact on the validity of the idea and if disproven, then the idea is dead and finished.

Dude,....intellectually you are wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy over her. It would be fruitless. You would have to dumb everything down so much that the points would lose their meaning. Its bad,....REAL BAD. ;)