What is White Privilege?

We’ve always paid for them with cash. We saved and did the labor ourselves. My hubby is very talented. We did hire guys to put in granite countertops and do the electrical work.

Nothing wrong with that. This is a large addition. There are tax advantages to taking out a loan then paying it off super early in a lump sum.
What is "White Privilege?" An artificial construct of the radical Left thought up by a combination of quack academics and charlatans like Peggy McIntosh, a women’s studies scholar at Wellesley College, or Tim Wise a "lecturer" on it with no other credentials.

It uses, like the 1619 project, a fabricated series of lies and historical half truths combined with poorly researched statistics, often by incompetent academics who rely on their credentials rather than their work and results, to make it seem true. But it isn't when critically looked at (critically means in the traditional sense, not the way the Left uses the term). Instead the whole topic and endeavor collapses like a house of cards in a hurricane. There's nothing left of it, not one shred of credibility.

That's what White Privilege is, a massive lie by the Left to spread racism, hatred, social division, the politics of envy, and in the end one more tool to destroy society as it exists.
Racists are so boring. We pay for our remodels with cash, too bad you have to borrow money.

I've used the Home Depot 24-month interest free plan twice and always paid it off. A credit check was standard and never heard of it being race-based.

Retiring with zero-debt should be a common goal but it isn't. I've seen too many of my work friends have to keep working in their late 60s to pay off debt....but they had late model cars and really big houses!
What is "White Privilege?" An artificial construct of the radical Left thought up by a combination of quack academics and charlatans like Peggy McIntosh, a women’s studies scholar at Wellesley College, or Tim Wise a "lecturer" on it with no other credentials.

It uses, like the 1619 project, a fabricated series of lies and historical half truths combined with poorly researched statistics, often by incompetent academics who rely on their credentials rather than their work and results, to make it seem true. But it isn't when critically looked at (critically means in the traditional sense, not the way the Left uses the term). Instead the whole topic and endeavor collapses like a house of cards in a hurricane. There's nothing left of it, not one shred of credibility.

That's what White Privilege is, a massive lie by the Left to spread racism, hatred, social division, the politics of envy, and in the end one more tool to destroy society as it exists.

Well I don't see any announcement of BLM or Anfifa on No-Fly List ;) maybe that's Black Privilage :cool:
What is "White Privilege?" An artificial construct of the radical Left thought up by a combination of quack academics and charlatans like Peggy McIntosh, a women’s studies scholar at Wellesley College, or Tim Wise a "lecturer" on it with no other credentials.

It uses, like the 1619 project, a fabricated series of lies and historical half truths combined with poorly researched statistics, often by incompetent academics who rely on their credentials rather than their work and results, to make it seem true. But it isn't when critically looked at (critically means in the traditional sense, not the way the Left uses the term). Instead the whole topic and endeavor collapses like a house of cards in a hurricane. There's nothing left of it, not one shred of credibility.

That's what White Privilege is, a massive lie by the Left to spread racism, hatred, social division, the politics of envy, and in the end one more tool to destroy society as it exists.
White privilege was very obvious when MAGATs threats weren’t taken seriously and they stormed our Capitol.
I've used the Home Depot 24-month interest free plan twice and always paid it off. A credit check was standard and never heard of it being race-based.

Retiring with zero-debt should be a common goal but it isn't. I've seen too many of my work friends have to keep working in their late 60s to pay off debt....but they had late model cars and really big houses!
My hubby chose to work until he was 70. He didn’t mind the work and he was afraid if he retired he’d die early :laugh:
White privilege was very obvious when MAGATs threats weren’t taken seriously and they stormed our Capitol.

Sorry, but that's not "white privilege", that's just pure, Trumpian-distilled racism. Trump took the worst dregs of American society, boiled them down and then turned them loose.

Part of me wants them to stage a full-on assault of State capitol buildings and Washington DC just so the good guys with guns can mow them down like a lawn mower. Our nation would be far better off without that scum.
I've used the Home Depot 24-month interest free plan twice and always paid it off. A credit check was standard and never heard of it being race-based.

Retiring with zero-debt should be a common goal but it isn't. I've seen too many of my work friends have to keep working in their late 60s to pay off debt....but they had late model cars and really big houses!

Even though we argue,...one thing I will NEVER do is say someone is wrong when they arent. What you said in this post is accurate and good sound advice.
My hubby chose to work until he was 70. He didn’t mind the work and he was afraid if he retired he’d die early :laugh:

I agree ... I can retire in a couple years, but why, I like what I do and I'm getting paid to do it, 3 days a week. So why Retire? :dunno:

My hubby chose to work until he was 70. He didn’t mind the work and he was afraid if he retired he’d die early :laugh:
Good on hubby.

Choosing to work is great. Having to work due to poor life choices is worse. Having to work due to a lifelong lack of education and/or job opportunities is much worse. It's a waste of America's greatest resource, it's citizens.

I still "work"...about 100 feet behind my house in the big "shed" you saw. :)

Racism obviously still exists in the USA and assholes like Trump have ripped off the veneer to show the ugliness that still exists in the US. Let's hope that Trump's legacy is to have shown Americans a path no American ever wants to go down again.
Damn you Lost :laugh:

I havent lost anything you dullard. See,.... thats the difference between you and I. Whoever occupies the White house has zero impact on my life because I and I alone am responsible for my own success. Dumb inbreds like you continue to sit around waiting for their WHITE knight :laugh: to come and make everything all better for them. Heres a hint......THEY ARENT COMING. EVER.
White privilege was very obvious when MAGATs threats weren’t taken seriously and they stormed our Capitol.

Have you ever even bothered to read anything academics and posers have written on White Privilege? Have you listened to any of its leading proponents speak? I have. It has nothing, zero to do with "MAGATs threats" whatever that is, and everything to do with radical Leftism spreading racism, hatred, and envy.

This is Tim Wise. He has a high school diploma to his credit. But he's a darling of the Left on White Privilege and regularly lectures students at universities who pay him to show up. He's a charlatan. I've read several of his books. They are easy to tear apart because he has no understanding of logic, math, or statistics. His knowledge of history is trivial and shallow so he says stuff that is easily proved wrong.

But he's on the Left so it all gets a pass because he says the correct things the Left wants to hear.

Another might be a supposedly "scholarly" book by two academics named Feagin and Picca. They're sociologists and their book is crap. Their statistical analysis is freshman-like drivel rather than anything actually relevant or scholarly. Yet, they get wide play on the Left for what they claim because it's what the Left wants to hear.

That's what White Privilege is, nonsense. It's a lie.
I've used the Home Depot 24-month interest free plan twice and always paid it off. A credit check was standard and never heard of it being race-based.

Retiring with zero-debt should be a common goal but it isn't. I've seen too many of my work friends have to keep working in their late 60s to pay off debt....but they had late model cars and really big houses!

Was just at the depot this afternoon in fact,....looking at some ideas for kitchen flooting.