What is WOKE according to you?

All Russian agents spreading disinformation inside the USA should have their hands broken.

Repeatedly slamming them in a wolf stove door would do it.
In many ways, it's simpler than that. On the Left the mental concept at the basis of their thinking, if you can call it thinking, is simply to be able to live their lives free of any degree of difficulty or struggle. What the Leftist wants is somebody else to deal with that. It's a very child-like mentality.

To their thinking, it's I can while away the days in relative comfort, not having to worry about much of anything, while doing whatever I like or feel like doing... At the same time, they believe I will be taken care of cradle to grave. Someone else will protect me, give me spending money, take care of my health issues...

It's, as I said, a very child-like mentality. Call it a "Peter Pan" mentality. The Leftist never wants to grow up and be an adult. Job? Only if you want one. Sitting in a coffee shop posting drivel on the internet is fine too, after all the government will give me money to live on comfortably... Health care? That's a universal thing, and somebody somewhere is paying for it but that's not for me to ponder...

That's the Left's thinking when you come right down to it. At the same time, the Left can't grasp individual responsibility, dealing with adversity, or all the other things that go with growing up into a functioning adult. To them, those concepts are insane and stupid. You mean I really have to work hard and deal with problems myself? That runs totally counter to their belief system.
In many ways, it's simpler than that. On the Left the mental concept at the basis of their thinking, if you can call it thinking, is simply to be able to live their lives free of any degree of difficulty or struggle. What the Leftist wants is somebody else to deal with that. It's a very child-like mentality.

To their thinking, it's I can while away the days in relative comfort, not having to worry about much of anything, while doing whatever I like or feel like doing... At the same time, they believe I will be taken care of cradle to grave. Someone else will protect me, give me spending money, take care of my health issues...

It's, as I said, a very child-like mentality. Call it a "Peter Pan" mentality. The Leftist never wants to grow up and be an adult. Job? Only if you want one. Sitting in a coffee shop posting drivel on the internet is fine too, after all the government will give me money to live on comfortably... Health care? That's a universal thing, and somebody somewhere is paying for it but that's not for me to ponder...

That's the Left's thinking when you come right down to it. At the same time, the Left can't grasp individual responsibility, dealing with adversity, or all the other things that go with growing up into a functioning adult. To them, those concepts are insane and stupid. You mean I really have to work hard and deal with problems myself? That runs totally counter to their belief system.

"Reality does not matter, with enough solidarity and enough believing we can make reality whatever we want it to be" is how the WOKE operate, which is full on Peter Pan. However, in practice their main practice is brutality.
When the WOKE rub out individual responsibility as the WOKE do they also rub out individual dignity Doug Stokes says on a new Trigggernomitry.
Do not forget how the flower children of the 60's a few years on became destitute grimy brutal fucks...that is the future of WOKE and also America so long as we are controlled by this suicide cult.
Do not forget how the flower children of the 60's a few years on became destitute grimy brutal fucks...that is the future of WOKE and also America so long as we are controlled by this suicide cult.
Most graduated from college and became the Gordon Gekkos of the "Me Decade".
On the other hand he is right that the entire society is now lie (actually all of the West is now a lie), which has a lot to do with why people are getting worse......more fragile more disturbed, less aware of reality, and more lashing out in anger at what has been done to them.

I highly recommend this episode.
In many ways, it's simpler than that. On the Left the mental concept at the basis of their thinking, if you can call it thinking, is simply to be able to live their lives free of any degree of difficulty or struggle. What the Leftist wants is somebody else to deal with that. It's a very child-like mentality.

To their thinking, it's I can while away the days in relative comfort, not having to worry about much of anything, while doing whatever I like or feel like doing... At the same time, they believe I will be taken care of cradle to grave. Someone else will protect me, give me spending money, take care of my health issues...

It's, as I said, a very child-like mentality. Call it a "Peter Pan" mentality. The Leftist never wants to grow up and be an adult. Job? Only if you want one. Sitting in a coffee shop posting drivel on the internet is fine too, after all the government will give me money to live on comfortably... Health care? That's a universal thing, and somebody somewhere is paying for it but that's not for me to ponder...

That's the Left's thinking when you come right down to it. At the same time, the Left can't grasp individual responsibility, dealing with adversity, or all the other things that go with growing up into a functioning adult. To them, those concepts are insane and stupid. You mean I really have to work hard and deal with problems myself? That runs totally counter to their belief system.

You should seek help. You probably have no idea how wrong and stupid that post is.
"What you do if you are nihilistic is reduce life to pain and terror....not nothing"

This is the main problem with my claim that WOKE is Yearning 4 UTOPIA.

Which I stand by.


What we're seeing on college campuses is not a "woke agenda" that can be somehow eliminated. It's the product of forty years of thought, study, degree-granting, hiring decisions, tenure decisions and policy-making.

It's not a blight on American higher education. It IS American higher education.


ALL of the mind viruses come from the Universities Gad Saad keeps telling us.....they are Head Quarters for the WOKE Revolution I keep telling you.
Woke means becoming aware that blacks and other minorities get worse treatment from American institutions including law, judicial, educational, and others. That is it. If you make up a definition, we cannot discuss it, because it is imaginary.
This idea that I keep hearing now that the people have figured out WOKE and how evil it is and surely put a stop to it is wildly overly optimistic. In theory it could happen, except for the fact that the Modern Morons have never measured up, and that they dont generally have the tools/ability to measure up.
You optimists are going to have to show me, because I have never seen it happen....my whole life experience is watching things get worse, watching people get worse.