What is WOKE according to you?

It’s when a crapola play like Hamilton gets rave reviews.
Just came from that disaster this afternoon.
Absolutely sucked.
Worst excuse for a play I’ve ever seen. H.S. plays are better.

Woke: A pseudo-intellectual pastiche of postmodern and neo-Marxist tropes, dedicated to the idea that categories themselves do nothing but privilege and oppress;

Critical Race Theory: The proposition that all differences in outcome by race, ethnicity or virtually any other identifiable group difference are a consequence of systemic, conscious and unconscious prejudice on the part of the privileged (see Woke);

Cancel culture: The widespread utilization, primarily on the left, of female-typical patterns of antisocial behaviour such as reputation savaging, gossip, innuendo, mobbing and exclusion to isolate, demoralize and destroy political or personal enemies;

Socialism: a political/economic system which when applied anywhere, ideally or badly, immediately destroys wealth, while failing utterly to remediate inequality; alternatively, the political expression of envy disguised as compassion.

Any more stupid questions?
Are you concerned the FBI is monitoring your pro-Russian, anti-American family?
I don't like WOKE for totally different reasons than the pachys have for disliking woke.

I believe in basic human respect having to be forfeited, not earned,
which I imagine is the INTENT of woke. I support the intent.

I don't believe that anybody, however, has an obligation to pander to the hypersensitive,

and whether you want to believe it or not,

that's what WOKE is asking us to do.

It baffles me that some people can't see it

but it's plain as day to me.
I don't like WOKE for totally different reasons than the pachys have for disliking woke.

I believe in basic human respect having to be forfeited, not earned,
which I imagine is the INTENT of woke. I support the intent.

I don't believe that anybody, however, has an obligation to pander to the hypersensitive,

and whether you want to believe it or not,

that's what WOKE is asking us to do.

It baffles me that some people can't see it

but it's plain as day to me.
Poor, old dinosaur, you are hypersensitive and don’t even realize it. You cry seeing your time slowly fading away. It’s what happens to people who are set in their ways, they don’t change with the times and complain constantly their way of life is dying. Stagnation means death. Go learn a new trick, it keeps you young.
Poor, old dinosaur, you are hypersensitive and don’t even realize it. You cry seeing your time slowly fading away. It’s what happens to people who are set in their ways, they don’t change with the times and complain constantly their way of life is dying. Stagnation means death. Go learn a new trick, it keeps you young.

I guess it comes down to a simple choice, really. Get busy living, or get busy dying.
-- Andy Dufresne, The Shawshank Redemption​
Poor, old dinosaur, you are hypersensitive and don’t even realize it. You cry seeing your time slowly fading away. It’s what happens to people who are set in their ways, they don’t change with the times and complain constantly their way of life is dying. Stagnation means death. Go learn a new trick, it keeps you young.

I've lived my life, Phan.
This stage is about wrapping up loose ends.
I'm not begrieved. I've done OK.

I am disgusted, but you needn't care about that.

You obviously can't understand why,
and I'm not asking that of you.
Woke arose during the 1930s as a descriptor of people becoming aware of the oppression in America for negros. It was essentially wake up and see what was happening. Become aware. That is also what it means today but it includes a larger group of people, all minorities, gays, and LGTBs.
It has been turned into a pejorative by the right by their made-up definitions. Then they expect the left to defend against their dishonest definitions.

The Revolution will keep changing the words as they calculate is good for them, they dont give a flying fuck about the words, there is only power.

There is no according to you. Woke means becoming aware that our institutions are part of what holds minorities back. They get worse deals from the police, education, job opportunities, and banking. They are systemically being held back.
That is what it is. Rightys make up definitions and expect us to debate them like they are real.

When will the woke mind virus end?

We are told that straight white men are the cause of all problems. Yet I watch the moment any minority group dissents against the left immediately get cast into the same categorization immediately.

The woke left operates like a cult. They are trying to divide us by race, class, and any other -ism, but they will absolutely chew you up the moment you dissent even an iota from them.

For civilized society to stay intact we must resist them at every level of culture and politics.



Its too late.....Humanity is going into very dark times.

When will the woke mind virus end?

We are told that straight white men are the cause of all problems. Yet I watch the moment any minority group dissents against the left immediately get cast into the same categorization immediately.

The woke left operates like a cult. They are trying to divide us by race, class, and any other -ism, but they will absolutely chew you up the moment you dissent even an iota from them.

For civilized society to stay intact we must resist them at every level of culture and politics.



Its too late.....Humanity is going into very dark times.

Posting Tweets shows you lack of education

Recent polls have found that a majority of Americans believe that being woke—which they understand to mean “to be informed, educated on, and aware of social injustices”—is a positive thing
Posting Tweets shows you lack of education
Posting typos and poor grammar shows your lack of education.

Recent polls have found that ...
Citing polls, tabloids or Nordberg as some sort of authority shows your lack of education.

"Woke" merely means "Woe is me. I'm a victim. Po' widdo' owe' me is a victim and them white folk a' my victimahzuhs."

When will the woke mind virus end?....

.....Humanity is going into very dark times.
One night you'll go to sleep and then it will all be over, #10.

When will the woke mind virus end?

We are told that straight white men are the cause of all problems. Yet I watch the moment any minority group dissents against the left immediately get cast into the same categorization immediately.

The woke left operates like a cult. They are trying to divide us by race, class, and any other -ism, but they will absolutely chew you up the moment you dissent even an iota from them.

For civilized society to stay intact we must resist them at every level of culture and politics.



Its too late.....Humanity is going into very dark times.

it is not about people. It is about how our institutions have evolved into ones that do not give fair and equal opportunities to minorities. It is a fact. Blacks get a lot more time in jail when committing the exact same crimes white people do. They are not treated the same by police and courts. They do not have equal opportunities at work. They have much worse schools. becoming aware of that is woke. It is nothing more. Right wingers make up emotionally charged definitions and expect us to debate them like they are real and have the same weight. They do not.