What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

Can't per rules. Same for me, one account. Further, I've given all mods permission to reveal if I ever have a secondary account. When some other members were asked to take this same pledge, most ran from it.
You can list socks....that's not private....no "rule"....is there?
Atheists simply don't have an irrational belief in a God of any sort. They don't hate those who are religious.
Kudos, you got that completely correct. All you need to do now is to ditch your Global Warming theology and become an actual atheist. Try embracing science and you'll be half of the way there. I fully realize that giving up one's religion can be very difficult.

The Global Warming Theology Reference Manual

Greenhouse Effect Debunked
Sea Level Rise Debunked
Ocean Acidification Debunked
Coral Bleaching Debunked
Not quite. You can list the phantoms of your paranoia, but paranoia is not knowledge. After all, you are certain that I am a sock, right?

Mantra 11

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Too funny! There's no communism in Venezuela. All that's there is the fully anticipated failure of your ideology that actively seeks to undermine every last vestige of sound economics.

I knew you couldn't explain how economics and not government restraints were the cause of failure. You are insisting on something that you know isn't true.

Which regulations do you claim are responsible for their success?

Yeah, in your mind. As indicated in my sig, it's the preferred religion of the scientifically illiterate. It would be hilarious to watch you squirm through an attempt to explain scientifically how your precious Greenhouse Effect somehow increases the earth's average global temperature without violating physics. Your opening act will be to copy-paste some error-ridden gibberish from
Wikipedia ... or from some site that copy-pasted from Wikipedia.

Hey, what the hell; I could use a good laugh. Explain scientifically how your precious Greenhouse Effect somehow increases the earth's average global temperature without violating physics.

For your convenience I am posting a link to the Wikipedia Global Warming / Climate Change page right here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_change

Nope. There's no Greenhouse Effect. There's no Global Warming. It's all just a WACKY religion that Marxists like yourself are required to believe in "solidarity." Heck, if you were smart enough to know that it's pure bunk, you wouldn't be a Marxist in the first place. Anyway, your attempts to gibber-babble bogus "science" only work until you encounter someone who understands physics. I'm hoping that your particular gibber-babble at least provides some new twist I haven't yet heard because you're pretty boring otherwise.
You have no idea what "sound economics" is. All you've got is your right-wing ideology. Capitalism destroys economies because it results in wealth and power being concentrated in a smaller and smaller portion of the population. We're seeing that today in the U.S. and we've seen it happen before in other countries. Eventually all wealth and power is held by a few families, and the rest of the country descends into poverty and crime. You are the one "insisting on something that you know isn't true". Regulated capitalism is what allows for the creation and growth of successful businesses. Without it, they are stifled and die, killed off by larger companies that don't want the competition.
Global warming is real. The planet has been warming, just as it did a thousand years ago. However, you are totally consumed by your paranoid delusions, so there's no point attempting a rational discussion with the totally irrational. You try to use science to deny reality. Unfortunately for you, science deals with reality. Actual scientists have been measuring the earth's atmospheric temperature for decades. All you have is "gibber-babble", which defines "boring".

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Dude, this forum is not a microcosm of America. It's like going to NASCAR race and declaring all Americans are white race fans. Also factor in that a couple of the RWNJs have multiple sock puppets. PM me for a list.
The right has been lying to everyone for decades. All they've got is lies and whacko conspiracy theories. They've completely given up on facts. That's why they worship Trump.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
The right has been lying to everyone for decades. All they've got is lies and whacko conspiracy theories. They've completely given up on facts. That's why they worship Trump.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

Leftists have only lies and conspiracy theories and have been lying to everyone for decades about how it's the right has been lying to everyone for decades with lies and wacko conspiracy theories.
Do you honestly believe that all the Republicans do is lie and that all the Democrats are truth tellers?

Sent from my Chromebook which is way cooler than your SM-G950U
My email is full of right-wing lies. Yes, it appears that all the Republicans do is lie. I do see lies from the Democrats, but not nearly in the volume or as consistently as from the Republicans.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Save it. I've heard all the bullshit before. You should know the difference between what a person says and what they do. Look at PmP; plays a Christian, never acts like one. How is that better or worse than what SbS and Jackson are doing?

Sent from a payphone in north Texas
PimP is the type of 'Christian' that creates the type of atheist that you're complaining about.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
My email is full of right-wing lies. Yes, it appears that all the Republicans do is lie. I do see lies from the Democrats, but not nearly in the volume or as consistently as from the Republicans.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

That'll teach you to give your email address out to idiots. I have a couple of email addresses with two purely trash emails. When some business asks for my email, they get a trash one.
PimP is the type of 'Christian' that creates the type of atheist that you're complaining about.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

So you think people are sheep, programmable meat robots? Fascinating. Tell me more about how one person can program another to be something. I'm truly interested because the CIA experimented on this for decades and failed.

Sent from my CB radio on I-35 Northbound
Nope. They are monuments to martyrdom. The Confederacy peacefully seceded. It was the North's incursion that was violent. I suppose you advocate for the United States to just unilaterally invade other states/countries.

Typical Marxist loser.

Not when it is 70% Caucasian. As indicated in my sig, BLM would be best recognized as the straight up socialist organization it is. BLM is sowing violence at the behest of lusting fascists within the DNC to intimidate We the People into creating a fascist government to step in and to stop the BLM problem that it created in the first place. BLM is just a recent rebranding of the same socialism that has been around for decades.

By the way, Global Warming is another such attempt to get We the People to grant the government broad powers to solve an imaginary "crisis" that the DNC is pushing.

How is it that the BLM platform is identical to the DNC platform? What are the odds?

Your usual ignorant BS. The Confederacy initiated hostilities. As usual, all you've got is BS and ad hominems. "Marxist" is your retreat when you can't deal rationally.
BLM is a racist movement that only cares about unarmed blacks who are killed by the police. They don't care in the least about the larger number of unarmed whites who are killed by the police.
And you continue to demonstrate that you not only don't understand anything, you don't even try to understand anything.
You don't even get the difference between Global Warming and Anthropogenic Global Warming. You are totally out of touch with reality. You know nothing but your right-wing propaganda.

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