What Nixon/Kissinger Got Right

Interesting article. Kissinger = Machiavelli. There's an article in today's paper about the anniversary of the Saturday Night Massacre. It got me interested in looking for books about the Watergate period. Everything I know is in bits and pieces and it would be fun to read a comprehensive work on the subject.

The same here, let me know how it reads! I am finishing up, "The Dark side of the Street". What a powerful read, it made me cry, it made me cheer, it gave me immense respect and it angers me we are taught nothing of this in our history classes!
I lived thru it (Watergate), I remeber the Saturday Night Masacre; that's when we knew Nixon was going down - he had to fire the Special Prosecutor.

I (still) hate that sick bastard, and his "Peace with Honor" BULLSHIT he sold to the '72 electorate.. The war should have been over much earlier.
The same here, let me know how it reads! I am finishing up, "The Dark side of the Street". What a powerful read, it made me cry, it made me cheer, it gave me immense respect and it angers me we are taught nothing of this in our history classes!

Who wrote it? It's not familiar.

I'm finishing up another Jodi Picoult and next is Codebreakers, the inside story of Bletchley Park.
I lived thru it (Watergate), I remeber the Saturday Night Masacre; that's when we knew Nixon was going down - he had to fire the Special Prosecutor.

I (still) hate that sick bastard, and his "Peace with Honor" BULLSHIT he sold to the '72 electorate.. The war should have been over much earlier.

That's what the article said, that two of Nixon's guys resigned rather than fire Archibald Cox. It looks like Nixon was worse than people make out Obama to be.
Rana, I picked one that has good reviews and will let you know how it went.

Watergate : The Corruption of American Politics and the Fall of Richard Nixon by Fred Emery (1995, Paperback)
That's what the article said, that two of Nixon's guys resigned rather than fire Archibald Cox. It looks like Nixon was worse than people make out Obama to be.
Nixon was a war criminal, a stone cold psychopatic killer, who used anyone towards his endgames.

Obama is just a misguided neo-con, not sinister like Nixon.
Oh Nixon was by far and away the worst President in my lifetime. No one else had come even remotely close. Not even W.

What made him the worst? Getting us out of a war in Vietnam started by Democrats? Was it his policy of diplomacy with China that had a profound effect on Soviet expansionism? Was it price controls Democrats love?
What made him the worst? Getting us out of a war in Vietnam started by Democrats? Was it his policy of diplomacy with China that had a profound effect on Soviet expansionism? Was it price controls Democrats love?
Oh there is no doubt that Nixon was a complex individual, incredibly intelligent and capable who has some substantial accomplishments. SALT II and the normalization of relations with China for starters.

I won't count his signing the Environmental Protection Act or The Occupational Safety and Health Act to his credit as those were congressional initiatives in which congress had a veto proof majority.

As for his screw ups and abuses of power.

He grossly lied and decieved the American people about ending the Vietnam war when he actually expanded. Nixon didn't "end" the Vietnam war. He lost it.

Then Nixon wreaked the US economy with his gold fiasco, implementing wage and price controls and his mishandling of the Israeli/Arab conflict that led to the OPEC oil embargo that created the period of stagflation that lasted until the end of the 70's when Carter implemented the measures needed to end it.

Then the dumbass hired Spiro Agnew as his running mate in 72. Agnew as an idiot and a criminal who was convicted of fraud and tax evasion. He was Nixon's SOP to southern rednecks and racists as part on Nixon's southern strategy.

Speacking of the devil, the Southern Strategy is Nixon's baby and it's the gift that keeps on giving has polluted and damaged the nations political discourse since Nixon implemented it. The current shutdown fiasco that just occurred is a direct lineal descendent of Nixon's Southern Strategy.
I lived thru it (Watergate), I remeber the Saturday Night Masacre; that's when we knew Nixon was going down - he had to fire the Special Prosecutor.

I (still) hate that sick bastard, and his "Peace with Honor" BULLSHIT he sold to the '72 electorate.. The war should have been over much earlier.

When Nixon "went down" your people smelled blood in the water then backstabbed the South Vietnamese and cut off their funding thus giving victory to the communists. The Vietnam American defeat was frosting on the cake and a bonus for Nixon's demise after Nixon delivered an honorable peace in Vietnam following up on his campaign pledge.
honestly, i despise him - useless war deaths for political gain).

He did open up China (ping pong diplomacy) but that would have happened, anyway, he did start the EPA. But also the DEA.

He went to China to try to stop the Chicoms from supplying Ho Chi Minh.