What Nixon/Kissinger Got Right

I see that people on the left have gotten a real whiff of Obama Stink so they're digging Nixon's corpse up to attempt to cover BHO's failings and stink.

Amen to that. He was a strange person. Approved the ball bearing factory sale to the USSR which they needed to MIRV their ICBM warheads.

It is the familiar stench of the circle of stupidity liberals engage in when their ideology turns out to be the real failure it historically has been; therefore they must deflect, lie and obfuscate.

Much like the Liar in Chief; he is so dumb he can't remember his last talking point. But at least Obama has a lame stream media practicing malfeasance that covers for his lies, distortions and miscues. Benghazi comes to mind.

The train wreck called ACA is barreling down those tracks headed for the ditch; and when it hits, it just might put a nail in Democrat majorities for a decade. Let's hope so for the sake of this once great and independent nation.
Nixon really screwed over the GOP long-term with his Southern Strategy.

All the GOP would have to do without it is write-off the south and compete in the remaining 3/4 of the states (aka real America). Now, it increasingly has to appeal to illiterate and uneducated voters, because its target demographic has become limited to the south and people like them. The party that once defeated the south in war has now become its slave.

I am amused by the premise that educated voters selected Obama. What was educated about electing the most inexperienced, inept hyper partisan failure to have ever walked the White House? Or that of his running mate who is an incredibly dimwitted buffoon who spends a great deal of time inserting his foot into his aloof mouth.

I am equally amused by the false premise that those in the South are simplistic redneck dullards; do you ever get out of the house much? I lived in the South, I have lived in the Northeast, and I have lived in the Midwest and now live on the West Coast. I would argue that the Southeast was much more intelligent than the dullards I have run into in the Northeast and those on the Left Coast.

There's nothing intelligent about the lemming like political ideology infesting the Democrat Party.
I am amused by the premise that educated voters selected Obama. What was educated about electing the most inexperienced, inept hyper partisan failure to have ever walked the White House? Or that of his running mate who is an incredibly dimwitted buffoon who spends a great deal of time inserting his foot into his aloof mouth.

I am equally amused by the false premise that those in the South are simplistic redneck dullards; do you ever get out of the house much? I lived in the South, I have lived in the Northeast, and I have lived in the Midwest and now live on the West Coast. I would argue that the Southeast was much more intelligent than the dullards I have run into in the Northeast and those on the Left Coast.

There's nothing intelligent about the lemming like political ideology infesting the Democrat Party.

He's trolling me.
Nixon really screwed over the GOP long-term with his Southern Strategy.

All the GOP would have to do without it is write-off the south and compete in the remaining 3/4 of the states (aka real America). Now, it increasingly has to appeal to illiterate and uneducated voters, because its target demographic has become limited to the south and people like them. The party that once defeated the south in war has now become its slave.

It's not like the Democrats don't target stupid uninformed proles. That's what democracy is; a selection by lowest common denominator.
I am amused by the premise that educated voters selected Obama. What was educated about electing the most inexperienced, inept hyper partisan failure to have ever walked the White House? Or that of his running mate who is an incredibly dimwitted buffoon who spends a great deal of time inserting his foot into his aloof mouth.

I am equally amused by the false premise that those in the South are simplistic redneck dullards; do you ever get out of the house much? I lived in the South, I have lived in the Northeast, and I have lived in the Midwest and now live on the West Coast. I would argue that the Southeast was much more intelligent than the dullards I have run into in the Northeast and those on the Left Coast.

There's nothing intelligent about the lemming like political ideology infesting the Democrat Party.

Are you talking about Bush or Obama? Bush was hands-down less intelligent and aware. While McCain and Romney would have been preferable to Obama, the Bush failure and the GOP Congressional scandals of 2005-2006 are what cost McCain and continued to plague the GOP until 2010. People voted for Obama and the Dims because this increasingly southernized GOP is viewed as anti-intellectual and incompetent.

If you lived in the armpit of the US and thought the residents were more intelligent than their betters in the Northeast, Midwest, Plains and Mountain West, and West Coast, then you are probably a moron.
I just saw this, it is indeed a fascinating article.

When Nixon bombed Cambodia and North Vietnam all of a sudden the communists went back to the peace table in Paris and got serious with peace talks. It was Jerry Ford right after taking office who halted the bombing then the democrats followed that up with their defunding of South Vietnam.
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The Watergate affair was a political hatchet job by Democrats who had suffered a major landslide loss that was an epic embarrassment. It was a minor incident of a break-in, which was really stupid and illegal, that Democrats in the Congress succeeded in turning a mole hill into a mountain by declaring Nixon a dictator.

Nixon was not a pleasant man and contributed to his own demise by trying to protect the dimwits working for him who conducted the break in. Nothing more and nothing less. Democrats succeeded in getting him to resign and with equal resolve for buffoonery, turned their backs on South Vietnam when the Communists, true to form, broke their agreement and re-invaded the South conquering them with the subsequent deaths of millions as a result.

Nixon was no more politically corrupt than JFK, LBJ or the many other Democrat politicians before and after that used strong arm political tactics; he was merely the face of an unpopular war started by his predecessors.

Much has been made about Nixons Presidency being one step away from Fascism, but they are grossly exaggerated and the fodder for gullible dullards on the left who love to hate Conservatives. You're painful evidence of that.

yeah those damned dems and their making Nixon spy on them.

your fucking insane
Nixon gave you liberals everything you wanted and you still hated him. Nixon will always be hated throughout time by liberals like you because he nailed your boy Alger Hiss a Roosevelt confidant and a spy for the soviets.

There was nothing conservative about Nixon in the first place for you to hate him so profoundly as you do otherwise.

he lied a lot just like the rest of you cons
In 1968 - President Lyndon Johnson was desperately trying to end the Vietnam war.

But Richard Nixon knew that if the war continued - it would tarnish Democrat Hubert Humphrey’s chances of winning the election.

So Nixon sent envoys from his campaign to talk to South Vietnamese leaders to encourage them not to attend an upcoming peace talk in Paris.

Nixon promised South Vietnam that he would give them a better deal when he was President than LBJ could give them then.

LBJ found out about this political maneuver to prolong the Vietnam war just 3 days before the 1968 election. He phoned the Republican Senate leader Everett Dirksen:

President Johnson:
Now, I can identify ‘em, because I know who’s doing this. I don’t want to identify it. I think it would shock America if a principal candidate was playing with a source like this on a matter this important.

I don’t want to do that.

But if they’re going to put this kind of stuff out, they ought to know that we know what they’re doing. I know who they’re talking to, and I know what they’re saying. ...

Some of our folks, including some of the old China lobby, are going to the Vietnamese embassy and saying please notify the president that if he'll hold out 'til November the second they could get a better deal. Now, I'm reading their hand, Everett. I don't want to get this in the campaign.

And they oughtn't to be doin' this. This is treason.

Sen. Dirksen: I know.

Those tapes were just released by the LBJ library last year. It's amazing. That’s Richard Nixon that Lyndon Johnson was accusing of treason.

But by then - Nixon’s plan had worked.

South Vietnam boycotted the peace talks - the war continued - and Nixon won the White House thanks to it.

- See more at: http://www.thomhartmann.com/blog/20...-without-fraud-treason-1#sthash.7QGhHxnR.dpuf

Teabaggers aren't the first Rebublicons to commit treason...

Its a pattern then Reagan worked against release of the hostages in Iran when he ran against Carter
I lived thru it (Watergate), I remeber the Saturday Night Masacre; that's when we knew Nixon was going down - he had to fire the Special Prosecutor.

I (still) hate that sick bastard, and his "Peace with Honor" BULLSHIT he sold to the '72 electorate.. The war should have been over much earlier.

We should have never been involved in the Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, undeclared, unconstitutional war to begin with The bastards in government got thousands of young Americans killed and maimed without just cause. Vietnam was no threat to America and communism is self-destructive and self-eradicating.
Oh Nixon was by far and away the worst President in my lifetime. No one else had come even remotely close. Not even W.

That’s only because your loven leftist eyes are blind to the corrupt Chicago politics of the neo-communist bastard in the White House presently.
I love how they keep saying Obama is corrupt yet their EVERY concocted scandal makes them look like fools when it crumbles
Here we are with the righties trying to give Nixon to the lefties and the lefties trying to convince each other that Nixon was a more crooked son-of-a-bitch than Obama. How sweet is that?

How about we try to name a fucking President that came after George Washington that didn’t violate the Constitution? Now there’s a corruption challenge for ya!

I think maybe ole George might have been the only Constitutional loyalist to ever serve as President.