What Nixon/Kissinger Got Right

I love how they keep saying Obama is corrupt yet their EVERY concocted scandal makes them look like fools when it crumbles

Which Obama Scandal has crumbled Fatty? Did you watch the last 60 minutes on Benghazi? Do you know there's a massive class action law suit against the IRS. Do you realize that the only way Democrats can stop the House oversight committee investigations into Benghazi, the IRS and Fast and Furious will be to hold the Senate and take the House in 2014? Do you realize that the chances of taking the House for Democrats is next to nothing?

If you want the Obama scandals to crumble fatty, you best get out the vote.
which of your phoney piss water shit is still viable fool?

birth certificate bullshit?

fast and furious which showed the country the republican party will lie about anything?

they have all crumbled you fool
I saw a lot of defending Nixon by the right in this thread bumblehead

I called Nixon for what he was and so did every other conservative on this thread. A big government statist who spent all his time in office trying to appease the left.

I praised Nixon for deescalating the American involvement in Vietnam and doing what he pledged what he would do before he took office.

Learn the difference and your people on this thread tried to blame the war on Nixon which is BS.
Oh there is no doubt that Nixon was a complex individual, incredibly intelligent and capable who has some substantial accomplishments. SALT II and the normalization of relations with China for starters.

I won't count his signing the Environmental Protection Act or The Occupational Safety and Health Act to his credit as those were congressional initiatives in which congress had a veto proof majority.

As for his screw ups and abuses of power.

He grossly lied and decieved the American people about ending the Vietnam war when he actually expanded. Nixon didn't "end" the Vietnam war. He lost it.

Then Nixon wreaked the US economy with his gold fiasco, implementing wage and price controls and his mishandling of the Israeli/Arab conflict that led to the OPEC oil embargo that created the period of stagflation that lasted until the end of the 70's when Carter implemented the measures needed to end it.

Then the dumbass hired Spiro Agnew as his running mate in 72. Agnew as an idiot and a criminal who was convicted of fraud and tax evasion. He was Nixon's SOP to southern rednecks and racists as part on Nixon's southern strategy.

Speacking of the devil, the Southern Strategy is Nixon's baby and it's the gift that keeps on giving has polluted and damaged the nations political discourse since Nixon implemented it. The current shutdown fiasco that just occurred is a direct lineal descendent of Nixon's Southern Strategy.

LMAO... what policies of Carters ended the stagflation?