What Socrates can teach us about the art of civilized arguing

Where the fuck did "dialectic method" come from?

I remember a snippet of that once for like 5 minutes from a million years ago. The Socratic Method was used widely in schools across the US from its inception until around 2000 or so.

Dialectic method was what Socrates and Plato practiced and are famous for.

The whole reason there was a European rennassaice and scientific revolution was a reaction against the recieved authority of the Platonic dialectic and Aristotelean deduction.

Ever since Francis Bacon, the modern approach to acquiring knowledge is the inductive approach. It was realized by Francis Bacon and European humanists that deduction from first principles was only going to get us so far.

We had to ditch ancient authority and deduction from first principles, for a more empirical inductive logic approach to knowledge.
"The Socratic method, although argumentative, is more oblique than adversarial. It amiably poses probing, leading questions to clarify the definitions of terms and to test the links in chains of reasoning. It is what public discourse in today’s America does not resemble."

We refuse quality conversations exactly like we refuse to live rich and meaningful lives. I did really good to see this mistake/lack of effort in those around me at an early age, and that I decided to do/be better.
"Once you have contempt for the other person it is all over, there is nothing left to save (paraphrase)"
Jordan Peterson
Dialectic method was what Socrates and Plato practiced and are famous for.

The whole reason there was a European rennassaice and scientific revolution was a reaction against the recieved authority of the Platonic dialectic and Aristotelean deduction.

Ever since Francis Bacon, the modern approach to acquiring knowledge is the inductive approach. It was realized by Francis Bacon and European humanists that deduction from first principles was only going to get us so far.

We had to ditch ancient authority and deduction from first principles, for a more empirical inductive logic approach to knowledge.

The dialectical method, a discourse between two or more people holding different points of view about a subject but wishing to establish the truth through reasoned argumentation.
When you're Socrates, you dont actually have to care one way or another. You already live like a king. You can prattle away without a care. We're not so lucky. Fk Socrates. Douche bag.
The dialectical method, a discourse between two or more people holding different points of view about a subject but wishing to establish the truth through reasoned argumentation.

Something you profess to do, at least indirectly here, but never do in actual threads where debate is offered. Your three primary responses in most threads are in no particular order, the insult, the ad hominem, and the red herring (change the subject). It seems you have no actual wish to establish the truth, but rather force those with differing opinions to accept your reality however fallacious it might be.