What The Yankees Did To Them.

Well, it was illegal postwar.

"Illegal " defeats your point. Anybody can say anything they want. I can tell you that most southerners never had the means nor the desire. You're reading from the results of some sort of gosip poll. If your story were the case, then many MANY more people would have owned slaves prior to the war just as a matter of political course.

You are also forgetting that the union included slave states.

Read some more papers.
Yes, we know how you feel about women

Stop playing the whiny victim. Boo hoo, he wants me off his thread because I'm a woman - boo hoo.

I want you off my thread because you're trolling and you are not contributing a single thought to the topic one way or the other instead, what you're doing is disrupting the thread.

I brought it up in the zone as to how you troll and this is another example.
You have to cite exactly what and give your source.

Stop it with a diversionary discussion with the other cultural bigot, you liberal ass hat and answer the question.

Liberals hate to call minorities bad names. liberals refuse to call minorities bad things because it violates their own PC rules.

General Stand Waite, commanding officer of the confederate army of Oklahoma territory.

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Have you ever heard this little punk say "probably" if you ask him if the southern families got what they deserved?

The two of you want to tell me if the Oklahoma confederate army families got what they deserved and stop it now with your back and forth reach around?

Stop it with a diversionary discussion with the other cultural bigot, you liberal ass hat and answer the question.

Liberals hate to call minorities bad names. liberals refuse to call minorities bad things because it violates their own PC rules.

General Stan Waite, commanding officer of the confederate army of Oklahoma territory.


his name was Stand Watie... he was a Cherokee indian chief.... and he was pretty much fucked over by the state of Georgia long before tangling with the Union Army in the Civil War.
An editorial appearing in the newspaper, The Augusta Constitutionalist, August 26, 1864.

The vandals in front of us having failed to take the city by fair means, and in open combat are resorting to the last expedite of a baffled, unprincipled, and disconsolate bully - that of it's destruction by fire. Within the last four and twenty hours as many as nine buildings have touched the ground, and are now visible only in smoldering walls and charred ruins. During these conflagrations the Yankee batteries played vigorously upon the fire battalion. They obtained the range by the clouds of smoke and flame and had nothing more noble to do than to drop their shells in among the humane noncombatants at their work of charity, and the frightened and houseless women and children fleeing from the wrath of the two fierce and consuming enemies. Can anything be more typical of the desperation of the ruffians who came here under the illusion of winning an easy victory, or the infamy of the universal Yankee nation? It is a perfect symbol of the fear of the intolerable wretch who commands them. Sherman, who said that the waste coat of God almighty was not big enough to make him a coat, supports his pretentions to the character indicated by this blasphemy in every conceivable way, and rolls up mountain upon mountain of guilt every hour that he inspires the breath of life. Of all the Yankee generals he is the poorest, the vainest, the meanest. He is without honor as a man, or conscience as a human being. His wit, by which he sets great store, is that of a Dutch dissenting class leader, his wisdom that of a circus clown, his temper that of Meg Merriles, his honesty that of Ananias and Sapphira, his ambition that of Beast Butler, and his appearance and manners those of Uriah Heep. his fate will be upon the earth wreck and ruin, the exposure of his littleness and puppiness, the disgrace of his military pretentions and the discomfiture of all his schemes; in the world to come - though I judged not least I be judged - you can imagine what awards will be assigned to a villain, who not content with insulting the purity of womanhood and assailing the innocence of children, points his blasphemous tongue like a hissing adder to the face of his Maker. Ugh! what a disgust the thing inspires! Scorn him honest men of all lands! Cast him out as an odious reptile incapable of good, potent only for evil! A paltry villain, a currish knave, the very Fawkes of society, the situs cates of war, a dull sharper, a cheat and shame upon the name of soldier, the very embodiment of an ill-begotten, ill-bred and destined caterpillar, clinging only to sloth and mildew, climbing no higher than the scum of a rank and putrid atmosphere.

- Henry Watterson, writing from inside Atlanta during Sherman's bombardment.

General Sherman, the lunatic terrorist commanding one of the armies of the divided house that couldn't stand by itself reigned down missiles upon the heads of Atlanta's civilians, at least in numbers of five thousand with many of them refugees seeking shelter inside the city with their homes destroyed by Yankees during ensuing battles outside the city's boundaries. Thirty seven days he kept up his murderous cannonade upon Atlanta's innocents even with the knowledge provided by his spies within that anything of any value to the confederates including all machinery had already been removed before lunatic Sherman began his cannonade.

General Hood's confederate army which stretched from Atlanta to Jonesboro 15 miles to the south was unable to guard the Macon and Western railroad at all points which served as the confederates last provider of supplies was dug into trenches before Sherman but Sherman ignoring his enemy before him fired relentlessly upon the city in what was a completely unnecessary act of war criminality being the railroad was cut off by his forces anyway forcing Hood to retreat.

This incident was just one of many in America's first venture into total war on a civilian population.

The Andersonville National Historic Site, located near Andersonville, Georgia, preserves the former Camp Sumter (also known as Andersonville Prison), a Confederate prisoner-of-war camp during the American Civil War. Most of the site lies in southwestern Macon County, adjacent to the east side of the town of Andersonville. As well as the former prison, the site also contains the Andersonville National Cemetery and the National Prisoner of War Museum.
The site is an iconic reminder of the horrors of Civil War prisons. It was commanded by Major Henry Wirz, who was tried and executed after the war for murder. It was overcrowded to four times its capacity, with inadequate water supply, reduction in food rations, and unsanitary conditions. Of the approximately 45,000 Union prisoners held at Camp Sumter during the war, nearly 13,000 men died.

Stop playing the whiny victim. Boo hoo, he wants me off his thread because I'm a woman - boo hoo.

I want you off my thread because you're trolling and you are not contributing a single thought to the topic one way or the other instead, what you're doing is disrupting the thread.

I brought it up in the zone as to how you troll and this is another example.

Lol, your definition of trolling needs some fine tuning, yiu misuse it like Vanilla misuses "strawmen", you have no idea what you are talking about!

You also have the bad habit of forgetting what you say in previous posts. You insult people, then when they respond to your insults, you accuse them of trolling. You are hilarious, if nothing else.
his name was Stand Watie... he was a Cherokee indian chief.... and he was pretty much fucked over by the state of Georgia long before tangling with the Union Army in the Civil War.

Him and his tribe were relocated to the territory of Oklahoma by the federal government, not by your hated southerners.
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The Andersonville National Historic Site, located near Andersonville, Georgia, preserves the former Camp Sumter (also known as Andersonville Prison), a Confederate prisoner-of-war camp during the American Civil War. Most of the site lies in southwestern Macon County, adjacent to the east side of the town of Andersonville. As well as the former prison, the site also contains the Andersonville National Cemetery and the National Prisoner of War Museum.
The site is an iconic reminder of the horrors of Civil War prisons. It was commanded by Major Henry Wirz, who was tried and executed after the war for murder. It was overcrowded to four times its capacity, with inadequate water supply, reduction in food rations, and unsanitary conditions. Of the approximately 45,000 Union prisoners held at Camp Sumter during the war, nearly 13,000 men died.


The confederacy wanted a prisoner exchange with the Yankees but King Abraham turned them down. The south was starving thanks to Yankees like your hero Sherman and didn't have any provisions for the Yankee prisoners including medicine which children in the south had none of either thanks to Yankees like your hero Sherman.

Major Wirz did not get due process and was convicted and executed on hear say evidence some of which from liars who were never at Andersonville.

You should do a google and find out what happened to confederate prisoners in places like Elmira New York where they were exposed to the northern freezing climate without any winter clothing and were denied food and shelter and others who were used as human shields by Yankees during battles.
Well, it was illegal postwar.

Pople say all kinds of things at all kinds of times. Your new one though is quite unfamuliar to me: have a slave meant you had money, so as social status symbol (servcants for the house) were probably all the rage . . .

Look, hte big problem you';re having with an historical discussion like this is that you're arm chair quaterbacking American history, and historians keep emotions out it: it's the only way to get out the ture objective facts. If the southern leadership knew damn good and well that slavery was doomed, with or without the north. It never would have worked for securing allies adn had been outlawed by England in 1838 and in 1728 in Scotland: it never even existed in Ireland.

All of the bombastic southern bullshit was about private property rights, and decentralizing the government. Effectively going back to the Articles of Confederation so that the southern oligarchy could take over the same way that the corp has done today. It's exactly the same thing then that the radical right-wing is after today. For those who are paying attention today's political landscape is painted with the very same agenda.
Stop it with a diversionary discussion with the other cultural bigot, you liberal ass hat and answer the question.

Liberals hate to call minorities bad names. liberals refuse to call minorities bad things because it violates their own PC rules.

General Stand Waite, commanding officer of the confederate army of Oklahoma territory.


WTF are you talking about now?

In order for me to answer what is just blathering, you are going to cite your source and build your question around that. Now if you can't do so such a simple thing in an adult discussion then you're out.
Lol, your definition of trolling needs some fine tuning, yiu misuse it like Vanilla misuses "strawmen", you have no idea what you are talking about!

You also have the bad habit of forgetting what you say in previous posts. You insult people, then when they respond to your insults, you accuse them of trolling. You are hilarious, if nothing else.

Get your fat feminist ass off my thread. Your diversion with this topic doesn't hide the fact that you are nothing but a troll with an Oprah Winfrey, Golden Planned Child Mother of the Year Award from the chamber of commerce.
