What? They make it this easy? Is this covered by the ACA?


Show where the ACA details those who have insurance...show where any actions on the President's part prohibited them from having their health insurance and show how the regulations on the current health insurance are bad for the American people..start with the 'pre-existing": condition which created over 11 million working people without health care under Bush.

Then show each lie for three years...and show us that the President told absolutely NO truths to the American people in those three years, as your statement indicates.

And this is precisely where Ish ran away from me when we had the same discussion.

It's funny, partisan Righties like to pretend they have "the facts", but when you ask one of them to actually DISCUSS the facts or to back up their "facts" with actual citations and they just disappear.
The way I understand it, and I have not reviewed the facts in many years. Paula Jones was not a victim of sexual harassment.

Then why did Slick agree to pay her ¾ of a million dollars to go away?

Bill Clinton was alleged to have come on to her, that's all. That in and of itself is not sexual harassment.

If that’s all it was, why did Slick agree to pay her ¾ of a million dollars to drop her court appeal?

Monica Lewinski was also not a victim of sexual harassment, she had a consensual affair with him , which according to her testimony she perused.

Who said anything about Monica Lewinski?

So are you confused about the facts or what constitutes sexual harassment?

So are you confused about what causes a son-of-a-bitch to pay a woman ¾ of a million dollars so she would drop her court appeal?

Are you confused about who Monica Lewinski and Paula Jones are?

Why no response to the hypocritical actions of NOW as it concerns only outrage about sexual harassment of women when the accused is a fucking Republican while they give fucking Democrats a pass????
Nobody pays for Viagra, Desh. It isn't covered as preventative medicine, therefore you either are only partially covered and you pay for it, or you simply have to pay for it fully. At least use something equivalent.
But IF insurance did pay for Viagra so what? I am sure than many marriages have suffered due to ED. In many relationships a hard dick is pleasing to the woman as well as the man.
could she make up her mind in 12?......in 6?......

True, its a balancing of priorities so one could argue that the line be drawn really anywhere, I chose 16 because non-viability of the fetus is fairly certain and almost all women by that time have had the opportunity to know they are pregnant and to have had the abortion by then.

Now in states that make it difficult with limited access to clinics, waiting periods and vaginal raping... 16 weeks might not be enough.
Then why did Slick agree to pay her ¾ of a million dollars to go away?

If that’s all it was, why did Slick agree to pay her ¾ of a million dollars to drop her court appeal?

Who said anything about Monica Lewinski?

So are you confused about what causes a son-of-a-bitch to pay a woman ¾ of a million dollars so she would drop her court appeal?

Are you confused about who Monica Lewinski and Paula Jones are?

Why no response to the hypocritical actions of NOW as it concerns only outrage about sexual harassment of women when the accused is a fucking Republican while they give fucking Democrats a pass????

President Clinton settled the case because the radical right was using it to attack him personally and to attack his presidency.
Then why did Slick agree to pay her ¾ of a million dollars to go away?

If that’s all it was, why did Slick agree to pay her ¾ of a million dollars to drop her court appeal?

Who said anything about Monica Lewinski?

So are you confused about what causes a son-of-a-bitch to pay a woman ¾ of a million dollars so she would drop her court appeal?

Are you confused about who Monica Lewinski and Paula Jones are?

Why no response to the hypocritical actions of NOW as it concerns only outrage about sexual harassment of women when the accused is a fucking Republican while they give fucking Democrats a pass????
Because this is what happens all over the US. People settle lawsuits even when they don't feel they did anything wrong. Lawyers make millions per year prosecuting nuisance lawsuits.
But IF insurance did pay for Viagra so what? I am sure than many marriages have suffered due to ED. In many relationships a hard dick is pleasing to the woman as well as the man.

Okay. So, "if 2 plus 2 really was 5 then what would it matter?"

2 plus 2 isn't 5. We're not dealing in a hypothetical. Desh needs to use something equivalent if she wants to argue other than fallaciously. What d*ck medicine do we get for "free"? Once we get that list, let's find the one that is a sin according to some religion. Then we've got ourselves something equivalent.

Basically, which controversial penis medicine is preventative medicine that we now get for free because the ACA mandates it be free? (very expensive actually, that lady who wanted it covered under that insurance will be paying five times the cost for the insurance, which translates to several times more for the medication in the long run.)
Does it?

What aspects of tort law would you support reforming, Counselor?

I don't know a better way to make the system work. I admit the system has flaws and if you or anyone else can come up with a plan that will eliminate the flaws without chilling the rights of those who have damages, I'm willing to listen.
I don't know a better way to make the system work. I admit the system has flaws and if you or anyone else can come up with a plan that will eliminate the flaws without chilling the rights of those who have damages, I'm willing to listen.

How about "loser pays", Counselor?
President Clinton settled the case because the radical right was using it to attack him personally and to attack his presidency.

So then in your world it's "radical" to attack a President that's been accused of sexual harassment? What if the President were a Republican and the attack was coming from the left, Democrats and NOW? How come I figure your opinion would then be in total reverse, huh?

I don't know about you but if I were accused of sexual harassment WRONGLY I'd fight it to the last penny and especially if I were President with thousands and thousands of political supporters willing to and actually contributing to my legal fund.
Because this is what happens all over the US. People settle lawsuits even when they don't feel they did anything wrong. Lawyers make millions per year prosecuting nuisance lawsuits.

So "sexual harassment" is a "nuisance" lawsuit? Oh! I get it, only a nuisance when it's filed against a Democrat politician, huh? If t's filed against a fucking Republican politician, it's justice and the son-of-a-bitch should be hung by the balls, right commie?
So "sexual harassment" is a "nuisance" lawsuit? Oh! I get it, only a nuisance when it's filed against a Democrat politician, huh? If t's filed against a fucking Republican politician, it's justice and the son-of-a-bitch should be hung by the balls, right commie?

It's a nuisance lawsuit when the entire suit is based on he said/she said hearsay testimony and NOT ONE BIT of tangible evidence.
No, because after 16 weeks, I believe a woman has had plenty of time to make up her mind and that is around the time the States right to Protect life begins to surpass the right of a woman to make her own medical decisions.

What about the state's responsibility to protect life by making sure all poor people have health care? Food? Shelter?