What Trumppers fall for...

Idiot trumpets still believe Trump built the wall,something Trump refuses to discuss anymore.
Ill start, but the list is insanely long..

They believe he did not screw Stormy.
He probably didn't. Stormy says he didn't.
They believe him when he said he would testify.
He never said any such thing. You are hallucinating.
They do not believe he paid hush money. (I know its not illegal to pay hush money)
He did.
They do believe he accidently paid Cohen double for 'Attorney Fees", this would mean an idiot lawyer like Cohen got one over on Trump.
Another one of your hallucinations.
They do not believe he hired fake electors to vote for him.
There is no such thing as a 'fake elector'.
They do not believe it would be illegal to set up a scheme to have fake electors get into Congress and cast unauthorized electoral votes.
There is no such thing as a 'fake elector'.
They do not believe he had Classified documents stashed in a public area of Mar A Lago.
Not public areas. Not a crime.
They DO believe bleach would have cured COVID.
He never said this. DEMOCRATS DID.
They some how believe the Trump VACCINE was intentionally harmful, but they blame Biden?
It is not intentionally harmful, but it does seem to have poor reactions in some. I blame Biden and the Democrats for requiring it.
They believe he built a wall from sea to shining sea.
He didn't, but he built or improved several hundred miles of wall, particularly in problem areas. This despite the DEMOCRATS trying to block construction or improvement of any wall. Later, of course, Democrats, using Biden invited open invasion of the United States (an act of treason).
They believe Mexico paid for this fictional wall.
They did, along with the United States.
They believe the tariff war on China was harmful to China but positive for us.
There is no 'tariff war' with China. Trump's tariffs are not a 'tariff war'.
They believe every single Judge that has been randomly assigned to a Trump case is part of a cabal against Trump.
They were not random assigned.
They believe Trump is a victim.
They believe they are victims.
They are delusional because they believe anything that the huge liar Trump says.
No. You cannot make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats just disappear, idiot.
They believe the South was virtuous in the Civil War.
The South seceded because the federal government was violating the 4th amendment. Slaves were property.

That said, the South were mostly Democrats at the time. It is the DEMOCRATS that want to return to slavery, if they thought they could get away with it!