What was the most difficult but inspirational moment in your life...


Colossians 3:23
What was the most difficult but inspirational moment in your life that Christ has helped you through?

For me it came when I was 10 years old and I was standing in the corner of a horse stall watching my dad fix a water bowl which would only take a minute or two. There was a horse in the stall with us that was eating and was calm but when my dad was drilling into wall the screw hit something in the wall and made a loud noise which spooked the horse. That particular horse was pretty young at the time and wasn't as calm as some of the others and it ended up kicking me in the chest as I stood against the wall which fractured my sternum among other things. I had to have surgery to remove bone fragments and was in the hospital for a couple of days. It was difficult in that once I healed I was afraid to go near the animals that I loved so much, but it was the most inspirational moment because I prayed for help and not that long after that I felt a calm come over me and wasn't nervous anymore. Since then I have gone on to compete in local junior rodeos and continue working with horses at home and as a part time job near my university. I have no doubts in my mind that He calmed my heart and mind, and I am forever thankful for it.
What was the most difficult but inspirational moment in your life that Christ has helped you through?

For me it came when I was 10 years old and I was standing in the corner of a horse stall watching my dad fix a water bowl which would only take a minute or two. There was a horse in the stall with us that was eating and was calm but when my dad was drilling into wall the screw hit something in the wall and made a loud noise which spooked the horse. That particular horse was pretty young at the time and wasn't as calm as some of the others and it ended up kicking me in the chest as I stood against the wall which fractured my sternum among other things. I had to have surgery to remove bone fragments and was in the hospital for a couple of days. It was difficult in that once I healed I was afraid to go near the animals that I loved so much, but it was the most inspirational moment because I prayed for help and not that long after that I felt a calm come over me and wasn't nervous anymore. Since then I have gone on to compete in local junior rodeos and continue working with horses at home and as a part time job near my university. I have no doubts in my mind that He calmed my heart and mind, and I am forever thankful for it.
Well there was the time I prayed for him to get me the hell out of Arkansas and he came through for me.
Shocking as it may seem now I was not a nice teenager. Pretty normal really but when your mom is being eaten alive by cancer being a typical teen is bad for trying to deal with it.
I carried the guilt for how I treated her for a long long time.
I was on a church retreat and we were studying the Stations of the Cross (think "the Passion of the Christ" if you're not familiar with it). For some reason it all came down on me just how much I did not deserve forgiveness and how terrible of me to Christ take all that from me. It was then the enormity of Christ's sacrifice and a lOT of the scriptures started falling into place.
That was pretty big.
I think I would rather have been kicked by a hrose it hurt that bad but in the end it was really good. : ) just mEssington with you with the horse wise crack.
What was the most difficult but inspirational moment in your life that Christ has helped you through?

For me it came when I was 10 years old and I was standing in the corner of a horse stall watching my dad fix a water bowl which would only take a minute or two. There was a horse in the stall with us that was eating and was calm but when my dad was drilling into wall the screw hit something in the wall and made a loud noise which spooked the horse. That particular horse was pretty young at the time and wasn't as calm as some of the others and it ended up kicking me in the chest as I stood against the wall which fractured my sternum among other things. I had to have surgery to remove bone fragments and was in the hospital for a couple of days. It was difficult in that once I healed I was afraid to go near the animals that I loved so much, but it was the most inspirational moment because I prayed for help and not that long after that I felt a calm come over me and wasn't nervous anymore. Since then I have gone on to compete in local junior rodeos and continue working with horses at home and as a part time job near my university. I have no doubts in my mind that He calmed my heart and mind, and I am forever thankful for it.

I remember once I was out of weed and super bored. I prayed, "God let something interesting happen to break this unbearable monotony" but there was nothing so I decided to go for a walk. At first there was not much of interest, except some horses and their keepers. That was not going to do it, I thought. Just then there was a loud noise coming from this stall. I turned towards it and saw a horse kick this kid right in the chest. It was a little scary but still interesting. Then I went home and found a bud that had rolled behind my desk and was still pretty fresh. Thanks God!
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What was the most difficult but inspirational moment in your life that Christ has helped you through?

For me it came when I was 10 years old and I was standing in the corner of a horse stall watching my dad fix a water bowl which would only take a minute or two. There was a horse in the stall with us that was eating and was calm but when my dad was drilling into wall the screw hit something in the wall and made a loud noise which spooked the horse. That particular horse was pretty young at the time and wasn't as calm as some of the others and it ended up kicking me in the chest as I stood against the wall which fractured my sternum among other things. I had to have surgery to remove bone fragments and was in the hospital for a couple of days. It was difficult in that once I healed I was afraid to go near the animals that I loved so much, but it was the most inspirational moment because I prayed for help and not that long after that I felt a calm come over me and wasn't nervous anymore. Since then I have gone on to compete in local junior rodeos and continue working with horses at home and as a part time job near my university. I have no doubts in my mind that He calmed my heart and mind, and I am forever thankful for it.

beautiful story

I'm so glad you have a belief system and faith that brings you comfort and peace.

Do remember that people who are of other religions have similar events and likely very much the same emotional deep experiences even though they interpret the religious details differently.

maybe we all feel and experience Much the same types of inner feelings yet have differing ways of translating them to our fellow humans.

brain studies are pretty interesting in their findings about such experiences.

I think most of us have these same experiences and how we were raised has a lot to do with how we personally interpret them.

we should accept them all

we should shame none

we should realize NO ONE religion will ever be the last one standing
the morning I woke up in my bed, not knowing how I had gotten home from the party the night before.......went outside and there were grass heads on the front bumper of my car.......and I decided I should spend the rest of my life as a designated driver.......
I remember once I was out of weed and super bored. I prayed, "God let something interesting happen to break this unbearable monotony" but there was nothing so I decided to go for a walk. At first there was not much of interest, except some horses and their keepers. That was not going to do it, I thought. Just then there was a loud noise coming from this stall. I turned towards it and saw a horse kick this kid right in the chest. It was a little scary but still interesting. Then I went home and found a bud that had rolled behind my desk and was still pretty fresh. Thanks God!

that was YOU?

I remember one day I was walking to the corner store and I happened to glance in this window as I walked by.

there was this real doiky guy sitting on his couch in a dirty apartment and I happen to look just as he said "God let something interesting happen to break this unbearable monotony"

I had my hand in my pocket and noticed "hey I got a tiny bit of bud in here" so I tossed it in his window just as he got up and walked acrossed the room.

I said to my self "OH WELL he will find it some day".
beautiful story

I'm so glad you have a belief system and faith that brings you comfort and peace.

Do remember that people who are of other religions have similar events and likely very much the same emotional deep experiences even though they interpret the religious details differently.

maybe we all feel and experience Much the same types of inner feelings yet have differing ways of translating them to our fellow humans.

brain studies are pretty interesting in their findings about such experiences.

I think most of us have these same experiences and how we were raised has a lot to do with how we personally interpret them.

we should accept them all

we should shame none

we should realize NO ONE religion will ever be the last one standing

I respect what you are saying and I agree with parts of what you are saying but there are parts that I don't agree with such as the last sentence. To agree with that opinion means denying what I truly believe which is that Christ will return one day and that we will enter Gods new creation. Believing that though does not mean that I will do harm either physical, mentally or emotionally to those that do not believe what I believe.
the problem with you belief is that it sets in motion a dynamic that has all the worlds religions fighting to be the last one standing.

belief system that reguire you to believe the world is soon going to end with LOTS OF HORROR AND DEATH are very very very very bad for mankind.

It means those people wont help us FIX and avoid the bad things we see coming because certain religions will see it as good for their religions predictions.

Its a recepie for disaster for mankind

how can mankind prevail if you and other only plan FOR FAILURE?
the problem with you belief is that it sets in motion a dynamic that has all the worlds religions fighting to be the last one standing.

belief system that reguire you to believe the world is soon going to end with LOTS OF HORROR AND DEATH are very very very very bad for mankind.

It means those people wont help us FIX and avoid the bad things we see coming because certain religions will see it as good for their religions predictions.

Its a recepie for disaster for mankind

how can mankind prevail if you and other only plan FOR FAILURE?

From my perspective it's part of my responsibility to spread the good news of Christ and hopefully change minds towards Him between now and when He returns. I don't want to die yet but I'm not afraid of death because I know what awaits. If I'm still alive when Christ returns then I pray that my faith and strength will get me through any horrors that may be experienced but when it's all over the pain will only be temporary and the joy will be for eternity.
what about all the people who will die and burn in hell for ever because your god never talked to them or a different god did?

children dying horrible deaths because they were born where no one is of your particular faith?

see how unfair these beliefs are?

can you comprehend how evil these ideas are in actual practice?
what about all the people who will die and burn in hell for ever because your god never talked to them or a different god did?

children dying horrible deaths because they were born where no one is of your particular faith?

see how unfair these beliefs are?

can you comprehend how evil these ideas are in actual practice?

I believe that God is evident to even the most remotely located people but whether or not they open their hearts to Him is up to them. I can't speak for God as to what will happen to those people that may not have ever "heard" Him but what I can speak to is to me doing my best to spread the good news whenever possible but after that it's up to the person. There is evil on this Earth but it is not because of Him.
so those people will die because of what you chose to believe?

how can they pick your particular slice of what you believe as a religion if they have NEVER heard of it?

children will DIE HORRORBLE DEATHS and then be tortured in hell FOREVER because they were born in other countries or to parents of a different faith.

I'm sorry

that is tooo evil for me to accept without any FACTS to prove it.

I don't choose to believe in a god that claims love but does evil

especially without a shred of fact to back it

that sounds like an evil god
beautiful story

I'm so glad you have a belief system and faith that brings you comfort and peace.

Do remember that people who are of other religions have similar events and likely very much the same emotional deep experiences even though they interpret the religious details differently.

maybe we all feel and experience Much the same types of inner feelings yet have differing ways of translating them to our fellow humans.

brain studies are pretty interesting in their findings about such experiences.

I think most of us have these same experiences and how we were raised has a lot to do with how we personally interpret them.

we should accept them all

we should shame none

we should realize NO ONE religion will ever be the last one standing

believing all other religions will end in you having a HORRIBLE DEATH and be tortured ever after in hell no matter how wonderful and kind a person you have been is just too much evil for me to bare.

there is NO PROOF this is true.

why would I chose that ?
Norah ,

I know the things I am saying here probably feel harsh to you.

These are my beliefs.

there is no other way to make them clear to you other than to tell you them straight out.

I hope it does not make you hate me.

I am fine with others not believing the same as me.

I am not fine with people using those beliefs to stop mankind from being good to each other.

this world is not evil

mankind is not mostly evil

mankind is mostly good

we are MORE good when we are treating each other with Love an kindness.

we do not HAVE to end in HORROR.

I will FIGHT ANYONE no matter what they believe if they try to allow mankind to end in HORROR to fulfill their religions doctrine.

help me help mankind NOT shrug at the doings of evil men saying "well God planned it that way"
the morning I woke up in my bed, not knowing how I had gotten home from the party the night before.......went outside and there were grass heads on the front bumper of my car.......and I decided I should spend the rest of my life as a designated driver.......

Killing pot heads with your car during a drunken blackout?...
You should have turned yourself in, you bastard!
I remember once I was out of weed and super bored. I prayed, "God let something interesting happen to break this unbearable monotony" but there was nothing so I decided to go for a walk. At first there was not much of interest, except some horses and their keepers. That was not going to do it, I thought. Just then there was a loud noise coming from this stall. I turned towards it and saw a horse kick this kid right in the chest. It was a little scary but still interesting. Then I went home and found a bud that had rolled behind my desk and was still pretty fresh. Thanks God!

Praise the Lord! Did you speak in tongues afterward?