What was the most difficult but inspirational moment in your life...

You don't believe anything but left wing talking points.
I am fine with you choosing to believe there is nothing greater than yourself. But as that is the flip side of a binary choice there is.nothing further for you to add to a conversation specific to belief.
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pretending people who dont believe the same thing as you are just lying about what they believe makes you evil
I have never really had any experience like Norah's. The most difficult moment in my life was when I had traveled out of State with my boss to a job only to find out when I got there to find out our company had went belly up. I called up my significant other to tell her I had just lost my job. She then proceeded tell me that she had decided to divorce me and my clothes would be on the porch. She then hung up on me and that was the last time I ever talked to her after seven years. She absolutely refused to talk or meet with me. I went from being in a stable relationship, having a nice house, two cars, nice things, standing in my community and professionally, living in a nice community to being unemployed, broke and homeless all in one day. It took me two years of struggling to recover and faith in God, family and friends helped me get through it but it in no way inspired me. I struggled doggedly on until I recovered. Which I did and them some for which I give thanks.

It's been the opposite for me. Inspiration has led me to create extremely adverse circumstances for myself for the joy of over coming the challenge with great energy and enthusiasm from which I gained immense personal satisfaction.

I learned a long time ago that there is little satisfaction to be gained from doing things which hold no difficulties. It is the tough old task that brings a keen sense of worth and value to the one who wins the fight. Your problems prove your valor and your mistakes show your might. Until one has conquered loss and overcome defeat you cannot fully understand just why succes is sweet.
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I don't thrive under adversity, so none of it has been inspiring to me. I prefer the moments in which I succeeded with little difficulty, like when I got a game-winning hit in the playoffs because the opposing pitcher was tired, his coach wanted to keep the others rested for the next potential game, and I only had to deal with hanging curveballs throughout the at-bat.
I don't thrive under adversity, so none of it has been inspiring to me. I prefer the moments in which I succeeded with little difficulty, like when I got a game-winning hit in the playoffs because the opposing pitcher was tired, his coach wanted to keep the others rested for the next potential game, and I only had to deal with hanging curveballs throughout the at-bat.
Well at least you're honest. I'm pretty sure we all know what really inspires you. :yay:
I respect what you are saying and I agree with parts of what you are saying but there are parts that I don't agree with such as the last sentence. To agree with that opinion means denying what I truly believe which is that Christ will return one day and that we will enter Gods new creation. Believing that though does not mean that I will do harm either physical, mentally or emotionally to those that do not believe what I believe.
I don't judge anyone for their religious beliefs. Most religions fail at the most important aspects for their followers.

As such, I don't doubt that you believe Jesus helped you through your mental troubles/doubts.

At any time, did you wonder why Jesus made that horse kick you? Was it a test of your faith?
I don't judge anyone for their religious beliefs. Most religions fail at the most important aspects for their followers.

As such, I don't doubt that you believe Jesus helped you through your mental troubles/doubts.

At any time, did you wonder why Jesus made that horse kick you? Was it a test of your faith?

I have no doubt it was a test of my faith. At the time I was happy, my faith was strong, there was nothing bad happening before that, I was little and it was just another good day. So when I think about it it had to be a test of my faith and my will. For a kid something like that happening could either scar you or change you for life in a bad way or it can make you stronger and more aware, and thankfully His action made me stronger and I'm grateful for it. I know that there will be other challenges in my life and even some bad times but I know that He is there and it's for a reason.
Nice thread, thnX :)


What ever happened to the bucky??

Did someone strangle him in a dark alley or did he "evolve" into a new little monster??
Nice thread, thnX :)


What ever happened to the bucky??

Did someone strangle him in a dark alley or did he "evolve" into a new little monster??

you mean LeontheCat?......it's why I call him BucK-KK-Le(on).....he's you best bud.....