What Would It Take?


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I listened to an interesting podcast yesterday that dealt with conspiracy theories and those who buy into them. The main speaker said one question he likes to pose to those adherents is:

What would it take to convince you that you’re wrong?

Great question that should stop most in their tracks. However, if usually doesn’t, especially when it comes to Trumpers. Even with all the mountains of evidence, they are still in denial.

We all have our biases and I had to ponder that question myself. About COVID, the accusations against BIDEN, climate change, etc.

So, I’ll pose that question to the forum, especially the right wingers, who tend to buy into those conspiracies more than others.

What would it take to convince you that you’re wrong?


The stolen election
COVID vaccines
Climate change
The claims about Joe Biden

Take your pick. What would it take?
I listened to an interesting podcast yesterday that dealt with conspiracy theories and those who buy into them. The main speaker said one question he likes to pose to those adherents is:

What would it take to convince you that you’re wrong?

Great question that should stop most in their tracks. However, if usually doesn’t, especially when it comes to Trumpers. Even with all the mountains of evidence, they are still in denial.

We all have our biases and I had to ponder that question myself. About COVID, the accusations against BIDEN, climate change, etc.

So, I’ll pose that question to the forum, especially the right wingers, who tend to buy into those conspiracies more than others.

What would it take to convince you that you’re wrong?


The stolen election
COVID vaccines
Climate change
The claims about Joe Biden

Take your pick. What would it take?

If I must click on your thread to have any idea what it is about then you have failed at title writing.

Can you do better?
I listened to an interesting podcast yesterday that dealt with conspiracy theories and those who buy into them. The main speaker said one question he likes to pose to those adherents is:

What would it take to convince you that you’re wrong?

Great question that should stop most in their tracks. However, if usually doesn’t, especially when it comes to Trumpers. Even with all the mountains of evidence, they are still in denial.

We all have our biases and I had to ponder that question myself. About COVID, the accusations against BIDEN, climate change, etc.

So, I’ll pose that question to the forum, especially the right wingers, who tend to buy into those conspiracies more than others.

What would it take to convince you that you’re wrong?


The stolen election
COVID vaccines
Climate change
The claims about Joe Biden

Take your pick. What would it take?

The big one to me would be JFK. Did they address that at all?
I know this is a political question but as a sports fan the conspiracy theory that the 1985 draft lottery was rigged for Ewing to the Knicks and that Jordan left basketball the first time because he was suspended for gambling
The big one to me would be JFK. Did they address that at all?

Yeah, he did. Briefly.

By the way, it was one of Neil DeGrasse Tyson’s podcasts.

He said big events, like JFK, need big explanations for many people. That a lone gunman could take out the President of the United States is just insufficient for many. But, he also said, that it applies ONLY if that person is successful. For instance, since Hinckley was not successful in killing Reagan, nothing was said about any conspiracy. Just that he was mentally deranged.

You can get that podcast free through Spotify.
I know this is a political question but as a sports fan the conspiracy theory that the 1985 draft lottery was rigged for Ewing to the Knicks and that Jordan left basketball the first time because he was suspended for gambling

I guess any topic qualifies.

I never heard either of those claims, but probably very difficult to verify or debunk either.
Yeah, he did. Briefly.

By the way, it was one of Neil DeGrasse Tyson’s podcasts.

He said big events, like JFK, need big explanations for many people. That a lone gunman could take out the President of the United States is just insufficient for many. But, he also said, that it applies ONLY if that person is successful. For instance, since Hinckley was not successful in killing Reagan, nothing was said about any conspiracy. Just that he was mentally deranged.

You can get that podcast free through Spotify.

I just finished reading a new biography on Gerald Ford and had forgotten two attempts were made on his life, one in Sacramento and the other in SF. while he was President.

Both those people seemed to fall under the mentally deranged category. (They did reference JFK in the book and that Ford want to believe it was a conspiracy theory but based on everything he saw he thought Oswald basically had a small d*ck syndrome and was trying to impress his GF. (I get in theory why that could be hard for people to accept because the victim was JFK and no way some lone loser could take him out so people refuse to believe it)
I listened to an interesting podcast yesterday that dealt with conspiracy theories and those who buy into them. The main speaker said one question he likes to pose to those adherents is:

What would it take to convince you that you’re wrong?

Great question that should stop most in their tracks. However, if usually doesn’t, especially when it comes to Trumpers. Even with all the mountains of evidence, they are still in denial.

We all have our biases and I had to ponder that question myself. About COVID, the accusations against BIDEN, climate change, etc.

So, I’ll pose that question to the forum, especially the right wingers, who tend to buy into those conspiracies more than others.

What would it take to convince you that you’re wrong?


The stolen election
COVID vaccines
Climate change
The claims about Joe Biden

Take your pick. What would it take?

an ounce of truth from a demmycrat.......in other words nothing you could ever find in the known universe.....
I'm ready, bring it on.


What would it take to convince you that you’re wrong?
I'm going to fire this back at you.


The stolen election
I can't unsee what I saw. I can't unknow what I know. What it would take to convince me that I am wrong is for time travel to be implemented to stop the election from being stolen, so that I never observed it.

COVID vaccines
How am I somehow mistaken about COVID vaccines? Why aren't you asking about leftist disinformation about facemasks?

Climate change
It would require that I unlearn physics, to become so stupid that I don't ever call booooolsch't when I should, and for me to be convinced of your religious faith.

The claims about Joe Biden

You're going to have to specify.

Now, your turn ... what would it take to convince you that the earth cannot somehow spontaneously increase in temperature without additional energy? Nothing else in the universe exhibits this behavior, mostly because it would defy thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law ... but you strangely insist that the earth is special because of the magical superpower of "human activity." What would it take to convince you that you are a scientifically illiterate and mathematically incompetent moron who should be taking notes on everything I teach you ... that you are not the science genius you have gullibly come to believe?

When the raw video feed of the Georgia election fraud was being watched by the entire world, leftists such as yourself were ordered to begin regurgitating first that it was a nothing-burger because "it wasn't widespread." Then the evidence began pouring in from thousands of witnesses signing sworn affidavits to widespread election fraud, and you leftists plugged your ears, closed your eyes and began chanting "There isn't a shred of evidence whatsoever. There isn't a shred of evidence whatsoever. There isn't a shred of evidence whatsoever. There isn't a shred of evidence whatsoever. There isn't a shred of evidence whatsoever. There isn't a shred of evidence whatsoever. There isn't a shred of evidence whatsoever. There isn't a shred of evidence whatsoever. There isn't a shred of evidence whatsoever. There isn't a shred of evidence whatsoever. There isn't a shred of evidence whatsoever. There isn't a shred of evidence whatsoever. " ... ad infinitum.

What would it take to convince you that it is wrong to be so egregiously dishonest?

I just finished reading a new biography on Gerald Ford and had forgotten two attempts were made on his life, one in Sacramento and the other in SF. while he was President.

Both those people seemed to fall under the mentally deranged category. (They did reference JFK in the book and that Ford want to believe it was a conspiracy theory but based on everything he saw he thought Oswald basically had a small d*ck syndrome and was trying to impress his GF. (I get in theory why that could be hard for people to accept because the victim was JFK and no way some lone loser could take him out so people refuse to believe it)

As I recall, Ford was on the Warren Commission, so had a lot more inside info than the average politician or other “expert”.

The speaker also said that films such as that Oliver Stone film about the JFK assassination, filled with non-facts and innuendo, flame the fires of conspiracy.
No surprises on the responses. The dumbfuck right wingers have nothing but dumbfuck responses. Other, more reasonable people don’t.

Shocked, I say!
you aren't interested in facts, only propaganda that supports your leftist beliefs. you aren't one single bit different than any of the trumpers here, or most righties............

the FACT is that you're all fucking delusional in your political beliefs and positions
you aren't interested in facts, only propaganda that supports your leftist beliefs. you aren't one single bit different than any of the trumpers here, or most righties............

the FACT is that you're all fucking delusional in your political beliefs and positions

You are not interested in capitalizing the first letter of a sentence.

Is there a reason?