What Would It Take?

I had some preconceived ideas about hoe responses would go. I was pretty much spot on.

The conspiracists responded with “Reich”, demmycrat and other psychobabble. So predictable. Others at least gave it a shot with terms like “facts”.

It verifies what I have maintained all along. There is NOTHING that will convince a conspiracy freak that they’re wrong. Not mountains of evidence, not stacks of scientific research, not guilty pleas, convictions, verdicts or anything else. NOTHING.

Pretty sad and a little frightening there are so many people that blind, willfully ignorant and gullible.

It’s a cult

We don’t have to convince them

We let them get reprogrammed or let them utterly fail in life

Once they realize the cult will get them nothing

They will drop from the cult

Or commit suicide
I listened to an interesting podcast yesterday that dealt with conspiracy theories and those who buy into them. The main speaker said one question he likes to pose to those adherents is:

What would it take to convince you that you’re wrong?

Great question that should stop most in their tracks. However, if usually doesn’t, especially when it comes to Trumpers. Even with all the mountains of evidence, they are still in denial.

We all have our biases and I had to ponder that question myself. About COVID, the accusations against BIDEN, climate change, etc.

So, I’ll pose that question to the forum, especially the right wingers, who tend to buy into those conspiracies more than others.

What would it take to convince you that you’re wrong?


The stolen election
COVID vaccines
Climate change
The claims about Joe Biden

Take your pick. What would it take?

Well, this is rather ironic coming from a gullible dimwit who bought into the Russia Collusion conspiracy, the Ukraine phone call hoax, the January 6th impeachment hoax and the Ciovid vaccine hoax.

I don't think leftists have very high IQs, self-awareness or honesty.

The man-caused climate hoax is the greatest gaslighting ever perpetrated on man by governments. You have to be a particularly gullible dimwit to believe it.

But hey, if you think the actual evidence against Jow Biden is just a conspiratorial hoax, then you are dumber than a box of rocks and cannot be taken seriously on anything else.
Fine. Trumpers cite things they believe are “facts” all the time, when, in truth, they are not.

So, not quite there on just “facts”.

You mean like the Russia Collusion hoax? The covid vaccine hoax? The man-caused climate change hoax? Dumber than a box of rocks.
No surprises on the responses. The dumbfuck right wingers have nothing but dumbfuck responses. Other, more reasonable people don’t.

Shocked, I say!

It is the pinnacle of irony and amusement when a dumbfuck has nothing and calls others dumbfucks. :palm:
you aren't interested in facts, only propaganda that supports your leftist beliefs. you aren't one single bit different than any of the trumpers here, or most righties............

the FACT is that you're all fucking delusional in your political beliefs and positions

An amusing statement; must mean your perfect. :rolleyes:
Why would people change their minds when the opinions were never formed on the basis of known facts to begin with?

Reality, to many people, is what they've arbitrarily decided reality is.

It could be a glitch in evolution--devolution as it were--because so many on the American political right very much appear to be mutants.

What facts are Democrats basing their opinions on? I will wait for a coherent honest response.
You ignore Trump is the biggest liar in all of human history!

That in itself is a dumb lie. I don't think leftists can post without lying and looking like morons. :palm:

Irony from a douchebag that voted for Biden. If his lips are moving, it's a lie or delusional. Take your pick.
I have little doubt your life sucks and it's sad. Getting old isn't for sissies and you are clearly a sissy who blames others for your pain.

You should either get busy living or end your pain.
Other than the single instance that I know of when Trump’s kids and others met with the Russian agents in Trump Tower because they thought the Russians had dirt, I know of no collusion.

The Clinton campaign fabricated the Russia collusion hoax. You must have missed that watching MSNBC.

Manafort and the Ukraine thing? He was guilty, but pardoned.

Not nearly the corrupt criminality of Hunter and Joe Biden's influence peddling. Not even in the same league. You see, he didn't have the DOJ covering for him.

Mueller’s report, while talking about Russian attempts to influence the election and Trump’s likely criminal behavior does not mention “collusion” once. Collusion is your baby, not mine.

Again, the media and Democrats called it collusion. But then, lying is a trait of yours.

I have no idea what’s on Hunter’s laptop, where it’s been, etc. Either do you.

More dumb lies. But, we have come to expect this from leftist dimwits who like being gaslighted by the media and the DNC.

When the vaccines came out, the death rate dropped precipitously.

Link to this bullshit. Even after the vaccines, people were dying and spreading the virus. The vaccines were a worthless shot that cost this country billions.

Report after report indicated that the hospitals were overwhelmed, not with vaccinated patients, but with unvaccinated ones. Were there adverse effects with the vaccine? Yep, just as with any vaccine. Were they exaggerated? Yep, by the non-vaxxers.

The statement that the this was a pandemic of the unvaccinated was gaslighting. People still were infected and spreading the virus. The claims that hospitals were overwhelmed was also a lie and gaslighting. Apparently, you like conspiracies and being gaslighted.

No, it's apparent we are done here. Your hair is falling out from having the floor mopped with it.
I had some preconceived ideas about hoe responses would go. I was pretty much spot on.

Yep, so did we. Gullible lying leftist loons like you are very predictable.

The conspiracists responded with “Reich”, demmycrat and other psychobabble. So predictable. Others at least gave it a shot with terms like “facts”.

Ironic coming from a lying dunce who calls people Trumptards. :rolleyes:

It verifies what I have maintained all along. There is NOTHING that will convince a conspiracy freak that they’re wrong. Not mountains of evidence, not stacks of scientific research, not guilty pleas, convictions, verdicts or anything else. NOTHING.

Projection at its finest.

Pretty sad and a little frightening there are so many people that blind, willfully ignorant and gullible.

Sadder still that morons on the left seem to enjoy being gaslighted and censuring anyone who disagree with their moronic agendas.
I have little doubt your life sucks and it's sad. Getting old isn't for sissies and you are clearly a sissy who blames others for your pain.

You should either get busy living or end your pain.

Run along you sick, repugnant, ignorant little man. You're not serious or here to debate. Just to illustrate your severe mental illness which screams out for treatment. :palm:
I recognize that you and your fellow demmycrats are the biggest liars in human history.....cope, mothafucka......

That's the thing with you Trump sheep!
You assume if one isn't a Trump supporter your must be a Democrat! I'm neither Republican or Democrat.
But Stevie Wonder can see Trump is a criminal.
That in itself is a dumb lie. I don't think leftists can post without lying and looking like morons. :palm:

Irony from a douchebag that voted for Biden. If his lips are moving, it's a lie or delusional. Take your pick.

You ignore that Trump is the biggest liar in human history