What’s Your Philosophy of Life?

if its not right, then its wrong. so be right.


How do you determine if something is right or wrong?

My bottom-line rule the Golden Rule. If someone is harming another without just cause (i.e. self-defense), then it's wrong.

Example: Attacking Afghanistan after 9/11 was right. Invading Iraq as a pretense (read "lie") that they were terrorists was wrong.
How man determined what is right and wrong.

Person A: I don't like when people steal my stuff. Do you?

Person B: No, I don't like when people steal my stuff, either.

Person A: Ok. Let's agree to not steal each other's stuff.

Stealing is wrong.

Person A: I wouldn't like it if someone killed me for no reason. Would you?

Person B: No, I wouldn't like it if someone killed me for no reason.

Person A: Ok. Let's agree to not kill each other for no reason.

Murder is wrong.
How man determined what is right and wrong.

Person A: I don't like when people steal my stuff. Do you?

Person B: No, I don't like when people steal my stuff, either.

Person A: Ok. Let's agree to not steal each other's stuff.

Stealing is wrong.

Person A: I wouldn't like it if someone killed me for no reason. Would you?

Person B: No, I wouldn't like it if someone killed me for no reason.

Person A: Ok. Let's agree to not kill each other for no reason.

Murder is wrong.

Morality is pretty boring as a topic in philosophy. I think most nations in the world's history never believed stealing or murder is good.
What my students get when they turn up to PHIL 101, on the other hand, is a crash course in analytic philosophy, the particularly techy strain of the discipline that came to dominate English-speaking university departments in the twentieth century. A central feature of analytic philosophy is its small-scale, piecemeal method of approaching big questions.

A second feature of analytic philosophy is an attitude. The standard philosophy professor these days is a hardheaded secular rationalist.

But I find myself wondering if you can really pull that division-of-labor move with philosophy, even if you can with, say, economics or physics. Though we call philosophy the love of truth, what it really seeks is understanding, which requires grasping the relationships between things and organizing them into an intelligible whole. It’s no longer clear to me that you can do this adequately if you restrict your attention to one tiny domain at a time.


To make people around me have as good a day a possible.

(trolls on this forum - sorry - you're NOT people to me)
the best answers are often the simplest. try applying this test to every action you are about to take and see if it doesnt provide the best result.

note its not important that you agree with what is right, only that you DO it.

an example:

a person says "blacks are stupid"

you could respond "thats racist !"
you could respond by walking away
you could respond by saying "science tells us otherwise"

whats the right way (and by extension, making the other ways wrong).

Then what do you do when the asshole tells you that "scientists are paid to say that by George Soros"?

There are some people you cannot reason with.
I believe that man only ever does anything for only one of two motives!

He does it to either- gain pleasure from it- or he does it to prevent some kind of pain!

Oh, no. You're one of those D/S freaks aren't you?

Sometimes you can actually gain pleasure and prevent pain by a single simple step!

Yes, lots of lube!

Sometimes, you have to risk a little pain to gain pleasure! Is the pleasure worth the pain?

I have found a little light, CONSENTUAL spanking can be quite pleasurable for both parties!

But, know why you do everything!

Just ask yourself before making any decision- "Am I doing this to gain pleasure from it, or am I doing it to prevent some kind of pain I have now or could have in the future"?

Try to avoid as much pain as you can in life by making the very best decisions you can for yourself.

By the way, my "safe" word is "Nutmeg". What's yours?

My grandmother taught me, to live a lie- will cause you to tell 1,000 more lies!

My Dad taught me that "Lying is stealing", because when you lie, you are robbing others of the truth!

Lying to oneself robs yourself of your own dignity and integrity you have of yourself and to everyone that catches you in your lie!

The truth is never hidden forever- as it is normally eventually revealed by researching and establishing historical and scientific facts.

I know this thread is a-political, but nothing illustrates your thesis more that all the lies the trump admin told and had to double-down or change constantly. The trump crime family was excellent at demonstrating the "life cycle of a lie'.
I call it reaching maximum lie factor

When you tell a lie you have to tell other lies to back that lie up

At some point all you have left is lies to protect lies

Maximum lie factor

Lies are the choice of weak dishonest people who will never posses the joy which is true reality

They live in a shitty confused haze

Ev! You're a little heavy on the "lie" in all your testimonials there! Just letting you know you're being a little redundant.
Something is wrong with your brain.

I think that's pretty much the bottom line with that guy. The way he responds to stimuli is not in a normal way. <--- I don't know how better to describe it.'

Other than.. he makes a statement where he puts a bunch of words together that not even he knows what he's talking about and hopes that we'll all think that he's some kind of soothsayer.

And then when a subject comes up where he knows there's some controversy, he takes the position he knows will cause the most harm and anger and goes with it. He never supports any of his facts with anything other than his "high education" which I take to mean he was high all during school
I've never actually spent the time needed to summarize my thoughts on a philosophy for life. To keep things simple, I have narrowed it down to two thoughts which are somewhat, but not completely, unrelated:

There is no self.

There is only now.

Bullshit. Of course there's self. I'm very aware of myself, my goals, my loves, my aspirations. Everyone with a soul has a sense of self - you know why? Because all our actions and decisions affect others we love and others in our community.

"no self". Geez man :(
I think that's pretty much the bottom line with that guy. The way he responds to stimuli is not in a normal way. <--- I don't know how better to describe it.'

Other than.. he makes a statement where he puts a bunch of words together that not even he knows what he's talking about and hopes that we'll all think that he's some kind of soothsayer.

And then when a subject comes up where he knows there's some controversy, he takes the position he knows will cause the most harm and anger and goes with it. He never supports any of his facts with anything other than his "high education" which I take to mean he was high all during school

I seriously think he is mentally ill. People who write gibberish think they are making sense. When asked to clarify, Hawkeye accuses you of being a liar.
scientifically, or maybe horologically, speaking yes. As a matter of life philosophy, and presumably a goal of living a happy life, there's no need to allow either to impact you.

Yes, successful people never plan ahead.

So .... what strain are you smoking?
The reference to now is about managing negative feelings like anger and stress, not growing your hair out, buying VW bus and living as though there is no tomorrow.

When something happened that generated the thought that made you mad is, like every thought you've ever had, it's transient. It comes and then goes. In order to stay mad, we allow thoughts about XXXX to exist in consciousness and make/keep us mad. We've all been mad about something and had a distraction suddenly change our mood. A phone call, something funny on TV, a knock at the door, etc. So, when I say "there is only now" it means controlling the thoughts about a past event that made you mad, future event that causes you stress, etc so you don't stay in that negative state of mind.

So if I love my wife I should forget about it because, "it's in the past"?

Dude.. seriously... put down the bong. You're high enough.