What’s Your Philosophy of Life?

You are claiming to be a teacher?

Yet, more than any other member I can think of?
Refuse to debate anyone, rationally.
And simply throw simplistic, ad hominem's at those who disagree with you to ANY, substantive degree?

Shit...you must be one, HORRIBLE teacher.

EDIT...I just saw that you were just quoting.
Thank GOODNESS for your potential students.

BTW - haven't you ever heard of quotation marks?

You know, that has not been my experience with Biden. He actually does debate rationally. We use facts, though that might be your problem. You believe everything Tucker tells you.
The science of wasting the most time possible on things that do nothing substantive for humanity.

Show me a philosophy major?
And I will show you a condescending prick with few social skills, even fewer friends and barely a clue what the world is actually like.

Successful philosophy majors:


"Thanks to Brendan Lalor for compiling this great list (with a few additions from me):

Steve Allen (writer & comedian)
William Bennett (former Drug czar & NEH leader, Books of Virtues)
William Jefferson Clinton (former President)
Woody Allen (director & comedian)
Mary Higgins Clark (mystery writer)
Gene Siskel (movie reviewer, Siskel & Ebert at the Movies)
Philip K. Dick (science fiction writer)
David Duchovny (actor on X-Files)
John Elway (quarterback, Denver Broncos)
Ivan Frolov (editor of Pravda)
Rebecca Goldstein (novelist & MacArthur prize recipient)
Don Harron (Canadian comedian, author of Anne of Green Gables libretto)
Harrison Ford (actor)
Christy Haubegger (editor of Latina)
Vaclav Havel (former President of Czeckoslovakia)
Peter Hoeg (author of Smilla’s Sense of Snow)
Mark Hulbert (financial columnist for Forbes magazine)
Carl Icahn (business person & corporate raider, bought TWA)
Martin Luther King, Jr. (civil rights leader)
Bruce Lee (martial arts & actor)
Michael Lerner (editor of Tikkun)
Peter Lynch (director)
Steve Martin (comedian & actor)
Kate Millett (author of Sexual Politics)
Bob Moses (civil rights activist)
Robert Motherwell (painter)
Iris Murdoch (novelist)
Lachlan Murdoch (son of Rupert Murdoch, media magnate)
Robert Musil (Austrian novelist)
Freeman Patterson (photographer, author of The Art of Seeing)
Neil Peart (drummer for rock group, Rush)
Chaim Potok (novelist)
Pope John Paul II (vicar of Christ)
Patricia Rozema (film-maker, I’ve Heard the Mermaids Singing)
Mick Schmidt (former Philadelphia Philly)
John Silber (former president of Boston University)
Susan Sontag (essayist)
George Soros (money manager, Soros Foundation)
Dave Thomas (SCTV)
Alex Trebeck (Jeopardy!)
David Foster Wallace (novelist & MacArthur prize recipient)
Robert Weaver (doyen of Canadian literature, head of CBC’s ANTHOLOGY)
Moses Znaimer, (Owner of CITY)
Emile de Antonio (documentary film maker)
Sheila Bair (Chair of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation)
Larry Sanger, (Co-founder of Wikipedia)
Chris Hayes, (MSNBC political commentator)
Carly Fiorina, (former CEO of Hewlett-Packard)
Reid Hoffman, (Linked-In Co-founder)
Stewart Butterfield, (Flickr Co-founder)
More famous philosophy majors, by occupation: “Philosophy degrees and the people who have ’em” (external)"
The science of wasting the most time possible on things that do nothing substantive for humanity.

Natural philosophy is just another name for science. The best physicists, mathmaticians, cosmologists are philosophical thinkers, including Einstein, Niels Bohr, Edwin Shroedinger.

Any time you think, talk, or write about morality, ethics, truth, knowledge, belief, wisdom, virtue, free will, determinism you are doing philosophy.
To make people around me have as good a day a possible.

(trolls on this forum - sorry - you're NOT people to me)

There is a myth that Socrates went to the town square and debated anyone who came along. Plato's dialogues are always with someone well known in Athens, whether in politics or philosophy. Socrates never debates dumb people.
There is a myth that Socrates went to the town square and debated anyone who came along. Plato's dialogues are always with someone well known in Athens, whether in politics or philosophy. Socrates never debates dumb people.

And there are so many of them here. Socrates would have been pretty bored in this forum.
You and Zenmode should hook up. :thup:

So you were a philosophy major in college? What do you do now?

TBH, I changed majors a few times. The second to last was, indeed, philosophy.

It’s the art of thinking

Some find no use for such activity

We call them losers
I have all the trolls on ignore. One in particular posts 5 times to me each day. I have had him on ignore at least 2 years and never read or reply. Speaking of mentally ill!

The only ones I have on iggy are the ones who have either ask me to or have done out of bounds stuff like attacking family members. The rest of them.. there are very few others like you here to talk to!
The only ones I have on iggy are the ones who have either ask me to or have done out of bounds stuff like attacking family members. The rest of them.. there are very few others like you here to talk to!

I think they genuinely believe writing insults is having a conversation.
I think they genuinely believe writing insults is having a conversation.

Or just posting bullshit drive by's like "into the night" who I have on iggy for that reason. I get up in the morning and I have 30 notifications from her/him. None of them worth responding to. that's the only exception.