What’s Your Philosophy of Life?

Chris Hayes has a BA in philosophy from Brown. Makes sense. It is the only show on MSNBC that I like.
No chit chat. No wasted time. He stars off stating the topic, introduces a guest, then get immediately into the issue.

He is awesome

I love his reporting
the best answers are often the simplest. try applying this test to every action you are about to take and see if it doesnt provide the best result.

note its not important that you agree with what is right, only that you DO it.

an example:

a person says "blacks are stupid"

you could respond "thats racist !"
you could respond by walking away
you could respond by saying "science tells us otherwise"

whats the right way (and by extension, making the other ways wrong).

More than one truth can exist at the same time

The proof of that is you can say

That is racists and here are the facts to prove it’s wrong and why it would be something an uneducated racist would say

At some point you will walk away from that person

So all are correct responses to do NOT prove each other incorrect
"A second feature of analytic philosophy is an attitude. The standard philosophy professor these days is a hardheaded secular rationalist. They’re allergic to any whiff of soulfulness or yearning for the divine. And they steer clear of the emotional aspects of whatever is under discussion. While you can write generally about the nature of emotion, your own idiosyncratic inner flutterings—your private hopes, fears and passions—must be kept firmly out of view."

More than one truth can exist at the same time

The proof of that is you can say

That is racists and here are the facts to prove it’s wrong and why it would be something an uneducated racist would say

At some point you will walk away from that person

So all are correct responses to do NOT prove each other incorrect

where do I mention truth ? I am referring to right and wrong. Every single action you take can be either right or wrong.

No action you take is either true or not true.
College is for learning

People seem to have forgotten that fact

I went to a city college

I took all kinds of courses

I got an AA

I didn’t have the funds to go on

But I learned soooo much

I just kept taking courses

I had a different reason than most people did

I went to college because I wanted to learn

I have always been weird that way
Good job, evince. You were more mature than I at that age. All I wanted to do was graduate HS, join the Army's WOC helicopter program, and be in Vietnam as a Huey copilot by 19. The fucking war ended when I was a Junior. Being a stupid kid, I had no Plan B to become a military pilot like my dad. The requirement became "college degree" so, damn the luck, I had to go to fucking college...majoring in beer, girls and scraping by with Gentleman C's. I didn't have your maturity or focus at that age. I figured the Marine Corps would teach me all I needed to know. Not being as smart as I thought I was ended up being a common cause of friction in my life's journey.

BTW, Ralph Waldo Emerson had this view:

To finish the moment, to find the journey’s end in every step of the road, to live the greatest number of good hours, is wisdom.

Commonly shortened to "It's the journey, not the destination".
No one ever got sick from drinking too much water.

not true. Biochemistry is real.

Did a woman die by drinking two gallons of water?
  • In 2007, a California woman died after drinking about two gallons of water as part of a radio station contest. The Sacramento County coroner found that Jennifer Lea Strange, 28, died of water intoxication.

[h=3]Georgia teen dies from drinking too much water ... - CBS News[/h]

not true. Biochemistry is real.


The symptoms of water intoxication are general — they can include confusion, disorientation, nausea, and vomiting.

In rare cases, water intoxication can cause swelling in the brain and become fatal....

Can it be fatal?
It is difficult to consume too much water by accident. However, it can happen, and there have been numerous reports of death due to excess water intake.

People at risk of death from water intoxication tend to be participating in endurance sporting events or military training. A person who is doing neither is unlikely to die from drinking too much water.
where do I mention truth ? I am referring to right and wrong. Every single action you take can be either right or wrong.

No action you take is either true or not true.

Are you insane

You will decide nothing correctly as right or wrong without truth

I am doubting that you are human now
Good job, evince. You were more mature than I at that age. All I wanted to do was graduate HS, join the Army's WOC helicopter program, and be in Vietnam as a Huey copilot by 19. The fucking war ended when I was a Junior. Being a stupid kid, I had no Plan B to become a military pilot like my dad. The requirement became "college degree" so, damn the luck, I had to go to fucking college...majoring in beer, girls and scraping by with Gentleman C's. I didn't have your maturity or focus at that age. I figured the Marine Corps would teach me all I needed to know. Not being as smart as I thought I was ended up being a common cause of friction in my life's journey.

BTW, Ralph Waldo Emerson had this view:

To finish the moment, to find the journey’s end in every step of the road, to live the greatest number of good hours, is wisdom.

Commonly shortened to "It's the journey, not the destination".

My home life lead me to summize that education was the path to avoid the mistakes of my parents

I was correct

High school was pretty depressing for me as a female of a certain look and a poor family

It was the mid 70s

My future wasn’t assumed to be much by most adults I came across

I wanted to know the things the smart people knew

College was the first place I felt truly respected

I took a massive range of classes

I loved it