When Does Life End?

Wrong. The study says a conception does not take place until the cell divides and it is necessary for a cell to divide in order for there to be a human life/being.

We do know that over 50% of cells in which the sperm has entered have not grown. In other words nothing started so to say or assume or imply every cell which a sperm has entered is a human being is simply wrong.

Do some research. Please.
This debate about when life begins ... or ends, for that matter ... is rather moot. Any woman who becomes pregnant and wants that child believes life begins at conception. Any woman who becomes pregnant, doesn't want that child and aborts believes otherwise. Those beliefs are the only ones that matter. Not what you men believe. Neither science nor religion is going to change either belief.

As the mother of two, bereaved of one of them, I detest the concept of abortion. As one who has visited those institutions that Apple has described, seeing the insufferable pain that rejected, defective children endure, I embrace it. Living in New Orleans, where children are killing children every day, I have to wonder why the government doesn't embrace birth control more, and stop enabling young girls with welfare checks for each child they produce.

This debate is really about should abortion be legal, not when life begins. I believe in quality of life, not quantity. So, Apple, I slip over to your side of this argument, not because I don't believe life begins at conception, but because I believe that life should be of quality.
This debate about when life begins ... or ends, for that matter ... is rather moot. Any woman who becomes pregnant and wants that child believes life begins at conception. Any woman who becomes pregnant, doesn't want that child and aborts believes otherwise. Those beliefs are the only ones that matter. Not what you men believe. Neither science nor religion is going to change either belief.

Those beliefs are the only ones that matter. ??

Thats like claiming, in a argument about whether the earth is round or flat, only your beliefs matter....Beliefs don't matter, TRUTH MATTERS.

As the mother of two, bereaved of one of them, I detest the concept of abortion. As one who has visited those institutions that Apple has described, seeing the insufferable pain that rejected, defective children endure, I embrace it. Living in New Orleans, where children are killing children every day, I have to wonder why the government doesn't embrace birth control more, and stop enabling young girls with welfare checks for each child they produce.

This debate is really about should abortion be legal, not when life begins. I believe in quality of life, not quantity. So, Apple, I slip over to your side of this argument, not because I don't believe life begins at conception, but because I believe that life should be of quality.

The debate was supposed to be about "when life begins"...the SCIENCE, the BIOLOGY....not abortion...it was highjacked.....

Apple the pinhead, turned it into a debate about abortion and just could not and would not let that issue go...ABORTION HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE SCIENCE OF WHEN LIFE BEGINS...

Its legal and done deal....kill 'em all for all I care....just don't try to deny science to ease your conscience....I'm not particularly interested in your reasons for killing them and are irrelevant to this debate.

And I'm very sorry for you loss...losing a child must be a terrible sorrow.
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This debate about when life begins ... or ends, for that matter ... is rather moot. Any woman who becomes pregnant and wants that child believes life begins at conception. Any woman who becomes pregnant, doesn't want that child and aborts believes otherwise. Those beliefs are the only ones that matter. Not what you men believe. Neither science nor religion is going to change either belief.

As the mother of two, bereaved of one of them, I detest the concept of abortion. As one who has visited those institutions that Apple has described, seeing the insufferable pain that rejected, defective children endure, I embrace it. Living in New Orleans, where children are killing children every day, I have to wonder why the government doesn't embrace birth control more, and stop enabling young girls with welfare checks for each child they produce.

This debate is really about should abortion be legal, not when life begins. I believe in quality of life, not quantity. So, Apple, I slip over to your side of this argument, not because I don't believe life begins at conception, but because I believe that life should be of quality.

Many people do believe life should be of quality. Whether it's Oregon or the Netherlands people believe one has a right to decide if their life is worth living and as someone responsible for bringing a new life into the world, a woman, no one has the right to interfere in her decision. She must decide.
Many people do believe life should be of quality. Whether it's Oregon or the Netherlands people believe one has a right to decide if their life is worth living and as someone responsible for bringing a new life into the world, a woman, no one has the right to interfere in her decision. She must decide.

okay, so we let the woman decide if life is worth living.....but why let her take someone else's life?......under your approach shouldn't you be helping her end her own life?......
okay, so we let the woman decide if life is worth living.....but why let her take someone else's life?......under your approach shouldn't you be helping her end her own life?......

If you know anything about nature a mother is the one who will protect her offspring the most. In other words the person who bears offspring is more dedicated to the offspring than anyone else so who is more qualified to determine if it's to the benefit of offspring to bring them into the world?

As for helping her end her own life we run into the same absurd argument of two persons occupying the same body. Now the pregnant woman loses her right to die because someone else (another person???) happens to be using her body, as well.

It just gets crazier and crazier.
If you know anything about nature a mother is the one who will protect her offspring the most. In other words the person who bears offspring is more dedicated to the offspring than anyone else so who is more qualified to determine if it's to the benefit of offspring to bring them into the world?

As for helping her end her own life we run into the same absurd argument of two persons occupying the same body. Now the pregnant woman loses her right to die because someone else (another person???) happens to be using her body, as well.

It just gets crazier and crazier.

call me a cynic, but I expect that if abortion required the mother to lose her life as well, the rate of abortion would drop dramatically......
95+% of abortions are abortions of convenience....there is nothing wrong with the baby, there is nothing wrong with mommy.....

Mommy wants an abortion because being pregnant gives her a headache, an big ass , or makes her eye brows hurt....or...OMG, I'm not ready to be a mommy, I only like to get fucked.....

Mommies life is seldom in any danger these days, and if it is, in even the slightest danger, non-vaginal birth is as common as pinheads....

Thats just the plain unvarnished truth....
95+% of abortions are abortions of convenience....there is nothing wrong with the baby, there is nothing wrong with mommy.....

Mommy wants an abortion because being pregnant gives her a headache, an big ass , or makes her eye brows hurt....or...OMG, I'm not ready to be a mommy, I only like to get fucked.....

Mommies life is seldom in any danger these days, and if it is, in even the slightest danger, non-vaginal birth is as common as pinheads....

Thats just the plain unvarnished truth....

Convenience? Preventing ending up in poverty all ones life is considered a convenience? Wanting to prevent a child from suffering neglect and a life of poverty is a convenience?

And, yes, most people do like to fuck. Do you have a problem with that or are you a "in the bathroom with a porno mag" type of guy when your parents step out?
Convenience? Preventing ending up in poverty all ones life is considered a convenience? Wanting to prevent a child from suffering neglect and a life of poverty is a convenience?

And, yes, most people do like to fuck. Do you have a problem with that or are you a "in the bathroom with a porno mag" type of guy when your parents step out?

Preventing ending up in poverty all ones life ? a child from suffering neglect and a life of poverty ?

So, you're not only a pinhead, but a fortune telling pinhead too....wow!

You can tell at a babys birth, their ENTIRE life will be spent in poverty....
damn....your at least a talented pinhead....

* The overwhelming majority of all abortions, (95%), are done as a means of birth control.U.S. Abortion Statistics, U.S. State abortion statistics, by Race, by Age, Worldwide abortion statistics, teen abortion statistics

* Only 1% are performed because of rape or incest;
* 1% because of fetal abnormalities;
* 3% due to the mother's health problems.

The other 95% are saved from a life of poverty according to you....

Every kid in my home town would be dead now if their parents were as fuckin stupid as you....I could have been spared 18 years of poverty growing up...
instead, I survived that poverty and sired 2 daughters, one a doctor, the other a med. tech. and retired at 55 with a comfortable income....

You'll tell yourself any lie necessary to convince yourself you're right....
Its legal dude, get down to your nearest clinic and help vacuum those kids brains out of their skulls, enjoy yourself...your saving them from a life of poverty....pull those little arms off, it must be as much fun as pulling the wings off of flies...and don't fret, its for their own good................................fool !
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Preventing ending up in poverty all ones life ? a child from suffering neglect and a life of poverty ?

So, you're not only a pinhead, but a fortune telling pinhead too....wow!

You can tell at a babys birth, their ENTIRE life will be spent in poverty....
damn....your at least a talented pinhead....

* The overwhelming majority of all abortions, (95%), are done as a means of birth control.U.S. Abortion Statistics, U.S. State abortion statistics, by Race, by Age, Worldwide abortion statistics, teen abortion statistics

* Only 1% are performed because of rape or incest;
* 1% because of fetal abnormalities;
* 3% due to the mother's health problems.

The other 95% are saved from a life of poverty according to you....

Every kid in my home town would be dead now if their parents were as fuckin stupid as you....I could have been spared 18 years of poverty growing up...
instead, I survived that poverty and sired 2 daughters, one a doctor, the other a med. tech. and retired at 55 with a comfortable income....

You'll tell yourself any lie necessary to convince yourself you're right....
Its legal dude, get down to your nearest clinic and help vacuum those kids brains out of their skulls, enjoy yourself...your saving them from a life of poverty....pull those little arms off, it must be as much fun as pulling the wings off of flies...and don't fret, its for their own good................................fool !

Like I said there are two types of people and you fit one of the descriptions. You grew up in poverty, scratched and scrapped to get what you have and to hell with everyone else.

If your children are established and you retired at 55 what is your problem paying a few extra tax dollars to help those who can't afford medical coverage? Can you give me a reason other than just not giving a damn about others?

I didn't have a lot of money growing up but my parents were not stingy. I had my first car at 13 and used to drive through the neighbor's apple orchard. At 14 a motorcycle (scooter). I paid for them by picking apples and doing gardening for the neighbors.

I worked at a regular, blue collar job and was lucky to make money from Real Estate and I do not b!tch about paying taxes or begrudge a person medical attention. However, I have seen poor families. Really poor and in many cases the girls from those families look for emotional support from a guy and we all know what happens. Do I want to see her drop out of school because she is pregnant? Do I want to see her in a minimum wage job trying to support a child? No, I do not.

Pardon me but you're full of shit, Bravo. If you were truly concerned about children you would be busying yourself with the ones that are here now. You would be collecting used furniture to help young mothers furnish an apartment. You would be organizing food drives. You wouldn't be b!itching about taxes and universal medical and putting your nose in those young ladies pants.

As for my being "fucking stupid" you're a greedy, selfish, egotistical bastard and the beauty of aging and death is that it takes Neanderthals like you with it and let's the world progress.

I'm sure counting your pennies helps relieve the gut cramps you must experience every time you open your wallet so I have some advice for you. Medical is on the way. Take a good antacid and pry that wallet out of your pocket, you cheap bastard.

(I feel better now. Do you?)
Convenience? Preventing ending up in poverty all ones life is considered a convenience? Wanting to prevent a child from suffering neglect and a life of poverty is a convenience?

And, yes, most people do like to fuck. Do you have a problem with that or are you a "in the bathroom with a porno mag" type of guy when your parents step out?

What about the personal responsibility regarding making sure you use protection, when you decide to fuck??
Convenience? Preventing ending up in poverty all ones life is considered a convenience? Wanting to prevent a child from suffering neglect and a life of poverty is a convenience?

And, yes, most people do like to fuck. Do you have a problem with that or are you a "in the bathroom with a porno mag" type of guy when your parents step out?

Wow, fuck you very much, asshole!! :321:
I'm sure counting your pennies helps relieve the gut cramps you must experience every time you open your wallet so I have some advice for you. Medical is on the way. Take a good antacid and pry that wallet out of your pocket, you cheap bastard.

(I feel better now. Do you?)

Seriously, you fail as a member of the human race. Congrats.
Like I said there are two types of people and you fit one of the descriptions. You grew up in poverty, scratched and scrapped to get what you have and to hell with everyone else.

If your children are established and you retired at 55 what is your problem paying a few extra tax dollars to help those who can't afford medical coverage? Can you give me a reason other than just not giving a damn about others?

I didn't have a lot of money growing up but my parents were not stingy. I had my first car at 13 and used to drive through the neighbor's apple orchard. At 14 a motorcycle (scooter). I paid for them by picking apples and doing gardening for the neighbors.

I worked at a regular, blue collar job and was lucky to make money from Real Estate and I do not b!tch about paying taxes or begrudge a person medical attention. However, I have seen poor families. Really poor and in many cases the girls from those families look for emotional support from a guy and we all know what happens. Do I want to see her drop out of school because she is pregnant? Do I want to see her in a minimum wage job trying to support a child? No, I do not.

Pardon me but you're full of shit, Bravo. If you were truly concerned about children you would be busying yourself with the ones that are here now. You would be collecting used furniture to help young mothers furnish an apartment. You would be organizing food drives. You wouldn't be b!itching about taxes and universal medical and putting your nose in those young ladies pants.

As for my being "fucking stupid" you're a greedy, selfish, egotistical bastard and the beauty of aging and death is that it takes Neanderthals like you with it and let's the world progress.

I'm sure counting your pennies helps relieve the gut cramps you must experience every time you open your wallet so I have some advice for you. Medical is on the way. Take a good antacid and pry that wallet out of your pocket, you cheap bastard.

(I feel better now. Do you?)

Thats quite a rant .....it rocks....

I guess its you fortune telling talent that tells you I'm greedy, selfish, and egotistical ...that I have a problem giving to charity....I'm cheap and I say "to hell with everyone else"....
and all because I don't condone abortion....what an imagination you have....

Well, look at it this way lad....at least I don't want to kill the little sons of bitches in the womb like you....
I at least, want them to live and have a chance to enjoy life, liberty and pursue happiness....even if they fail....
I don't need to feed my conscience manure to mask the smell of death I would be puking on if I thought like you.......

get down to that clinic with your application for the vacuum and bag man....its a job you'll enjoy....
Thats quite a rant .....it rocks....

Thank you. It felt good!

I guess its you fortune telling talent that tells you I'm greedy, selfish, and egotistical ...that I have a problem giving to charity....I'm cheap and I say "to hell with everyone else"....
and all because I don't condone abortion....what an imagination you have....

Well, look at it this way lad....at least I don't want to kill the little sons of bitches in the womb like you....
I at least, want them to live and have a chance to enjoy life, liberty and pursue happiness....even if they fail....
I don't need to feed my conscience manure to mask the smell of death I would be puking on if I thought like you.......

get down to that clinic with your application for the vacuum and bag man....its a job you'll enjoy....

As soon as you visit a hospital that specializes in sick children, those with severe genetic defects. Soak up those cries and watch what those children go through every day. Maybe you're the type of person who enjoys watching the suffering of others. Maybe you'll get a thrill out of seeing babies, too young to talk, crying and wondering why they're suffering. Maybe it will add some excitement to your retirement.

Of course you'll never get to see the many abused children who are still at home, neglected and beaten, until their mommy or daddy breaks their arm or leg. Of course, by them they will have lived a year or two or three. Maybe you can tell them how great life is. Maybe it will quench your sadistic needs. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
What about the personal responsibility regarding making sure you use protection, when you decide to fuck??

Great idea! Maybe if parents wouldn't take a crap if they found a condom in their son's pocket on laundry day or ground their daughter if she accidentally dropped a condom from her purse teens wouldn't be getting pregnant but when condoms elicit the same reaction as packing a fire arm one tends to avoid the possibilities of being found out.

Teens are taught NOT to carry condoms. How many parents do you know say to their teen on a Saturday night when leaving the house, "Do you have a condom just in case?" How many?

Don't blame the teen. Blame the parents.
Great idea! Maybe if parents wouldn't take a crap if they found a condom in their son's pocket on laundry day or ground their daughter if she accidentally dropped a condom from her purse teens wouldn't be getting pregnant but when condoms elicit the same reaction as packing a fire arm one tends to avoid the possibilities of being found out.

Teens are taught NOT to carry condoms. How many parents do you know say to their teen on a Saturday night when leaving the house, "Do you have a condom just in case?" How many?

Don't blame the teen. Blame the parents.

How about the protection that everyone has available??
Thank you. It felt good!

As soon as you visit a hospital that specializes in sick children, those with severe genetic defects. Soak up those cries and watch what those children go through every day. Maybe you're the type of person who enjoys watching the suffering of others. Maybe you'll get a thrill out of seeing babies, too young to talk, crying and wondering why they're suffering. Maybe it will add some excitement to your retirement.

Of course you'll never get to see the many abused children who are still at home, neglected and beaten, until their mommy or daddy breaks their arm or leg. Of course, by them they will have lived a year or two or three. Maybe you can tell them how great life is. Maybe it will quench your sadistic needs. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

Hey dude, go in and put and end to the suffering if it makes you feel better....its never too late to end the pain is it....? You could become as famous as Nurse Charlie Cullen...next time you meet an abused kid, kill him, its for his own good,....just tell the kid your name is Jesus....