When Does Life End?

Wrong. The study says a conception does not take place until the cell divides and it is necessary for a cell to divide in order for there to be a human life/being.

We do know that over 50% of cells in which the sperm has entered have not grown. In other words nothing started so to say or assume or imply every cell which a sperm has entered is a human being is simply wrong.

Do some research. Please.

I've already researched it. So have thousands of biologist, and most high school graduates. Your understanding of when life begins, is on about a 4th-grade level, based on the ignorance you have displayed here, and if you don't attempt to study harder, you will simply not be able to graduate. We have educational standards in America, and they just don't let people as ignorant as you have diplomas.

Yeah, I know, this is where you tell us that you are a grown adult, you own a business, you have a degree, you have a vacation home in Hawaii... That's the wonderful thing about the Internet... you can be a 13-year-old moron, and pretend you are a grown up! I'm sure it is fun for you to come here and argue until your heart's content, and I am sure your parents appreciate not having to listen to you, but the idiocy you have spewed here, about simple biological facts and the nature of living organisms, is blowing your cover man!
As soon as you visit a hospital that specializes in sick children, those with severe genetic defects. Soak up those cries and watch what those children go through every day. Maybe you're the type of person who enjoys watching the suffering of others. Maybe you'll get a thrill out of seeing babies, too young to talk, crying and wondering why they're suffering. Maybe it will add some excitement to your retirement.

I'm getting a bit tired of this, you moron.....you've been playing this schtick too often....people like you have made sure that 46 MILLION children have died since Roe v Wade.....you're trying to justify 46 MILLION deaths because of genetic diseases.....well flash me some statistics on how many of those 46 MILLION dead children had genetic diseases......or forever shut the fuck up....

Maybe it will quench your sadistic needs. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
tell me about YOUR fucking sadistic need to take a late term unborn child and shove a needle into the base of its skull to kill it......
Hey dude, go in and put and end to the suffering if it makes you feel better....its never too late to end the pain is it....? You could become as famous as Nurse Charlie Cullen...next time you meet an abused kid, kill him, its for his own good,....just tell the kid your name is Jesus....

It could have all been prevented. The anguish of the parents watching their child suffer. The emotional toll on the nurses looking after them. The cost. And most important the child's suffering.

Take an afternoon and see for yourself. It may not change your beliefs but I guarantee it will give you something to think about.
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I've already researched it. So have thousands of biologist, and most high school graduates. Your understanding of when life begins, is on about a 4th-grade level, based on the ignorance you have displayed here, and if you don't attempt to study harder, you will simply not be able to graduate. We have educational standards in America, and they just don't let people as ignorant as you have diplomas.

Yeah, I know, this is where you tell us that you are a grown adult, you own a business, you have a degree, you have a vacation home in Hawaii... That's the wonderful thing about the Internet... you can be a 13-year-old moron, and pretend you are a grown up! I'm sure it is fun for you to come here and argue until your heart's content, and I am sure your parents appreciate not having to listen to you, but the idiocy you have spewed here, about simple biological facts and the nature of living organisms, is blowing your cover man!

OK. Here's the article posted by your anti-abortionist buddy Bravo. Remember, I didn't select the article and talking about a 4th grade level of reading ability that's all that's required here.

(Excerpt)Although the opinion that life begins at fertilization is the most popular view among the public, many scientists no longer support this position, as an increasing number of scientific discoveries seem to contradict it. One such discovery in the last twenty years is that research has shown that there is no "moment of fertilization" at all. Scientists now choose to view fertilization as a process that occurs over a period of 12-24 hours. (END)

Learn, Dixie. Learn.
I'm getting a bit tired of this, you moron.....you've been playing this schtick too often....people like you have made sure that 46 MILLION children have died since Roe v Wade.....you're trying to justify 46 MILLION deaths because of genetic diseases.....well flash me some statistics on how many of those 46 MILLION dead children had genetic diseases......or forever shut the fuck up....

Why don't you check it out for yourself considering you never believe me? And while you're on the fact-finding mission check into how many children are physically abused. And after doing that visit a school "on the poor side of town" and have a chat with a teacher or two about the children she sees and their either withdrawn or aggressive behavior brought on by abuse at home.

Get off your ass and check things out because if anyone is getting tired of talking with a moron it's me trying to explain things to you. You don't know what you're talking about. It's as simple as that and when it comes to concern about the children it's people like you who would vote against any welfare increase for single mothers or subsidized day care.

At least be honest with yourself. You don't give a damn about the children. Like most right wing conservatives you think suffering is good for the soul and you just can't get enough of seeing others going through it.

tell me about YOUR fucking sadistic need to take a late term unborn child and shove a needle into the base of its skull to kill it......

Late term abortions are rare but I know one way to decrease their occurrence. Start by insisting the government provide free abortions rather than having a young woman find out she's pregnant and then watching the time pass while she tries to scrap together the money to afford one.

So, where do you stand on that issue? Do you think the government should help the woman or do you think it's more important for her to take responsibility, learn from her mistake, do without while she tries to save money even if that approach results in needles in the skull?

What is more important to you; helping the young woman or punishing her even if it means the needle and skull scenario? Let's see what side of this you turn up on. I have a pretty good idea but, hey, maybe you'll surprise me. Maybe you're not as sadistic as I thought.

Answer the question "or forever shut the fuck up." :)
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No, girls don't drop out of school anymore. They take responsibility for their actions and have an abortion.

good lord....that is the most ignorant thing you've said yet......killing the unborn child is the exact opposite of taking responsibility.....it's the ultimate escape from responsibility......
Why don't you check it out for yourself considering you never believe me?

because it's obvious I have had more experience dealing with children with genetic defects than you have....I have posted about one of them....have you ever even spoken with a child with a genetic defect?.....

be that as it may, answer my question......what percentage of the 46 MILLION children you've helped kill over the years would have had genetic defects and how do you pretend to justify killing all of them because of the percentage that might have been?.......
because it's obvious I have had more experience dealing with children with genetic defects than you have....I have posted about one of them....have you ever even spoken with a child with a genetic defect?.....

be that as it may, answer my question......what percentage of the 46 MILLION children you've helped kill over the years would have had genetic defects and how do you pretend to justify killing all of them because of the percentage that might have been?.......

Try answering my question.Do you think the government should provide free abortions or insist women pay for it themselves resulting in later term abortions due to the time it takes the women, usually young single women, to acquire the money?

Don't bother trying to skirt the question. You raised later term abortions and abortion is legal so the question is not complicated. Do you care enough about the fetus to ensure it is aborted at the earliest possible time or do you not care that it's nervous system continues to develop with each passing day?

I want to see where your true concerns lie because we're not talking about children. We're talking about a process that may or may not produce a child. And when it comes to severe genetic defects it's known that if the pregnancy should come to term it will result in a baby suffering more than most people can imagine do you support abortion? And if so do you insist every woman undergo testing and be required to abort or do you see no problem with a woman bringing such a child into the world? In other words just how much do you care about children. Let's see if we can evaluate your caring if, indeed, it is caring. How much neglect and abuse and pain and suffering do you ask of a child in order to satisfy your beliefs? Let's see if we can quantify and/or categorize your "caring". Let's dig a little deeper.

Here's your chance to make your case, to show pro-choice folks what caring is all about. Here's your chance to explain how a genetically defective child condemned to an institution for life is a good trade-off. Or how a baby will have to endure painful medical procedures for 4 or 5 years when doctors know it will die before it reaches six.

I assume you've done your research so you shouldn't have any problem justifying your views.

So, to sum up,
1. Should women be required to try and obtain funds for an abortion knowing each passing day the fetus' nervous system is developing or should an abortion be performed as soon as possible regardless of her ability to pay?
2. Should all women be compelled to undergo testing and if the fetus is found to be severely genetically impaired be obligated to abort?

Anxiously awaiting your response.
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OK. Here's the article posted by your anti-abortionist buddy Bravo. Remember, I didn't select the article and talking about a 4th grade level of reading ability that's all that's required here.

(Excerpt)Although the opinion that life begins at fertilization is the most popular view among the public, many scientists no longer support this position, as an increasing number of scientific discoveries seem to contradict it. One such discovery in the last twenty years is that research has shown that there is no "moment of fertilization" at all. Scientists now choose to view fertilization as a process that occurs over a period of 12-24 hours. (END)

Learn, Dixie. Learn.

"Scientists now choose to view fertilization as a process that occurs over a period of 12-24 hours." ???

So WTF is your point....abortion in the first 12 hours is not killing a human being? I'll buy that ....its obvious then, that after that time , abortion IS killing a human being....

* Only 1% are performed because of rape or incest;
* 1% because of fetal abnormalities;
* 3% due to the mother's health problems.
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People can be more forgiving than you can imagine. But you have to forgive yourself. Let go of what's bitter and move on.
Bill Cosby
"Scientists now choose to view fertilization as a process that occurs over a period of 12-24 hours." ???

So WTF is your point....abortion in the first 12 hours is not killing a human being? I'll buy that ....its obvious then, that after that time , abortion IS killing a human being....

What's obvious is after that time we have a fertilized cell. A fertilized cell. Maybe you consider the lives of female members of your family to be on par with a fertilized cell and if so you have my sympathies but the female members of my family rate a lot higher than that.


People can be more forgiving than you can imagine. But you have to forgive yourself. Let go of what's bitter and move on.
Bill Cosby
because it's obvious I have had more experience dealing with children with genetic defects than you have....I have posted about one of them....have you ever even spoken with a child with a genetic defect?.....

be that as it may, answer my question......what percentage of the 46 MILLION children you've helped kill over the years would have had genetic defects and how do you pretend to justify killing all of them because of the percentage that might have been?.......

Apple believes thast since one person jumped out a high story window, that ALL high story windows must have prevention measures so EVERYONE else doesn't do it.
Apple believes thast since one person jumped out a high story window, that ALL high story windows must have prevention measures so EVERYONE else doesn't do it.

I believe an unwanted child is not going to have a good life. It's called using common sense. If a woman does not want to bear a child there is a reason. If she is forced to bear a child its absurd to think that child is going to be loved and nurtured.

Again, what don't you understand?
I believe an unwanted child is not going to have a good life. It's called using common sense. If a woman does not want to bear a child there is a reason. If she is forced to bear a child its absurd to think that child is going to be loved and nurtured.

Again, what don't you understand?

Then prove that all those aborted babies were going to NOT have a good life.
Show some percentages that support your THEORY; because otherwise it's just you expressing your FEELINGS and making yourself appear to be an EMO.