Which religion is more poisonous?


Black Kitty Ain't Happy
"Religion is poison" - Mao

The Catholic religion has a widespread influence in the entire world. We see the history of it.

Do we see that much influence with Islam? We all see suicide bombers and bombings. But that's a blip on the radar.

Megachurch religion? We don't see even that close to the Catholic religion.

The rest of religions? Just a burp.

Regardless, religion is poison.
"Religion is poison" - Mao

The Catholic religion has a widespread influence in the entire world. We see the history of it.

Do we see that much influence with Islam? We all see suicide bombers and bombings. But that's a blip on the radar.

Megachurch religion? We don't see even that close to the Catholic religion.

The rest of religions? Just a burp.

Regardless, religion is poison.

Science made Zyklon-B, nuclear weapons and every modern weapon in the world. Science is evil. Ban science.
"Religion is poison" - Mao

The Catholic religion has a widespread influence in the entire world. We see the history of it.

The modern Catholic church has sometimes been a source of patriarchy, sexism, and reactionary conservatism. Crimes have been committed by individual priests.

But the religious wars of Europe and the inquisition ended 500 years ago, so I'm not seeing the Catholic faith as one of the most horrific and reprehensible influences in the modern world.

Meanwhile, as DU insinuated, 20th century science has been recruited to carry out eugenics programs, to use chemistry to gas soldiers in the trenches, and to create weapons that can destroy the planet.

When you get down to it, in principle a case can be made that crimes against humanity have been committed on large scales by science, religion, capitalism, Communism, and imperialism.

Just my two cents.
"Religion is poison" - Mao

The Catholic religion has a widespread influence in the entire world. We see the history of it.

Do we see that much influence with Islam? We all see suicide bombers and bombings. But that's a blip on the radar.

Megachurch religion? We don't see even that close to the Catholic religion.

The rest of religions? Just a burp.

Regardless, religion is poison.

No idea. Why do you ask?
"Religion is poison" - Mao

The Catholic religion has a widespread influence in the entire world. We see the history of it.

Do we see that much influence with Islam? We all see suicide bombers and bombings. But that's a blip on the radar.

Megachurch religion? We don't see even that close to the Catholic religion.

The rest of religions? Just a burp.

Regardless, religion is poison.

This is easy....leftism
There's one vote for atheism. Just like Mao and Uncle Joe!

Mao probably killed more people in the 20th century than the Catholic, Lutheran, and Reformed churches combined.

On a positive note science has been extraordinarily useful to humans in terms of consumer products, medicine, agriculture.

Christianity was extraordinarily useful to humanity because it was the tip of the spear in slavery abolition, the development of modern social welfare states, and the civil rights movement.
Mao probably killed more people in the 20th century than the Catholic, Lutheran, and Reformed churches combined.

On a positive note science has been extraordinarily useful to humans in terms of consumer products, medicine, agriculture.

Christianity was extraordinarily useful to humanity because it was the tip of the spear in slavery abolition, the development of modern social welfare states, and the civil rights movement.
Agreed on Mao. Stalin did the same thing with his forced industrialization program. Millions starved.

Agreed on science. Religion AKA moral teaching/philosophy, also has been a great benefit to mankind but, like anything created by humans, can be abused and used as a weapon.

Abuse in religion comes about when the dogma of the religion supersedes the precepts and tenets of the religion; the original purpose of why the religion formed.
The modern Catholic church has sometimes been a source of patriarchy, sexism, and reactionary conservatism. Crimes have been committed by individual priests.

But the religious wars of Europe and the inquisition ended 500 years ago, so I'm not seeing the Catholic faith as one of the most horrific and reprehensible influences in the modern world.

Meanwhile, as DU insinuated, 20th century science has been recruited to carry out eugenics programs, to use chemistry to gas soldiers in the trenches, and to create weapons that can destroy the planet.

When you get down to it, in principle a case can be made that crimes against humanity have been committed on large scales by science, religion, capitalism, Communism, and imperialism.

Just my two cents.

These crimes have been committed by human beings against other human beings. We just use different means to do it.
Agreed on Mao. Stalin did the same thing with his forced industrialization program. Millions starved.

Agreed on science. Religion AKA moral teaching/philosophy, also has been a great benefit to mankind but, like anything created by humans, can be abused and used as a weapon.

Abuse in religion comes about when the dogma of the religion supersedes the precepts and tenets of the religion; the original purpose of why the religion formed.

History is clear that religion, science, capitalism, socialism can be abused by humans with nefarious intent.
I agree. The institutions of religion, science, capitalism can be abused by people who have political, economic, or social goals.

two pukes agreeing on vanilla.

Puke 1:"vanilla is definitely the most popular flavor."

Puke 2:"I agree, we are wise."

Both: "here, here."

Mao probably killed more people in the 20th century than the Catholic, Lutheran, and Reformed churches combined.

On a positive note science has been extraordinarily useful to humans in terms of consumer products, medicine, agriculture.

Christianity was extraordinarily useful to humanity because it was the tip of the spear in slavery abolition, the development of modern social welfare states, and the civil rights movement.

Mao potentially killed more people than World War 2 did.

Here's one you probably didn't know: Mao ordered sparrows eradicated from China because they were capitalist. Known as the "Four Pests" campaign, Mao ordered sparrows killed because they ate the "people's" grain and didn't work for it...

The result of this campaign, ordered by the scientifically illiterate Mao, was widespread famine as crops failed because the lack of sparrows eating bugs and other pests ended with their near extinction in China. Other pests, like bed bugs flourished too. By many accounts the famine was so great that people turned to cannibalism to survive.

The lack of sparrows in China became so severe in terms of unintended consequences that the Chinese government had to import tens of thousands of sparrows from Russia to replace the ones they killed off...

Just another day in radical Leftist utopia...