Which religion is more poisonous?

Mao potentially killed more people than World War 2 did.

Here's one you probably didn't know: Mao ordered sparrows eradicated from China because they were capitalist. Known as the "Four Pests" campaign, Mao ordered sparrows killed because they ate the "people's" grain and didn't work for it...

The result of this campaign, ordered by the scientifically illiterate Mao, was widespread famine as crops failed because the lack of sparrows eating bugs and other pests ended with their near extinction in China. Other pests, like bed bugs flourished too. By many accounts the famine was so great that people turned to cannibalism to survive.

The lack of sparrows in China became so severe in terms of unintended consequences that the Chinese government had to import tens of thousands of sparrows from Russia to replace the ones they killed off...

Just another day in radical Leftist utopia...

Yes, I took a course in Chinese history and remember the sparrow story
History is clear that religion, science, capitalism, socialism can be abused by humans with nefarious intent.

Agreed. People can be assholes towards each other and everything else, but they can also be really, really great.
Right wing Christianity is the most destructive so called religion, because this is a form of Christianity that has been twisted and perverted and shape into a tool for indoctrinating the not so intelligent with right wing ideology.
Mao potentially killed more people than World War 2 did.

Here's one you probably didn't know: Mao ordered sparrows eradicated from China because they were capitalist. Known as the "Four Pests" campaign, Mao ordered sparrows killed because they ate the "people's" grain and didn't work for it...

The result of this campaign, ordered by the scientifically illiterate Mao, was widespread famine as crops failed because the lack of sparrows eating bugs and other pests ended with their near extinction in China. Other pests, like bed bugs flourished too. By many accounts the famine was so great that people turned to cannibalism to survive.

The lack of sparrows in China became so severe in terms of unintended consequences that the Chinese government had to import tens of thousands of sparrows from Russia to replace the ones they killed off...

Just another day in radical Leftist utopia...

Another view is that science-deniers are fucking morons.
So you agree mustard gas and religion doesn't kill people, people kill people? :)

Chemical warfare in WW1, eugenics programs, the development on North Korean nuclear weapons were not crimes of individuals. Those were state-sanctioned policies, and some of the states best scientists in biology, chemistry, physics were willingly recruited into working on those programs.

Nor were the crimes of the Spanish inquisition a matter of crimes by individuals, the inquisition was ordered and sanctioned by the Spanish monarchy.
Speaking about the mainstream religions, I can't say that there are any that are totally bad, but I do see that believing in a doctrine that is thousands of years old and has no
connection to the present day as irrational, and destructive. For example, the church prohibits any form birth controls, when the planet is over populated with humans; at some point this will lead to a serious catastrophe for mankind that will rectify itself in a very gruesome manner.
And, there is no larger, stubborner, or perverse group of science deniers than the Left...

If that were true, you'd have proof. Do you, Terry? Or do you believe as I do that political extremists, regardless of flavor, put ideology ahead of facts and science?
I just can't help but to wonder about the Evangelicals who endorse sociopath Trump; what kind of principals are they practicing????
I don't think there is any real difference between the Christian religions and the islamic ones, outside the power and control they are able to accrue in gov't.

The West has done a far better job, keeping religion mostly out of politics, despite the religious people trying to take it over, and if they did, I doubt you would see any real difference in the extremes they would go to.