Which religion is more poisonous?

I don't think there is any real difference between the Christian religions and the islamic ones, outside the power and control they are able to accrue in gov't.

The West has done a far better job, keeping religion mostly out of politics, despite the religious people trying to take it over, and if they did, I doubt you would see any real difference in the extremes they would go to.

Trump is the anti-christ. Tells us all we need to know about Christians supporting Trump.
If that were true, you'd have proof. Do you, Terry? Or do you believe as I do that political extremists, regardless of flavor, put ideology ahead of facts and science?

Why the Left disrespects science
In so-called climate science, the massive complexity of the system and large time scales make sufficient observation impossible

The Left exalts in simplistic theories supposedly describing the behavior of extremely complex systems such as the environment, the economy, and social behavior. Science does not treat such complexity, but restrains itself to small parts of the system under constrained circumstances.

https://asiatimes.com/2021/03/why-t...of the system under constrained circumstances.

The left is also guilty of unscientific dogma

Liberals deny science, too

The Liberals' War on Science
How politics distorts science on both ends of the spectrum

I am much smarter than you.

Why the Left disrespects science
In so-called climate science, the massive complexity of the system and large time scales make sufficient observation impossible

The Left exalts in simplistic theories supposedly describing the behavior of extremely complex systems such as the environment, the economy, and social behavior. Science does not treat such complexity, but restrains itself to small parts of the system under constrained circumstances.

https://asiatimes.com/2021/03/why-t...of the system under constrained circumstances.

The left is also guilty of unscientific dogma

Liberals deny science, too

The Liberals' War on Science
How politics distorts science on both ends of the spectrum


I never disagreed that political extremists distort or deny science, Terry. Why do you refuse to admit the Right extremists are equally guilty of doing so? Including yourself?
I never disagreed that political extremists distort or deny science, Terry. Why do you refuse to admit the Right extremists are equally guilty of doing so? Including yourself?

I explained that you retard. I guess you are selectively illiterate or something...
I explained that you retard. I guess you are selectively illiterate or something...

Thanks for more proof your anger, your emotional response and lack of a balanced, scientific mind, Terry.

Are you sick? Cancer? Have you been diagnosed with early onset dementia? Trouble at home? At work? Were you fired or did your wife leave you? What have tipped you from being a balanced retired Navy Chief into an emotional hot mess who screams insults on the Internet all day?
Religions have the same ethics as corporations or despots. They want more money and more power for those at the top. They want to grow. They will go to war against other religions. They will take over countries. Religions do not bring peace, but conflict. We would be better off without them.