White climate Nazis deface STONE HENGE - I will never support these self righteous authoritarian White Libs, They are pure EVIL


Harris - make America a 3rd world shithole
Climate protesters spray orange paint over Stonehenge
AP News
https://apnews.com › article › stonehenge-vandalism-pa...
stonehenge defaced from apnews.com
23 hours ago — Two climate protesters were arrested after orange paint was sprayed on the ancient Stonehenge monument in southern England."

Rich White libs and AWFL's think this is funny. Nazi fucking bastards think they can control people and the climate. :palm:

AWFL = Affluent White Female Libtard
Climate protesters spray orange paint over Stonehenge
AP News
https://apnews.com › article › stonehenge-vandalism-pa...
stonehenge defaced from apnews.com
23 hours ago — Two climate protesters were arrested after orange paint was sprayed on the ancient Stonehenge monument in southern England."

Rich White libs and AWFL's think this is funny. Nazi fucking bastards think they can control people and the climate. :palm:

AWFL = Affluent White Female Libtard

Wow. So bad people doing bad things in service to a good cause makes the cause bad. Got it.

So when Neo-Nazis protest alongside Conservatives in a "Unite the Right" rally does it make Conservatism a Nazi cause?

Just checking to make sure you have a clear understanding of what your reasoning appears to be.
Wow. So bad people doing bad things in service to a good cause makes the cause bad. Got it.

So when Neo-Nazis protest alongside Conservatives in a "Unite the Right" rally does it make Conservatism a Nazi cause?

Just checking to make sure you have a clear understanding of what your reasoning appears to be.
You tell me ...

White Nationalist Richard Spencer Votes for Joe[/B] Bidenhttps://www.newsweek.com › ... › Twitter
Nov 3, 2020 — "To hell with libertarian ideology," Richard Spencer tweeted Tuesday. "I'm a libertarian when I want to be."

Richard Spencer Reiterates Support for Biden, Disavows ...[URL]https://www.newsweek.com[/url] › ... › Endorsements
Aug 25, 2020 — White nationalist Richard Spencer reiterated his support for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden Tuesday, days after a spokesman for the ...

Richard Spencer endorses Joe Biden; campaign swiftly ...[URL]https://www.syracuse.com[/url] › politics › 2020/08 › richard-s...
Aug 25, 2020 — White nationalist Richard Spencer says he's voting for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden in the 2020 election, four years after ...

Biden Campaign Disavows Endorsement From Richard Spencerhttps://www.businessinsider.com › Politics › News
Aug 24, 2020 — Richard Spencer, a prominent neo-Nazi who coined the term "alt-right," said over the weekend that he would vote for Joe Biden in the ...

White supremacist Richard Spencer votes for Joe Biden[URL]https://www.dailymail.co.uk[/url] › news › article-8912091
Nov 4, 2020 — White supremacist Richard Spencer, known for popularising the term 'alt-right', posted a picture of his ballot paper saying 'To hell with ...

EDITORIAL: A racist's endorsement of Biden comes as no ...[URL]https://gazette.com[/url] › opinion › editorial-a-racists-endorse...
Aug 26, 2020 — Neo-Nazi white supremacist Richard Spencer wholeheartedly endorses Joe Biden for president. This should surprise no one familiar with Biden ..."

Spencer is a bit slow. It took him a long time to figure out the Dem media lied to him about Donald Trump being a lifelong neo nazi skinhead.
You tell me ...

White Nationalist Richard Spencer Votes for Joe[/B] Bidenhttps://www.newsweek.com › ... › Twitter
Nov 3, 2020 — "To hell with libertarian ideology," Richard Spencer tweeted Tuesday. "I'm a libertarian when I want to be."

Richard Spencer Reiterates Support for Biden, Disavows ...[URL]https://www.newsweek.com[/url] › ... › Endorsements
Aug 25, 2020 — White nationalist Richard Spencer reiterated his support for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden Tuesday, days after a spokesman for the ...

Richard Spencer endorses Joe Biden; campaign swiftly ...[URL]https://www.syracuse.com[/url] › politics › 2020/08 › richard-s...
Aug 25, 2020 — White nationalist Richard Spencer says he's voting for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden in the 2020 election, four years after ...

Biden Campaign Disavows Endorsement From Richard Spencerhttps://www.businessinsider.com › Politics › News
Aug 24, 2020 — Richard Spencer, a prominent neo-Nazi who coined the term "alt-right," said over the weekend that he would vote for Joe Biden in the ...

White supremacist Richard Spencer votes for Joe Biden[URL]https://www.dailymail.co.uk[/url] › news › article-8912091
Nov 4, 2020 — White supremacist Richard Spencer, known for popularising the term 'alt-right', posted a picture of his ballot paper saying 'To hell with ...

EDITORIAL: A racist's endorsement of Biden comes as no ...[URL]https://gazette.com[/url] › opinion › editorial-a-racists-endorse...
Aug 26, 2020 — Neo-Nazi white supremacist Richard Spencer wholeheartedly endorses Joe Biden for president. This should surprise no one familiar with Biden ..."

Spencer is a bit slow. It took him a long time to figure out the Dem media lied to him about Donald Trump being a lifelong neo nazi skinhead.

So you are running away from the original question as asked so you can ask a different unrelated question.
So you are running away from the original question as asked so you can ask a different unrelated question.
Nope, Not one White Lib condemns these violent vile acts. Even you, only seek to justify them.

In your world, only the Rich can AFFORD to pollute. Fuck the poor and middle class is the REAL elitist socialist motto.
Nope, Not one White Lib condemns these violent vile acts.

I do. But that's not your point. You want to demonize climate activism by pointing out the worst people doing stuff associated with it.

So I asked a simple question you refuse to answer.

Even you, only seek to justify them.

BULL FUCKING SHIT. I never did any such thing. If you actually honestly read my post you'd see I called them "bad people".

I wish you guys on the Right could read or had more than half a functioning brain.
I do. But that's not your point. You want to demonize climate activism by pointing out the worst people doing stuff associated with it.

So I asked a simple question you refuse to answer.

BULL FUCKING SHIT. I never did any such thing. If you actually honestly read my post you'd see I called them "bad people".

I wish you guys on the Right could read or had more than half a functioning brain.
Cracka pleez,

You immediately justified their actions by calling it a "good cause". :palm:

In your world, only the Rich can AFFORD to pollute. Fuck the poor and middle class is the REAL elitist socialist motto.
Stopping climate change IS a good cause. You are the one demonizing it by leveraging the actions of the worst people.
YOU think you can control the climate :rofl2:

All YOU want to do is control people. Keep the poor ... poor. You get a sadistic thrill out of punishing people and halting class mobility. Let the elite socialists fly their private jets. Not a word from you. You don't give a flying fuck about the environment.

You don't give a fuck about long line fishing, bottom trawling, killing bycatch, shark finning, pollution in China, rape of the Congo, or turning wildlife habitat into farm land. You don't even know what half of that is.

All you care about is your sadistic pleasure hiding behind your virtue signaling.
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Climate protesters spray orange paint over Stonehenge
AP News
https://apnews.com › article › stonehenge-vandalism-pa...
stonehenge defaced from apnews.com
23 hours ago — Two climate protesters were arrested after orange paint was sprayed on the ancient Stonehenge monument in southern England."

Rich White libs and AWFL's think this is funny. Nazi fucking bastards think they can control people and the climate. :palm:

AWFL = Affluent White Female Libtard
Anyone defacing an ancient site like Stonehenge is a fucking moron...and should face serious consequences.

That does not impact on the fact that climate change and its related factors may do irreversible, existential damage to planet Earth. I hope these people pay a high price for what they did...and I still hope that the morons who do not see the danger in what they were protesting finally wake the hell up.
Anyone defacing an ancient site like Stonehenge is a fucking moron...and should face serious consequences.

That does not impact on the fact that climate change and its related factors may do irreversible, existential damage to planet Earth. I hope these people pay a high price for what they did...and I still hope that the morons who do not see the danger in what they were protesting finally wake the hell up.
They are not morons, they are EVIL and they know it.

What do you think a glacial period will do to the Earth? Catastrophic Anthropogenic climate change is a massive nazi hoax to control people.

Globally, $20 trillion has been spent on it. It is profitable. By how many degrees did white libs change the climate???? They never have an answer.
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Cracka pleez,

You immediately justified their actions by calling it a "good cause". :palm:

In your world, only the Rich can AFFORD to pollute. Fuck the poor and middle class is the REAL elitist socialist motto.
The cause being "good" doesn't mean what is done in its name is "good". It's a mental midget step but you can do it if you try.
The cause being "good" doesn't mean what is done in its name is "good". This mental midget step seems to have tripped you up.
How very Machiavellian of you. IT is NOT a good cause.

When will you demand the world's climate czars stop flying private jets and have video conferences instead? NEVER.
YOU think you can control the climate :rofl2:

I tend to want to take responsibility for our actions and since we are responsible for at least 51% of the current warming due to OUR ACTIONS/EMISSIONS then yes I do think we have an obligation to do something.

All YOU want to do is control people. Keep the poor ... poor. You get a sadistic thrill out of punishing people and halting class mobility. Let the elite socialists fly their private jets. Not a word from you. You don't give a flying fuck about the environment.

Ahhh the old crocodile tears for the poor. Like you give a flying fuck about the poor. You are just using them to score political points. Pathetic.
That's all you got? Seriously? You don't know much about the science, so I guess just random shitposting is all you are left with.

Try something new and original: take a science class.
Actually, it's you that doesn't know much about science, and yes, "climate change" as proposed by the IPCC is mostly bullshit science.