White House admits Biden uncle wasn’t eaten by cannibals, died in Pacific Ocean crash

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre acknowledged Thursday that President Biden’s maternal uncle, Ambrose Finnegan, actually died when his plane crashed into the Pacific Ocean during World War II — and that he wasn’t eaten by cannibals, as Biden implied on two separate occasions Wednesday.

Jean-Pierre told reporters aboard Air Force One that the 81-year-old president was merely expressing how “incredibly proud” he was of Finnegan when Biden suggested New Guinea natives had eaten him in 1944.

“You saw the president, he was incredibly proud of his uncle’s service in uniform. You saw him at the War Memorial. It was incredibly emotional and important to him,” Jean-Pierre said en route to Philadelphia, where Biden was making his third consecutive day of campaign visits to the Keystone State.

“You saw him respond to all of you when asked about the moment yesterday and his uncle who lost his life when the military aircraft he was on crashed in the Pacific after taking off near New Guinea.”

The press secretary cut short follow-up questions, citing the presidential plane’s approach to the Philadelphia airport.

After visiting a Scranton, Pa., war memorial that bears his uncle’s name, Biden indicated that cannibals finished off Finnegan.

“He got shot down in an area where there were a lot of cannibals at the time. They never recovered his body, but the government went back when I went down there and they checked and found some parts of the plane,” Biden told reporters in Scranton, where he was born and lived off and on until he was 10 years old.

Later Wednesday, Biden told steelworkers in Pittsburgh that Ambrose Finnegan “got shot down in New Guinea and they never found the body because there used to be — there were a lot of cannibals, for real, in that part of New Guinea.”

The official US military account of Finnegan’s death, referenced by Jean-Pierre, contradicts the president’s story.

“For unknown reasons, this plane was forced to ditch in the ocean off the north coast of New Guinea. Both engines failed at low altitude, and the aircraft’s nose hit the water hard,” the Pentagon’s Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency says.

“Three men failed to emerge from the sinking wreck and were lost in the crash. One crew member survived and was rescued by a passing barge. An aerial search the next day found no trace of the missing aircraft or the lost crew members.”

Biden has a long history of telling provably false personal anecdotes, or dubious tales for which there is no documentation, in an attempt to connect to his audiences — in this case, Pennsylvania voters who could determine the outcome of his bid for a second term against former President Donald Trump.


He was eaten by the Corn Pop tribe.
Driver In Biden Crash Wanted Name Cleared

Dunn died in 1999, but since then his family has endured widespread rumors and reports that he had been drinking just before the collision.

At least twice, Biden himself has made public references to alcohol being involved in the crash. In 2007 Biden said the truck driver "allegedly ... drank his lunch." And multiple news outlets, including CBS News, have reported that Dunn was drunk.

Judge Jerome Herlihy, who investigated the crash, supports Hamill's claim.

He told CBS News, "There was no indication that the truck driver had been drinking."


She had driven the car past a stop sign and directly into the path of a tractor-trailer.

From your first link:
The police reports have been lost….

I tried to pull up a map to see if it was a blind curve, but the area is overbuilt now. There’s no indication she ran the stop sign, but it’s possible the truck was in her blind spot since she pulled in front of the truck.
From your first link:
The police reports have been lost….

I tried to pull up a map to see if it was a blind curve, but the area is overbuilt now. There’s no indication she ran the stop sign, but it’s possible the truck was in her blind spot since she pulled in front of the truck.

Biden spread the lie driver drank his lunch...thats the main point
Biden spread the lie driver drank his lunch...thats the main point
A grieving widower who also lost a child. I see it as him trying to rectify it in his mind. If he was your neighbor, I’m hoping you’d be more compassionate and let it go, but since he’s a Democrat running against the Biggest Liar to ever be in the WH, I can see why you want to nail him as a bold faced liar like Pedo Don.
A grieving widower who also lost a child. I see it as him trying to rectify it in his mind..

He lied about it in 2007 35 yrs after the fact..when he knew it was in fact not the case

He had 35 years to rectify his mind and still lied about the facts
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Trump is a textbook pathological liar. He was shamed into admitting he was wrong - and you can tell by how he did it.

He has told thousands more lies without admitting anything. He lies every day.
Are you equally critical of Biden chronic lying. He is FAMOUS for his wild lies.

If you have not been equally critical of Biden's chronic lying you have forever ceded your complaints of lying to those that have pointed out Biden's lies.
Biden spread the lie driver drank his lunch...thats the main point

Yep Biden has been lying about it for decades.
According to Delaware Superior Court Judge Jerome O. Herlihy, who oversaw the police investigation 36 years ago as chief prosecutor, there is no evidence supporting Biden’s claim.

“The rumor about alcohol being involved by either party, especially the truck driver (Dunn), is incorrect,” Herlihy said recently.

Police determined that Biden’s first wife drove into the path of Dunn’s tractor-trailer, possibly because her head was turned and she didn’t see the oncoming truck.
He lied about it in 2007 35 yrs after the fact..when he knew it was in fact not the case

He had 35 years to rectify his mind and still lied about the facts
Like your claim that she ran the stop sign, there’s no evidence for or against. The police records are lost, neither driver was cited, the dead can’t talk.

Do you believe a person who truly believes something is a liar or simply delusional or demented?
You’re either lying or an idiot, Pup, since the article says this:

The editor of the biographical text about Barack Obama which was included in the booklet maintained that the mention of Kenya was an error on her part and was not based on any information provided to her by Obama himself:

BTW, you fucked up the link too, son. Try this one: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/promotional-booklet/

An error

You lack reading comprehension, Aryan. She was an editor, a fact checker who never spoke to Hussein.
She was NOT the author who wrote he was born in Kenya. That was most likely the greedy Hussein himself.

No one confuses Hawaii with Kenya except you.

My statement about a marketing ploy stands.
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Are you admitting that all the Birthers were suckers and/or liars, pup? Including Pedo Don himself? How many years did he push that lie?

Your lack of reading comprehension and honesty is astounding, Aryan. Which is why I usually just ignore and skip your posts.

Here is another Hussein lie ...

"Hussein Pretended to Have WMD Due To Fear Of Iran

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
https://www.rferl.org › Hussein_Pretended_to_Have_W...
Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein retained power for decades partly by convincing his enemies that he was more powerful than he really was."

Your lack of reading comprehension and honesty is astounding, Aryan. Which is why I usually just ignore and skip your posts.
You lie about Trump being a Birther then you confuse Barack Obama with Saddam Hussein? Are you sober, pup, or just demented?
You lie about Trump being a Birther then you confuse Barack Obama with Saddam Hussein? Are you sober, pup, or just demented?

And another Hussein lie ...

" Obama's 'You Can Keep It' Promise Is 'Lie Of The Year'

https://www.npr.org › thetwo-way › 2013/12/13 › oba...
Dec 13, 2013 — "For all of these reasons, PolitiFact has named 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it,' the Lie of the Year for 2013. Readers in a ..."
Like your claim that she ran the stop sign, there’s no evidence for or against. The police records are lost, neither driver was cited, the dead can’t talk.

Do you believe a person who truly believes something is a liar or simply delusional or demented?

After 35 years have past...it would be delusional or demented

It was well known by that time the truck driver wasn't drunk driving

So if Bush truly believed Iraq had WMDs per the intel reports at the time..he didn't lie
And another Hussein lie ...

" Obama's 'You Can Keep It' Promise Is 'Lie Of The Year'

https://www.npr.org › thetwo-way › 2013/12/13 › oba...
Dec 13, 2013 — "For all of these reasons, PolitiFact has named 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it,' the Lie of the Year for 2013. Readers in a ..."

Why do you keep confusing. Barack and Saddam? You posted about Barack, then talked about Saddam, then back to Barack. Not only that, but you skip over the years Trump was a birther and you’re doing it on a thread about Biden. WTF, pup? Are you drunk, drugged or delirious?
After 35 years have past...it would be delusional or demented

It was well known by that time the truck driver wasn't drunk driving

So if Bush truly believed Iraq had WMDs per the intel reports at the time..he didn't lie
Another reason to never vote for anyone over 65.

Now who’s lying, vols?

Disagreed, but thanks for the derail.

Why do you keep confusing. Barack and Saddam? You posted about Barack, then talked about Saddam, then back to Barack. Not only that, but you skip over the years Trump was a birther and you’re doing it on a thread about Biden. WTF, pup? Are you drunk, drugged or delirious?

Obama said it first in 1991.

An error

You lack reading comprehension, Aryan. She was an editor, a fact checker who never spoke to Hussein.
She was NOT the author who wrote he was born in Kenya. That was most likely the greedy Hussein himself.

No one confuses Hawaii with Kenya except you.

My statement about a marketing ploy stands.