White House admits Biden uncle wasn’t eaten by cannibals, died in Pacific Ocean crash


Those Bidens are shit!
Biden was just a small boy when he learned of his Uncle's death. And, he is most likely referring to a concern that his family had over what happened to his uncle, whose body was never found. All we know, and all his family knows, is his plane went down, and only one person was known to survive the crash. There were 2 or 3 other military personal whose bodies were never recovered.

We have no idea what the military told his family about the recovery efforts by the Military about the investigation into the crash, or efforts by the military to search for the survivors of that crash. BUT I AM SURE THE BIDEN FAMILY HAD QUESTIONS ABOUT THAT.

The fact that one soldier did survive the crash, may have led his family to believe that his uncle may have made it to shore. The one known survivor was rescued near the crash sight, still floating in the water by a passing barge.

But, anyway, there obviously was a concern in the Biden family that his Uncle could have made it to shore and risked further danger by being killed by the natives, who were very primitive and had a history of being cannibals.

But, there is no telling how Biden himself as a child, was told by his family of his uncle's death, or how he made conclusions of his own, based upon what he was told. More-than likely his family told him that his Uncle went missing off the coast after a plane crash, and even if he made it to shore he could have been captured by the natives, and God only knows what happened to his uncle.

I grew up believing, based on rumors by my family elders, that my surname and family roots started in Germany, and that my Great Grandmother was full-blooded Choctaw. But, after many years later, my Aunt had our family history investigated, and learned that my family and it's surname all came from Scotland, and that my Great Grandmother turned out to be full-blooded Cherokee!

I told people for years, up until I was around 40 years old, that I was of German decent, and that I was part Choctaw AMERICAN Indian.

Call, me a liar of you want, but I was just going on what I was told my own family.

Sorry, but, I do not feel like a liar! I do feel fortunate now to know the roots of my family.

But no one really knows for sure what happened to Biden's uncle, and it will never be proven one way or another.

And unless someone has proof of Biden's Uncle's fate- THEY CANNOT HONESTLY ACCUSE HIM OF LYING!
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Biden was just a small boy when he learned of his Uncle's death. And, he is most likely referring to a concern that his family had over what happened to his uncle, whose body was never found. All we know, and all his family knows, is his plane went down, and only one person was known to survive the crash. There were 2 or 3 other military personal whose bodies were never recovered.

We have no idea what the military told his family about the recovery efforts by the Military about the investigation into the crash, or efforts by the military to search for the survivors of that crash. BUT I AM SURE THE BIDEN FAMILY HAD QUESTIONS ABOUT THAT.

The fact that one soldier did survive the crash, may have led his family to believe that his uncle may have made it to shore. The one known survivor was rescued near the crash sight, still floating in the water by a passing barge.

But, anyway, there obviously was a concern in the Biden family that his Uncle could have made it to shore and risked further danger by being killed by the natives, who were very primitive and had a history of being cannibals.

But, there is no telling how Biden himself as a child, was told by his family of his uncle's death, or how he made conclusions of his own, based upon what he was told. More-than likely his family told him that his Uncle went missing off the coast after a plane crash, and even if he made it to shore he could have been captured by the natives, and God only knows what happened to his uncle.

I grew up believing, based on rumors by my family elders, that my surname and family roots started in Germany, and that my Great Grandmother was full-blooded Choctaw. But, after many years later, my Aunt had our family history investigated, and learned that my family and it's surname all came from Scotland, and that my Great Grandmother turned out to be full-blooded Cherokee!

I told people for years, up until I was around 40 years old, that I was of German decent, and that I was part Choctaw AMERICAN Indian.

Call, me a liar of you want, but I was just going on what I was told my own family.

Sorry, but, I do not feel like a liar! I do feel fortunate now to know the roots of my family.

But no one really knows for sure what happened to Biden's uncle, and it will never be proven one way or another.

And unless someone has proof of Biden's Uncle's fate- THEY CANNOT HONESTLY ACCUSE HIM OF LYING!

Thank you Lizzy Warren

Thank you Lizzy Warren


Here again, a great example of someone who grew up listening to their family elders, and repeating rumors of their heritage, that are later found out to be proven wrong!

Thanks for helping me make my point!

Here again, I do not hold this against her, or accuse her of lying about anything, as she was only proving that SHE WAS HUMAN- AND HUMANS ARE SUBJECT TO ERR! Most certainly when they believe things repeated to them by their own family since they were just a child!

Good for her, as she has closure now in her case- even as embarrassing as that must have been for her!

But for Biden, he will never have closure regarding what really happened to his uncle, as the truth cannot ever be really known.

And another Hussein lie ...

" Obama's 'You Can Keep It' Promise Is 'Lie Of The Year'

https://www.npr.org › thetwo-way › 2013/12/13 › oba...
Dec 13, 2013 — "For all of these reasons, PolitiFact has named 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it,' the Lie of the Year for 2013. Readers in a ..."

This one was hilarious during the Trump years. Trump would average around 15-20 lies a day - and when that was pointed out, righties kept responding w/ this ONE - which isn't even a lie. It's a mischaracterization.

But let's call it a lie. It's the ONLY one righties could ever cite - while Trump's lies kept piling up to mountainous proportions.
After 35 years have past...it would be delusional or demented

It was well known by that time the truck driver wasn't drunk driving

So if Bush truly believed Iraq had WMDs per the intel reports at the time..he didn't lie

Yes he did.

But Bush wasn't a pathological liar; neither is Biden.

Trump? Trump is a textbook pathological liar. He lies like he breathes. I'm astounded people support him - what are you supporting? He will turn on a dime, and make up any story or "fact" that suits him.
Just a reminder: conservatives ceded any concern about honesty as any kind of issue when they voted for Trump in 2016.

You don't have to remind me. We (as in pubs and dims) could do better... but for some reason we just can't. Our political system is failing.
You don't have to remind me. We (as in pubs and dims) could do better... but for some reason we just can't. Our political system is failing.

The last candidate I actually liked was John Kasich - who I think would have made a great President.

For some weird reason, we seem to devalue common sense, good experience and actual accomplishments when it comes to electing a President.
This one was hilarious during the Trump years. Trump would average around 15-20 lies a day - and when that was pointed out, righties kept responding w/ this ONE - which isn't even a lie. It's a mischaracterization.

But let's call it a lie. It's the ONLY one righties could ever cite - while Trump's lies kept piling up to mountainous proportions.

Trump is entertaining and very funny. Every time he told a joke, the left screamed in rage that it was a lie. :rofl2:
The last candidate I actually liked was John Kasich - who I think would have made a great President.

For some weird reason, we seem to devalue common sense, good experience and actual accomplishments when it comes to electing a President.

I voted 3rd party all my life. Even voted for Nader because of his anti gov't corruption stance and long amazing record of altruistic public works.

Trump is a 3rd party outsider. It's the first time "my guy" won!

Trump is altruistic. He is sacrificing a billionaire's retirement life of ease, celebrity, and luxury ... for one of hell and persecution.
Biden's uncle was a passenger in a military plane that crashed in the water. His body was not found in the plane with the other bodies. He was off the shore in New Guinea which had cannibals at that time. His body was never found.
I just read that. It makes a better story to say cannibals ate him.
Biden's uncle was a passenger in a military plane that crashed in the water. His body was not found in the plane with the other bodies. He was off the shore in New Guinea which had cannibals at that time. His body was never found.
I just read that. It makes a better story to say cannibals ate him.

People are told all sorts of things as children. And who knows, maybe it really did happen.
People are told all sorts of things as children. And who knows, maybe it really did happen.

Agreed that Biden was simply retelling the story the way he heard it as a child. IMO, that indicates a little elderly dementia.
Agreed that Biden was simply retelling the story the way he heard it as a child. IMO, that indicates a little elderly dementia.

When I was a kid, I heard from a family member who was a Vietnam vet that the Vietcong being Buddhist would eat captured Americans' livers in front of them while they die. Supposedly they believed this would transfer the Americans souls into the Vietcong.

I was about to tell my daughter this bit of "wisdom", when I suddenly realized: Buddhist are not big on cannibalism, The Vietcong with communists(not Buddhists), why would a Vietcong soldier want an American soul in their body, etc. It is a story that does not make sense.

So I called my uncle, who still swears it is true, and he saw the bodies of dead Americans with their livers eaten.

I am not saying it is true, I am not saying it is untrue, but I am not passing it down to the next generation.
Biden was just a small boy when he learned of his Uncle's death. And, he is most likely referring to a concern that his family had over what happened to his uncle, whose body was never found. All we know, and all his family knows, is his plane went down, and only one person was known to survive the crash. There were 2 or 3 other military personal whose bodies were never recovered.

We have no idea what the military told his family about the recovery efforts by the Military about the investigation into the crash, or efforts by the military to search for the survivors of that crash. BUT I AM SURE THE BIDEN FAMILY HAD QUESTIONS ABOUT THAT.

The fact that one soldier did survive the crash, may have led his family to believe that his uncle may have made it to shore. The one known survivor was rescued near the crash sight, still floating in the water by a passing barge.

But, anyway, there obviously was a concern in the Biden family that his Uncle could have made it to shore and risked further danger by being killed by the natives, who were very primitive and had a history of being cannibals.

But, there is no telling how Biden himself as a child, was told by his family of his uncle's death, or how he made conclusions of his own, based upon what he was told. More-than likely his family told him that his Uncle went missing off the coast after a plane crash, and even if he made it to shore he could have been captured by the natives, and God only knows what happened to his uncle.

I grew up believing, based on rumors by my family elders, that my surname and family roots started in Germany, and that my Great Grandmother was full-blooded Choctaw. But, after many years later, my Aunt had our family history investigated, and learned that my family and it's surname all came from Scotland, and that my Great Grandmother turned out to be full-blooded Cherokee!

I told people for years, up until I was around 40 years old, that I was of German decent, and that I was part Choctaw AMERICAN Indian.

Call, me a liar of you want, but I was just going on what I was told my own family.

Sorry, but, I do not feel like a liar! I do feel fortunate now to know the roots of my family.

But no one really knows for sure what happened to Biden's uncle, and it will never be proven one way or another.

And unless someone has proof of Biden's Uncle's fate- THEY CANNOT HONESTLY ACCUSE HIM OF LYING!

Thank goodness for your Aunt.

Biden has been in gov't for 50 years, and is now CIC of the military ... and he still doesn't know the plane was not shot down on land, but simply crashed in the ocean? :palm:

Clearly, Biden's story is a plagiarized version of the Michael Rockefeller story.

And Why would he even make that Lie part of his campaign speech?
Infrastructure bill in two weeks
Better insurance than the ACA in two weeks
Mexico will pay for the wall
I’m not a crook
2020 election was rigged
CoVID was under control
Trump is immune from all his crimes
He didn’t inflate his assets
He had aright to retain nuclear secrets
He didn’t plan a coup

those are all disproven leftwing conspiracy theories.
Not really, but even that was after years of repeating the lie over & over & over again.

Remember when he said he had investigators down in Hawaii, and he couldn't believe what they were uncovering?

Trump lies like he breathes. This thread is a joke. Conservatives ceded concern about honesty in 2016.

why do you people lose every thread?